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Aw man, I had the perfect OP image
Is c6wExpert here?
Quiet in the corner, numb and falling through. Without you, what does my life amount to?
I'm quietly lurking too
Driving intermittently
Pretty sad what happened to candito
Godamn the ass on that girl
before I go to bed I just want to say FUCK YOU JOFFFBITCH for copying my program AGAIN
I don't know why but it pisses me off so much
Little fucking snot nosed shit
*underaged girl
Dude, those chips have a huge fucking side of guac, he is CLEARLY the guy with the best date, goddamn.
Today's lifts
Squat 3x5 108kg
Bench 3x5 71.5kg
ConDeadlift 2x5 112.5kg
DB Rows 3.5x5 42kg, did an extra set with my left side because it's weaker than my right
Shoulder Press 3x5 45kg
Leg Press 3x10 79kg
Curls 3x8 30kg
Curls suck, they really suck and hurt my forearms.
is trappy chan dead?
trappy-chan is getting SPHINXED by RICARDO RIGHT NOW while you post on an anonymous ANIME imageboard
Yeah whats up
Isley's name isn't ricardo...
What happened? All I know is he's not posted anything for a few months. Did he get injured?
>for a few months
lol no
lol check his twitter
Anybody need some help?
oh god it's been three months
>he doesn't know
>candito is yet another victim of the top tier of raw lifting going up like 50-100kg in the last few years
when is the next cornelius or haack gonna pop out of the lolfed wood works to dominate?
he posted something about 2 weeks or less ago, an Instagram of him dead-lifting some serious weight, so he's not dead, just taking a break from social media it seems.
here it is
he's still posting occasionally on his personal twitter account as well
bodorio's gf is doing a q and a on @theipf this friday
get HYPE
Since i am a fucking retarded i am going to try and do Smolov jr while swtiching to low bar.
Do these look like squats? I know they are high but i will work on that.
Holy shit, your total is absolutely pathetic
You're an embarrassment to this general and should probably leave since you are not and never will be a powerlifter
That's a bad idea, do something intelligent like Sheiko u80kg if you want a tough squat program.
Why are you using that jacked up bar?
>SBD sleeves
>Tapered Belt
What the fuck is going on
only have 4 weeks before i go away for a month.
Both of the non shit bars were being used on benches.
Trip on buddy.
I guess i should do another 1rm test day, i am clearly stronger and my 5rm has gone up on everything, calculators are giving me a projected 873lb total now, so i could get an 850lb total i think.
The added frequency feels amazing, i really think "3 days a week for max gains!" is a total meme made for people who don't want to work out very much
like my second time low bar squatting, i don't have any flat shoes.
>Both of the non shit bars were being used on benches.
Why would you let them do such a thing?
Mate. M8. Meight.
You can wear heels and squat lowbar.
yeah I know, who benches with the squat bar?
seems like it would be much safer if used for squats
How's that working out for your squat lol owned
one of them was a trainer and the other was this group of 3 ~40 year olds that would take turns benching 2 plate to failure and then wondering why they were getting less reps the next set.
Ah fuck. A lady gave me a cold lads. Usually my eight hours of sleep p night prevents it but she didn't let me get my regular sleep
;) ;) ;)
ill try that tomorow
Are you lifting at Westside? I can't imagine that being normal anywhere else.
You fucked a girls butthole last night?
Its just a small gym attached to a sports club.
>that hunger during the first few days of a cut
And it has two squat bars? Sounds like a safe place.
guys how do I get this smell out of my carpet
I spilled a drink on the carpet
Then when I used the stain remover stuff i guess I left it wet now it smells like wet dog even though it's dried now
I tried washing it again with soap as water but the smell came back
I washed it again after that with soap and water
I also sprayed axe on it
And emptied a bottle of after shave on it
Then a few days later I also sprayed it with cologne a bunch of times
But the smell of wet dog always comes back what the fuck do I do I'm serious
I also aired out the room a bunch of times
No luck
>I also sprayed axe on it
>And emptied a bottle of after shave on it
>Then a few days later I also sprayed it with cologne a bunch of times
top kek m8
>But the smell of wet dog always comes back what the fuck do I do I'm serious
then don't use dog hair carpet silly!
how about you stop being a drunken 77kg cuck?
also when you going up to 93 lad?
>when your lifting buddy quits the gym because his girlfriend wants him to spend more time with her and is clearly threatened by his progress
i miss having friends, it was a good 12 months
The great bulk begins on August 8
i lifted more in high school
somebody fell for the high test meme
I can curl your whole PL total in a good day, not even joking. Are you a womyn?
>Leg Press 3x10 79kg
Dude, badass. You're officially my hero.
n-no hetero
>i lifted more in high school
and i'm sure they only counted it if you could lift it three times with PERFECT form.
>I can curl your whole PL total in a good day
800lb curl? considering the world record is no where near that high, you should do that on camera
putting on weight is really hard unless i eat nothing but HSPs and mcdonalds.
>I can curl your whole PL total in a good day, not even joking. Are you a womyn?
World record for curls are 440lbs for shit form and 225lbs for strict form, you have to lie to one up rasputin? kill yourself.
Oh I thought your total was 799lbs, but ill get dat there 800 someday
Most of us did. I squatted 275x5 after 4 months when I was 17 at 155ish.
>kill yourself.
did this ever work?
>unironically claiming 799lb curl
you're an idiot, this is the worst trolling i've ever seen
you hurt my feelings. I thought this is a non bully zone
Rasputin is an acceptable target, and you're literally worse than him.
target for what?
These are the people criticizing me...
holy shit
dude do you have hormone deficiency?
You realize this is what a fit sex figure used to look like right?
>ConDeadlift 2x5 112.5kg
Con DL?? Is there a honest DL by?
nn lads
gonna beat this cold.
I care
dead thread
why don't you get grindr senpai??
A standing press from a rack would be a better, less silly, less gimmicky, less contrived, and more relatable lift to contest than the bench press.
lol no
>more relatable
i still live with my parents
They are currently arguing about painting the trailer green and altering it to better hold my mother's golf cart. they aren't disagreeing about anything, but still arguing about it
that's a one way ticket to snap city
it got taking out because it became silly and gimmicky
There is a Sumo deadlift, which i PRd on saturday with 5 reps of 145kg, all time 1rm is only 155kg, so i need to check it again soon
People do not have a good idea of how heavy some super wide grip, hyperarched, hextuple ply shirt lift with your back braced on a bench is.
Everyone has tried to lift something that wasn't very heavy overhead and was surprised how difficult it was.
Another benefit is that you don't need a team of dipshit spotters hovering around, and fewer deaths.
No, it got replaced because the bench press allows goons to ego lift heavier weights and because of the general stupidity that fuels equipped powerlifting and a lack of drug tests or depth in recreational feds in the name of saying you "lift" heavier weights.
>Everyone has tried to lift something that wasn't very heavy overhead and was surprised how difficult it was.
no people always underestimate ohp's
That explains the four daily "WHY IS MY OHP STALLED/ONLY 75 POUNDS?!" threads.
that's more explained by people training like idiots i think, but partly yeah
that would just make upper body even more pointless in powerlifting.
My stats would literally be 180/70/220 just go full trex and don't even bother with ohp.
how is your ohp that weak
finally get to lift for real again today
>Lift is 90% deltoids, traps, pectorals, and triceps
But yeah, it's totally a lower body lift.