Start a sport

>start a sport
>fall in love with it
>dedicate your whole life to it, training hours upon hours every day
>sacrifice everything in hopes of being able to capture some amount of glory
>day of the big race comes
>finish second
>realize that you wasted your life at something you suck at
Why would you do this to yourself?

Life isn't Top Gun. There actually are points for second best. And even third best! If you can't pull a bronze, though, you should give up.

>finish second
>go home
>train harder than last time
>next big race comes
>finish first

>implying anyone remembers the guy who came second

This isn't school where you get participation prizes, m8

>implying anyone gives a shit about who came first

>Implying the average person can ever get a silver medal
Bitch I'm proud of ALL my silver and bronze medals, they mean I was better than 90% of everyone

Found the 2nd place loser

u mad?

>doesn't win his first race ever
>is ready to quit already
Shit attitude. No wonder you lost. Either learn to accept that you don't always win, or QUIT FOREVER.

Who cares for someone who one once.
People remember those who dominated a sport for years: the likes of Micheal Phelps and Roger Federer. Their names will be in sporting history for centuries
u mad?


i pity everyone with this attitude
they wont have much joy in life

>this is what liberals actually believe

In what world does finishing 2nd place means you suck? There can be more than one person who is good at whatever things

>kicked ass for 4 years
>finished school 4th in the state in my event
I'm okay with that

2nd place medalists get, well, medals amd sponsorship offers too so what the fuck are you saying

Success is better than failure, but the biggest lessons are found in failure.
And you just missed it.

>This isn't school where you get participation prizes, m8

You're wrong?
>inb4 sourcing wikipedia

by this logic you wouldn't even have sports to watch/fall in love to to begin with

If we apply the logic of this OP to real life and no one actually fought the entire way for that first place and then after loosing kept fighting in order to win the next time, there would be 0 competition because every other player who didn't win would retire/kill themselves at the realization that they "wasted their lifes"

fucking crabbeta mentality lmao you are so fucking insecure and emasculate you can't even think straight when doing this fucking shit b8 that no one over the age of 12 really care about

this is the people who belittles you in this board, literally fucking pathetic r9k summerfags


Tell me, what was the name of the second placed one again? Oh right.

Second place in what exactly?

Congrats on being first loser.

>Implying getting shit on doesn't motivate me to grow stronger to beat my opponent next time I meet him

anything. Nobody remembers second place.

think about all the stars that will compete in Rio and die in the next years because of prince zuko virus

Michelle Kwan.

>Michelle Kwan
Who's that?

Tyson Gay

>has a chip on his shoulder
>feels like he deserves to be the best
>in spite of working his hardest and pushing beyond his limits, still isn't able to beat the person everyone loves because his genes just aren't as good
Post yfw you realized Ryan Lochte is Vegeta

Ice skater
Didn't even have to google to know that

Maybe you don't know any second places because you don't know shit about sports

Maybe I don't know any second places because I don't care about losers, even if they are best of their class.

Daily reminder that pic related is the people who tries so hard to get you down in this cambodian basket weaving forum, literal dyel faggots who hate themselves so much that the only thing that separates them from suicide is the thought of you thinking like them.

Strong autism


but he looks really good
I'm not gay but i'd touch him inappropriately

Is this your autobiography?

>32 posts
>16 posters

don't project your own fears onto others.

>no one gives a shit about your trophy

Nobody remembers first place either, you can dedicate your entire life to a sport and finish at the top and most people still won't give a fuck.


Don't be shy mate I think it's cute there's a movie about you

ever saw that movie about the guy who finished second?

>start a sport
>fall in love with it
>dedicate your whole life to it, training hours upon hours every day
>sacrifice everything in hopes of being able to capture some amount of glory
>compete regionally/intramural/collegiate
>meet people with similair interest and dicipline
>make friends and maybe even get sponsors
>compete nationally and maybe even internationally
>travelling the world meeting more people just as passionate as you
>racking in wins/medals probably slaying athletic pussy on all 4 corners of the world
>get to the olympics and place second
>win a dope medal and a cash prize ranging from 15000 to 250000 usd


>be op
>never leave moms house
>fap 4 times per day



Good movie. Underdogs are more interesting anyway.


> having such a narrow minded view on life

Rudy is about a football player who only got to actually play one down.

>sacrifice everything in hopes of being able to capture some amount of glory

This is the part where you detach from what it's actually like. I'm a 2nd degree black belt in BJJ and I have an Olympic tier TKD buddy who would tell you the same - you don't just do it for the glory. Nor do you sacrifice everything. I'm still got my education, I can hold down a job. Nonetheless, I love the martial art. I dream in BJJ without lucid dreaming. Some of my best memories were waking up my girl in the morning to try moves on her. I gave up going out for training.

Do you know what happens when I lose? When I lost in the finals? I get up, shake my opponents hand and walk back to my team. I watch/analyze the tape just like I do any other match. I get up, put on a gi, and go to class with that same support group the next Monday.

What about when I win? I get up, let the ref declare, shake my opponents hand and do the same. exact. thing.

If you love your sport, you're in it for a hell of a lot more than the glory. I can see it when I hear Phelps talk. Lance Armstrong, Bryant and Messi give me the same vibe too. Don't let that one German OWL fool you, the gold medal is the tip of the iceberg - a solidified moment that's shorthand for an entire living interconnection of competition that happens off-screen the day afterwards.

Yeah, good thing Brett Favre won all those superbowls, Anna Kournikova was #1 in the world for 5 years running, and Jamaica's bobsled team still holds the world record.

You're wrong and dumb and you should feel stupid and bad.

Yeah, because they're WINNERS user. It's easy to love something when you always win

Ms Philippines?

There is no always you loser

>Anna Kournikova
>Jamaica's bobsled team
They're not remembered for their sporting achievements, but completely other things... I remember Kournikova as my first fap material from the Internet

>Implying the guys finishing second aren't also making bank
Are you autistic?

Buzz Aldrin

I have a participation medal from junior powerlifting worlds

I threw it in the bin but you do get them

They threw you in the bin as well, your failure.

Hillary Clinton

this kind of mindset is exctly why you faggots are never going to make it anywhere

nobody is going to give a shit about the loser whether you're 2nd place and below nobody will fucking give a shit and you know what that's completely fine you lost and the best course of action is to figure how you lost and what you can do to improve keep working hard regardless of how shit you are because when you finally fucking get to first place

nobody will ask you how many times you lost