How do I reach chad god mode?

How do I reach chad god mode?

Challenge the devil to a fiddle contest

Eat PIZZA and play DARK SOULS with one HAND

This. Kick him in the balls and set fire to the mountain.

Chad plays call of duty

Chad plays DARK SOULS while you play COD and get NOOB TUBED

Nah Chad plays The Last of Us, trust me one of my room mates was a chad.

why do you keep making these threads?

You really want to know motherfucker? I went to school with Chads (all male college prep highschool). I suppose in a way I was one of them, even though I didn't really want to admit it, and still kind of don't. You work your ass off and also have parents who can afford to keep you from working for money while you work your ass off. These kids are not dunces. They are not lazy. They have incredible work ethic. They play sports, they study hard all that jazz.

No way man Chad would definitely be playing Call of Duty


There's two kinds of Chads, ones that slack off but are good about working out, and ones that are basically hard working guys that also like to party hard.

Is it better to be a Chad or a Brad?

Neither. Be a Thad.

Is Chad a Sonygger? He's more likely to play Halo to be honest family

suck copious amounts of dick. O wait, OP probably does that already

Making a shitpost like this is below a Chad. Think about that for a while.

I don't consider the ones who are good about working out Chads. They are just gym dudes. CHADS as expressed by this board are what I described.

The Chad I knew was into ps4 and really liked naughty dog.

>all male college prep highschool

fucking faggot lol suck a lot of dicks queer boy?

no but would draw dicks on everything. Looking back it's actually even funnier now. We were surrounded by dicks and would constantly hear stupid jokes like that all the time. So we ran with it. Anyone who had trouble with their sexuality or was insecure would especially get it. I remember one kid who was "macho" and would call everyone and everything gay and queer. So we covered every page of every text book he had in dicks, his locker, his backpack. You name it.

I love these

this is my hometown! neat

too bad i'm not CHAD

But are you Thad?

Where this at?

looks like the california coast leading up to or near santa barbara


It's Stearn's Wharf in Santa Barbara.


chad plays whatever you're not playing

More like goal face

Or a Tad!

The guy on the left looks like a more fit version of my brother, it's surreal

Someone post AESTHETIC LABRADOR copy pasta

2 light cycles of roids and casual bro routine with a typical modern diet.

There's not much work in that body, mostly genetics, but I don't doubt a bitchmade looking nu-male like that hasn't cheated.

God dammit, now that's just unfair.

These guys are weak.
If you think this is god mode, you're a joke.

Who cares ? They're attractive.

Bro split.

>when girls find out you are 5"8