How much gym to get a body like this? Or at least to get pecs and a six-pack? I know I know, use the sticky...

How much gym to get a body like this? Or at least to get pecs and a six-pack? I know I know, use the sticky, read this and that etc. I just wanna know if this is possible in a year (probably not?)

It entirely depends on what you look like now. Post a picture and we can help you.

About 185 cm / 85 kg. Skinnyfat, barely any muscle. Also I believe I'd get gains quite easily because of my roots.

well, that doesnt sound promising.

Do you really not have a picture?

Don't even think less than three years

Not that other user but here's a pic, how long til

No clue with gear, but id say around 3 years if you're consistent in your training and eat right. If it were easy to look like that, everyone would

HAHA. 3 years? are you serious. easily doable in a year.

Incline bench 1x5 1x6 2-3x8 twice a week adding 1kg every week to fives and sixs and every 2-3 weeks to eights
Then weighted narrow grip Dips 2-3x8
Then DB bench 3-4x8-12

That would be twice a week in a PPLPPLx or UPxUPxx or PPLxUPx routine

Change to texas method like when you stall on hipertrophy and maybe some 2weeks Smolov Jr or shits like that to never stall on hyperthophy.

And 2 or 3 years to have that CHEST and only the chest bro

How long have you been lifting to claim that it would take 3 fucking years to achieve the body on the OP you fags?

1 year at fucking most if you are not doing something retarded and you are not fat by the end of your year of training

You underestimate how good that chest is at such a low BF.

you are the newfag here, buddy.

Here's me, doubles dude.

yep, 3 years id call it as

you can look pretty good in 1.5 tho

Or roid.

Do you think that that image is with a pump of something? There is no way you could achieve that in a year.

Post your body faggot.
It's not constructive at all to say "lol kill urself".
We can all make it if we try.

Not gonna happen.

Seriously? I only need to lose a couple of kilos in order to have a normal weight. That would take about 4 months at the most. And you both suggest my only chances are lifting for 3 years, killing myself or doing roids? Alrighty then.

just start now. 3 years is a long time, but it isnt going ot get any shorter.

Do a really big and fast cut. When your around 15%~ bf start bulking and lifting with a proper guide. Look into SS or SL.

And, if you can, hire a personal trainer. You can get one at a decent gym. First time free usually.
You're body is not irredeemably bad. Go out and LIFT BRO.

Don't listen to this fucking retard. Beginners have no business worrying about cutting or bulking. Find a good beginners program and focus on lifting for about a year.

My uncle is a personal trainer, I'll get help from him. Maybe I should talk with him first before coming here. Well, I'm gonna give 100% of myself and dedicate myself on this. Diet, routine, everything. One thing's for sure; I'll look a lot better than I do now.

You actually have no idea what you're talking about faggot. Stop trying to fit in.

Good luck dude.
Become the big brown god I know you can be.

Alright didnt have a good look at the pic but it would not take fucking 3 years,2 would be enough