
Been seeing a lot of vegan bait threads recently but here's an attempt at a serious thread.

What's up with the posts recently about that chick who died climbing Mount Everest? A bit odd that a board that used to be about health wants to paint her diet as her reason to failure but will keep mum about the overwhelming deaths due to the consumption of animal based products.

Anyway, let's start simple right.

What'd you Vegs eat today?

I just had a tofu quesadilla with some home made vegan cheese and a bunch of tasty veggies.

Other urls found in this thread:


Bumping with information


That woman died on the way down from altitude sickness, meat eaters climb Everest all the time and die, I think she proved her point

C'mon Veeky Forums. Let's take a break from all these meme threads and have a serious discussion about adopting a healthier lifestyle

I would just like to understand where the hating vegans meme came from

I don't do dairy either

Ate two Weetabix with coconut milk and a banana for breakfast

Two wholegrain peanut butter rolls, two hard-boiled eggs, a carrot, a portion of grapes and a portion of strawberries for lunch

Pasta with Quorn chunks, peas, carrot and Dolmio sauce for tea

Plan on a bowl of baked beans, an orange, green apple and a portion of raw spinach later

If it's socially acceptable to ridicule those who are different then people will do it. The "vegans tell everyone they're vegan" meme has been around for fucking forever, it just seems to have gotten some attention on social media a bit more of late from my perspective

>being a vegan is healthier
I thought you wanted to avoid memes

But there have been so many studies, my guy

Becoming vegetarian is far easier than it's made out to be, honestly, you're doing better for the world and yourself. I personally made the change for moral reasons but I know this isn't the place to discuss that.

Yeah studies like this one , right? Where you compare vegans, a group of people who are generally more informed about nutrition and healthy lifestyle obviously since they're very conscious about what they eat, to your everyday people who don't know what macros mean let alone micros, eat mcdonalds for dinner and finish their day with wendys?

Your out of context cherry picking studies just make you seem laughable

and none of those studies have controlled for omnivores that actually pay attention to what they eat and are the same BMI as their vegan participants

of course the fatass who lives on big macs and fries is going to have heart disease while the vegan who painstakingly prepares xyr's own meals isn't

>What'd you Vegs eat today?
Scoops, milk, pancakes, some left over beans, preworkout, and I'll probably be eating pizza and maybe some eggs before bed.

You make a good point there. Truth be told it's hard to make a solid conclusion since we can't really use people like Guinea pigs. But it is hard to deny the link between consuming animals and heart diseases.

And even if we ignore the health implications of eating meat you definitely have to acknowledge the environmental effects of trying to feed a planet of humans with such an unsustainable food source

>But it is hard to deny the link between consuming animals and heart diseases.
It's not, it has been studies that if you eat properly, eating meat doesn't have any effect in that regard at all. It's when you eat shit processed meat (that's majority of people) that it's a problem. I don't have links because I haven't saved them but if you really care and are a vegan and go around telling people what's healthier than what, you should have them so go search them

>have to acknowledge the environmental effects of trying to feed a planet of humans with such an unsustainable food source
I don't give a shit about any of this

I realize these pictures aren't an effective way to display a study but I figured no one would click on links if I presented them. There are many studies that show a link between all sorts of heart related diseases. This disregards how the meat was prepared, organic or gmo infested garbage. Whatever. Consuming large amounts of animal products is not good for your health

Really, the only excuse for not making the change you can't argue with is a matter of taste. But that's a shitty argument anyway and totally subjective

Literally every single time a group goes to climb Everest it's guaranteed at least 1 person won't be making it back.

In this case the person was a vegan and fit collectively lost their shit and blamed it on the diet.

fucking idiot americans in this thread with their black or white way of thought.
Why must you eat HUGE amounts of meat OR huge amount of vegs and cut meat off completely?
Just eat meat once a week,fish once a week and legumes vegetables and cereals on the rest of the days.its more ecologically viable,healthier and easier.
Come to the mediterranean,we'll teach you fatties to eat.

Not American
Not eating meat 'cause it's a cruel industry

and plants are not living organisms? why is it more ethically justified to plant a seed,watch it grow and uproot it at its prime,slice it up and consume it?
get off your high horse.

You realize that meat eats plants, right?

that, if you eat meat, you are effectively killing significantly more plants than if you just ate plants, right?

come to America, we'll teach you how to think, stupid

kek this has to be bait
okay then lets wipe off all the animals so they dont eat innocent plants.
meat eaters 1
vegans 0

I'm not in any sort of vegan debate team or some shit but I can show you studies.
You could probably show me studies is well. But here in the U.S. The food and agriculture industry has a lot of money and can fund many bogus studies. Would you really believe a study funded by the food industry? The same industry that strong arms our government to feed kids shitty food and include pizza as a vegetable?


what are you on about, you retard

if killing plants is immoral, then eating meat is way worse than eating plants, because in order to eat meat, first you have to grow the meat by killing plants


All Veeky Forums needed right now. Another "vegan is better" thread in disguise.

It's not bait. He's saying that the agricultural industry that raises animals effectively consumes much more plants than humans who eat vegetables. I don't understand why trolls resort to this "argument"

That's a fact
And the only argument against it is >vegans are educated people who know what's good for them. Kek

There is no evidence to suggest plants can have any kind of emotional response to trauma, whereas there's a plethora of evidence that suggests animals do. There's not even evidence that plants even feel pain, as far as we know it's all just natural mechanisms.

Either way, fruits and nuts are supposed to be eaten by animals in order to spread the seeds

you could fish or hunt for your food.i dont grow the fish i catch every weekend.aint nobody said you have to buy it from large corporations.also the companies that sell you overpriced quinoa from exploited peruvians and overpriced mangos and lichi from exploited brazilians,peruvians,indians and chinese slavers are part of the food/agriculture industry.

yes, there are people exploited in all industries.

what does that have to do with anything we're saying?

what do I gain from baiting anyone? I genuinely believe that all the hate comes from ignorance and so I would like to inform.
You don't really think a thread about a diet is worse than a thread about Chad right?

Her diet is being riticuled because she climbed everest with the explicit intent of proving vegans could do anything.

Had she just been a vegan who happend to die climb everest nobody would care.

this.also fuck off to Veeky Forums with this shit.

I'm a vegan femanon and even I am tired of the lies spread by vegan extremists. It's so annoying and counter productive and collectively gives vegans a bad rep. Even this peta infograph is sort of misleading. Adult women need 18mg iron, preferably more, period (pun very intended). Iron absorption varies from people to people and as a vegan I need to eat twice the amount iron from plants in hopes of absorbing the right amount of iron I need to keep it at a normal level. When that doesn't happen I have to either resort to iron pills and or iron infusions.

which lies are you referring to?

>I'm a grill teehee

fuck off, cunt

>you can get everything you need from a vegan diet
>b12 can be obtained from unwashed veggies, dirt or from your own feces
>gorillas are herbivorous, true vegans, why can't humans also be herbivorous?
>vegans don't destroy the environment

etc. teehee

>fucks off

>you can get everything you need from a vegan diet

You can get everything you need from a vegan diet.

>b12 can be obtained from unwashed veggies, dirt or from your own feces
nobody says this

>gorillas are herbivorous, true vegans, why can't humans also be herbivorous?
nobody says this either

>vegans don't destroy the environment
literally nobody has ever even begun to think this

I've heard all that.

Also, typical vegan rebuttals to meat eaters

>enjoy your cancer
>enjoy your heart diseases

et al. Just peer pressuring people through lies for the most part.

no you haven't

also, meat was shown to be carcinogenic
also, meat causes heart disease

You haven't given a single lie, apart from the lies you are spreading about things nobody has ever said

Toxins in vegetables were shown to be carcinogenic.

Toxins in vegetable oil causes cancer, heart diseases, diabetes, etc.


See? No diet is proven to be better. Actually, at present, an omnivore diet is still ideal. What puts veganism above other diets is simply the humane part.

>You can get everything you need from a vegan diet.

This is flat out a lie. Without supplements or medicaments, you can't get everything you need from a vegan diet. Holy shit dude, I'm a vegan and I know this.

why can't vegans use supplements?

They can, but then they can no longer claim they can get all the essentials from a vegan diet alone.

But you can; you jsut said you can

there is nothing not vegan about supplements

What do you think you can't get from a vegan diet?

Don't twist my words. Through supplementation, yes. Through vegan diet alone, no.


Also, it's not "what I think." It's just reality. B12 can't be obtained from a vegan diet alone.

yes it can

I just had b12 fortified nutritional yeast

how is that not diet?

you don't need pills; you can eat fortified foods


Yeast alone doesn't have B12. The b12 added to it is a synthetic dietary supplement. B12 can't be obtained naturally from a vegan diet.

it's not any more synthetic than anything else. Do you think people make b12 from it's atoms?

It's from bacteria, just like any other b12. Why, when you put it in a food, is that not a food? When I put salt on my food, is that not diet?

What distinction do you think you're drawing?

Whatever pussy, enjoy your nogains and miserable existence while I enjoy the succulent flavor of these sentient beings.

Seen & read those. The B12 in those plants are mostly pseudovitamin B12 (not real B12). No use.

nori cured b12 deficiency in rats

vegans eating it for 4-10 years show no signs of b12 deficiency and normal serum b12 levels

fuck off fag

Some people can store B12 for years until signs of B12 deficiency can appear. The studies are inconclusive and at present no plant or animal is capable of producing B12.

the distinction is that many foods contain salt naturally, while zero vegan foods contain B12 naturally.

Who cares if they contain it naturally? Cake isn't natural. Are you saying that if someone eats cake, that's a supplement and not diet?

If the cake is made with animal products (e-g milk), it will naturally have some B12, whereas a vegan cake will naturally have zero B12, unless supplements are used, then it's not longer naturally.

You are literally retarded

I don't understand why you keep harping on the word "naturally." You are the only one who brought it up.

I said you can get everything you need on a vegan diet.

You transformed that into "diet naturally" where neither "diet" nor "naturally" have any meaning whatsoever.

Regardless, you cannot say that food that you eat isn't diet. And since nutritional yeast is food that you eat, and it contains b12, you can get b12 from a vegan diet - the foods that vegans can eat.

B12 fortified food is not readily accessible anywhere and you cannot get B12 from a vegan diet alone.

You only need to take b12, which is made by bacteria

well that's just false, isn't it
and you can, as I've shown

the only way you could even attempt to argue that you can't, is to unnaturally twist the word "diet" until it's devoid of any mean, and you spend post after post failing to come up with a meaning that will satisfy your need to have it exclude what it needs to.

and that's just pathetic

Precisely, and sometimes iron because iron from plants can be difficult to absorb. Conclusion. You cannot get all you need from a vegan diet alone.


That doesn't address what I said at all, buddy

You're just now trying to create meaning out of need, instead of accepting a meaning for what it is.

A diet is what you eat. You can eat nutritional yeast. If you do that, you will get b12

that's what the words mean, man. They don't mean whatever you want at a given juncture

>mentions there's been a lot of vegan bait threads
>posts a vegan bait thread

There's a different between diet and dietary supplement, the latter of which sometimes need to be prescribed by a doctor. I'm only providing logically responses to all your posts.

Except you haven't explained why food falls into dietary supplement and not diet

And next you are going to try to parse a food's content into the dietary part and the supplement part - and you will have no meaning behind that either

you will say one is natural and the other is not, yet that doesn't have meaning either, as it's all natural. There is nothing more natural about raising pigs in a pen than cultivating yeast in a petri dish

You don't have meanings, and so you can say whatever you want

*cultivating bacteria

The point being that you cannot get all you need from a vegan diet alone without supplements. There's no way to explain this any better.

>he studies are inconclusive

>no plant or animal is capable of producing B12
but algae can and algae are vegan , you're not even trying anymore


The point is wrong though, because you can

unless you think adding one natural thing (bacteria) to another (yeast) makes a thing a supplement and not food.

but that would require a definition of these terms that would lend to such a distinction, and you don't have one that makes any sense.

Nope. Those plants contain peseudovitamin B12. B12 is not confirmed in plants. At present no animal or plant can produce B12 only bacteria.

>You can get everything you need from a vegan diet.

No you can't.

>nobody says this

It's said every other vegan troll thread

>nobody says this either
>literally nobody has ever even begun to think this

You're just lying now.

15% of the population suffers from B12 deficiency, with 100% of the vegans susceptible to B12 deficiency without supplements.

Why hide the truth? I'm a vegan and I know this damn well.

choose exactly one

You don't add bacteria directly to yeast. The B12 you consume is first created in a laboratory and then added to your diet as a supplement.

>The studies are inconclusive and at present no plant or animal is capable of producing B12

Fuck this shit ass agenda pushing infographic

>Algae are simple plants that can range from the microscopic (microalgae), to large seaweeds (macroalgae)


Didn't you just claim nobody says you can get b12 from dirt?

I still don't understand why you think growing bacteria in a petri dish is less natural than raising pigs in a pen

no hiding, the b12 argument is a weak one.

It's actually serious. We need B12 to aid with oxygen transport to cells and tissues. Without it, you die. Vegans are very vulnerable to B12 deficiency. Speaking from own experience.

not a scientific source

thanks for confirming you have no idea what you're talking about

You all have to understand is that you cannot get all essentials you need from a vegan diet alone without supplements. I will make sure to repeat this until you understand. :^)

im not saying its unimportant, it is essential information. no reason to say screw veganism though.

I understand that you don't know what you mean by the words that you're using. it happens

If anything, you are just giving vegans more bad rep, but please keep the lols coming.

>Algae can be either single-celled or large, multicellular organisms. They can occur in freshwater or salt water (most seaweeds are algae) or on the surfaces of moist soil or rocks. The multicellular algae lack the true stems, leaves, or roots of the more complex, higher plants.


It happens. It also happens that a vegan diet alone cannot provide humans with all the essentials we need. Only through supplementation.

If we're not supposed to eat meat why does it taste so good?

And what do ethical vegetarians have to say about growing meat in laboratories instead of killing animals? Though of course that opens an entirely different type of ethical discussion too.

Dude, take a good look at the people arguing in this thread. I'm being honest. It's up to other people to decide whether they want to become vegans, not to be cohered into converting to veganism with lies and threats.


that does not classify them as plants. please stop posting you're embarassing yourself

unlike plants there are many algaes with B12-dependent enzymes. they get it from auxotrophy and some, like nori, maintain significant stores of it

we mainly make it taste good with plants(herbs/spices) and salt.

your right it is up to others unfortunately while we are still losing billions of lives and destroying the planet.

And butter. And fattening the cow up way past its ideal size, aka cruelty .

I hope this bait
Plants can not feel pain or suffer.
Just because you aren't a cow doesn't mean you can't empathize with their suffering.

I eat in between, no fast food, fish 3-4 times a week meat about one or two. I eat fuck ton of carbs

>a board that used to be about health
>used to
You answered your own question fag