Anger Management

Have you guys had any anger problems since you started getting Veeky Forums?
>be beta lanklord all my life
>skinny bitch target for everybody
>Diary_of_a_wimpy_kid_the_last_straw.png moment happens
>find routine online and just go with it
>3 months of progress with shitty home-gym equipment (barbell, dumbbells, and pull-up bar)
>getting fucking angry all the time
>pissed off at the smallest inconveniences
>always hot
>horny a lot more than normal
>people have told me I look angry for some reason
>smashed my friend right across the jaw for grabbing my hat
>screamed at and beat the shit out of druggie brother for lighting up at my house
Seriously, is something wrong with me or is this what happens?

You have legit anger problems. See a therapist.

>skeleton faggot getting angry at people

nobody thinks you're intimidating or a psycho, just a childish idiot. it's not cool and it's not smart, see a therapist like the other user suggested.

I used to be an angry child growing up. When I started getting fit, it started up again.

How did I curb my anger both times, you ask? Muay Thai and meditation. Also, try to reduce the amount of angry music you listen to.


OP, based on what you typed, you really do seem to have an anger issue. Keeping it bottled up isn't safe, neither is expressing it wantonly.
Do things you like, take your time, don't rush things. Are you going through a lot of stress right now? Do you want something that you think you can't have?

Keep calm thoughts. Mind over matter is true to some extent.

you were a faggot who was afraid to stand up for himself and instead bottled up all dat anger because you're a faggot. When you became slightly jacked you think you can now fight back and so you release all that repressed shit and it's manifesting.

Smoke some weed spaz lord. Your mentality is all fucked. You need a new perspective.

strong this

Take tren

I don't like getting angry. It makes me feel physically ill, so I just don't do it anymore.

It's a lot easier to rationalize things or get frustrated, but laugh it off ultimately.

The opposite desu senpai. Hitting it hard in the gym has helped me with my anxiety and anger more than any drugs or therapy.

Used to be an angry teenager because I was a fat and unhappy with myself. Had bouts of rage breaking shit and being retarded. I'm a very "Aggressive" person, but I'm not a rampaging idiot and the Gym and Martial Arts has tempered my emotions more than anything.

You have a legit anger problem and you need to seek help for it. I highly recommend joining a Martial Art because you need your ass kicked to be humbled. Acting like that is liable to get you maimed or killed someday by someone who is truly bout that life.

>3 months

stopped there. into the trash

maybe you aren't sleeping enough, and now that you are exhausting your body even more you get pissed.

i used to wake up 6, go to college, go to work, get home 22 and lurk till 3am, would wake up mad as fuck at and would rage at anyone i see

I just use all the self hatred to lift heavy desu

I used to have the same issue
Being shit on your whole life will do that to you.
I just try to think happy thoughts.

Anger is a defense mechanism for vulnerability. Those who cannot handle vulnerability in healthy way turn to anger for a sense of control.

Seek help. Use anger only when lifting

I do think there may be some hormonal weirdness when you start lifting. It wears off. I began as a weak but heart-healthy cardiofag, got into lifting. Around when I started squatting 1pl8 I got a really short fuse, burst out at people. Also horny all the time. Body making more test? (I was and still am natty.) Anyway by the time I was squatting 2pl8 I was back to my normal relatively balanced self.

Probably the increased energy etc. Transient increase in Test shouldn't have "rage" like side-effects.

>angry music

Kek this is false. Music has been shown to express the emotion that is evoked in your brain without you actually feeling it meaning that angry music might actually help him.

It could be a rise in cortisol not just test I guess.