11 people die every year from bench press (fact).
Ever drop a barbell on your face, Veeky Forums?
11 people die every year from bench press (fact).
Ever drop a barbell on your face, Veeky Forums?
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No, but then again I'm not retarded.
>in professional environment
>3 spotters
>still died
Wow what a retard, right?
protip: if you do DB bench instead, you'll manage to do more reps because you won't be afraid of killing yourself
He probably died because Russian hospitals suck
holy fucking shit, why would he drop the weight like that?
>3 spotters
Did he really die? He looked fine after it.
Aaron Rodgers is the luckiest man on Earth.
Suicide grip?
>thinking olivia munn is anything higher than a 7
How much weight can you do on DB bench vs barbell? I manage about 85% of the weight on dumbbell
Wanna know how I know you're gay?
Because he gave it to you last night?
I am doing 1 RM without a spot all the time multiple times...
I just always save a bit of strength for safety, i just know my strength level and estimate, and if i am mistaken i am in control so i bring it on my chest and scream help
Are the benefits of barbell benchpressing compared to other chest exercises really THAT good to risk that shit? Or isn't it much more of a male pride peer pressure thing?
Aaron Rogers is a homo
t. bears fan
if you're "saving strength for safety" it's not a 1rm...
>scream help
>Be me, 6'3, 250 lb built-fat clumsy gorilla walking through gym.
>Walking back to locker room after long workout. Practically stumbling from fatigue.
>Only way out of the free weight room is to pass between or around the bench press stations.
>Walk between two stations. Stay clear of the full sized human to my left benching heavy.
>Bump into the edge of the barbell to my right. It knocks the 95 lb barbell completely out of the left hand of the 135 lb, 5'5 brown skinned manlet who was benching with a thumbless grip.
>Barbell crashes instantly down onto his face, landing on his chin.
>He's still holding on with his right hand, so only half of the weight hit hit with effect.
>He racks the weight with some help from his fellow manlet training partner and springs to his feet
>I apologize. He looks away and starts to cry.
>I start to follow him to the corner and then realize he'd rather not have me watch him cry.
>I try to make eye contact with his spotter but he starts backing away from me, terrified. He also has brown skin and doesn't appear to speak English.
>Fuck, what do I do?
>Walk back to locker room. Panicked. Change clothes, leave without showering. What's gonna happen now?
>Come back the next day same time. Manlet is gone. I never see him again. No one from gym management ever brings up the incident.
>Continue training at gym as if nothing ever happened.
That was several years ago and I've always felt horrified that I could have potentially maimed someone, possibly even killed them due to a careless mistake. I've also always been impressed--amazed, even--that he didn't get knocked out from the impact of that 95 barbell landing square on his chin.
Yes, because he obviously couldn't handle the weight and his grip was shit
Not sure if trolling/10.
I was thinking the same thing.
Living a lie is stressful user. And Psylocke sucked in that movie.
Not on my face, but I misjudged the weight of a loaded powerlifting bar once and dropped it on my chest port. Got scared as fuck and went to the ER, but it turned out alright
Correct me if I'm wrong but how in the nine hells do you drop it on your head? I thought you were meant to rep bench over nipples?
>About a year ago
>Be me, 5'10 140lb hungry skelly
>Barbell benching alone
>Probably benching about 110
>3rd set, fifth rep, feeling weak
>bar goes down to chest nice and controlled
>get all the way up
>move bar back to rerack
>somehow misalign the bar
>arms begin to give out as I try to get the bar racked
>bar dropping slowly as my arms fail, still over my face as I'm trying to rack it
>pressing as hard as I can, bar still dropping very slowly
>bar touches forehead
>take some tension out of my right arm, continue pressing with left
>plates fall off of one side of the bar
>2 dudes see this going on and sprint over to help
>I'm sitting up, bar reracked and plates on the ground by the time they get there
>"Are you okay, user?"
>"Y-yeah, *nervous chuckle*"
>Rerack the plates
>Continue workout, feeling ok, a little lightheaded
>Locker room ~10 minutes later
>See mirror
>1 inch by 3 inch bloody scrape on my forehead, clearly an imprint of a barbell
I hadn't felt the scrape bc adrenaline, and mistook the blood on my forehead for sweat
me too. but i can isolate my chest way better than i could with a barbell.. plus i dont fuck up my shoulders
tip: don't barbell bench press, dumbbells are always better
i think so.. it sounds good to say "i bench 130kg" but other than that i see no "pros" compared to dumbbells
Yes, actually. I was like 13 though and there was hardly any weight on it so it just sort of scraped up my nose. I have trouble breathing through my left nostril, but that incident didn't break anything so it's probably unrelated.
haha mate.
I dropped one as I was doing incline benchpress, had luck it wasn't that much weight and incline.
> wanted to impress a girl
> this girl is actually my gf now
> topkek
She never dropped a barbell on her face. Olivia is a very pretty girl, please stop spreading rumors.
11 people die every year doing mundane shit.
Just don't be a retard and you'll be fine. You have more chances of getting killed by crossing the streets than by bench pressing.
>using suicide grip
>not a retard
I was doing a over head tricep work out a while ago and hit my head after my set with the dumb bell
I smacked my forehead doing a snatch cause I didn't duck under fast enough. Lol
Yes, actually i was maxing out at 185 when i first started lifting without a spot and after it fell straight on my face and leaving a nasty bloody bruise i di another set and went home
He just crushed 4 if not 6 of his ribs, you can't recover from that
Also it seems like he may fucked up some of his organs from that so yeah
While reracking.
Because I'm Aaron Rodgers?
I'd fuck olivia so hard
Too bad she isn't a virgin