Veeky Forums this is going to be autistic as fuck...

Veeky Forums this is going to be autistic as fuck, but where do you look at when you order food through the drive through. You know you play for your shit and just sit there waiting for your food. Do you just stare at the worker or fiddle with yo car? Shit gets to me

I stare at the worker like a true alpha.

Look at your phone tardo

I look up at the roof of my car the entire time, from payment to taking my food

Alphas keep eye contact. Betas look at their cell like an autist kardashian

this, true alphas exert their dominance wherever they go and over whoever they meet

shit man i dont want to make them uneasy, last time i did that at McDs the girl i just gave my money to and was preparing my food just looked and me, waved and went "Hiiiiiiiiiii".

that absolutely retarded

I need a grown up

when you receive the food do you by any chance sit in the parking lot and eat while listening to an audiobook?

Just look ahead of you. When you see movement in your peripheral turn your head to the person approaching. If the person coming to the window doesn't have your food, turn your head back to looking forward. If the person does have your food, make eye contact and make sure you say thank you and wish them a good day too.

this is what ive been doing so far. is this actually what normies do?

fuck about on your phone, look inside the joint, adjust the radio, just act natural as if no one was there and your head will take care of itself

holy shit

can i get a video tutorial?

I look at cars on the road, change songs, glance in once in a while, and sometimes I read stuff on my phone.

Just act casual bro

chillax and think about training

>shit man i dont want to make them uneasy, last time i did that at McDs the girl i just gave my money to and was preparing my food just looked and me, waved and went "Hiiiiiiiiiii".

You bros
If I am a really good looking or above average in the face area and I have a decent body is it possible to get a qt's number simply from getting fast food?

I don't eat fast food because i'm not a fucking moron.

I usually am talking to my gf cause she's riding shotgun.

Wait a second.
You guys own cars?
What the fuck how do you not all have girlfriends that's like the one thing stopping me.

>like the one thing stopping me.
Oh so it's not the crippling fear of socializing, or the fact you are unemployed and live with your mommy?


When I'm waiting for my food I like to break out the ol' ouija board and summon are few demons from the lower depths of hell. Them fuckers are some funny cunts when they tell me about their un-holy extravaganzas

No man. It's the car. I literally can't meet tinder matches, take girls out to the movies or dinner, etc. I have to adhere to a bus schedule to get places and that means I have to tell the girl to do the same to hang out with me. It's awkward.

i dont have tinder cause im not a big guy 4 her

Do you live on your own?


Then it doesn't matter. Just ask some girl out make plans and then tell her to meet you there. If she drives you can go to back to your place in her car or just take the bus. It's not that big of a deal man. And if you really think it is just go buy some shitty car. You can definitely find something that runs for 500$

I actually just listen to music and sometimes talk to the folks in there if they're right by the window while I wait. Had a couple of good conversations that way because Southern people enjoy idle chitchat.

You ask the cutie working there out before you pay. Refuse to pay and don't break eye contact until she responds.

Uber bro

I work at mcds and we dont give a fuck where you look just dont order unsalted fries like a mong and you can look where you want.