You're a Personal Trainer

You have 1 year to fix this guy, where do you start?

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Take his car keys away


A car bomb.

The only fixing he needs is the kind where we take the ability away to breed from him

this. fatsos should not reproduce and make more fatsos

Can't be done.
Fixing a lifetime of bad eating habits takes at least as long.


More than 1 gram.

Teach him in the ways of breatharyanism or sungasing.

>Build huge cage with reinforced steel bars
>Put a little bed in there with a TV outside of the cage
>Hire security to watch camera footage 24/7 so guy doesn't try to kill himself
>Put the guy in the cage and lock it
>Feed him low calorie healthy food
>Starve him some days for fun
>Give it about a year until he's near skeletor auschwitz mode
>Make him start lifting weights (if he does I'll give him more food) put the weights in his cage
>Make him train like an hour a day if he wants to continue to eat
>Reward him with ice cream occasionally
>Give him some test/tren cycle to get him big and juicy
>Feed him books to read about becoming alpha male and general pick up artist videos and guidelines
>Tell him his new name is now Chad
>Reward him for admitting that he is now named Chad by giving him some more food and the occasional prostitute
>Teach him that women are actually objects
>He is now reborn as Chad
>Give him a red baseball cap to wear and a stringer
>While he is sleeping put the key to his cage inside his cage and move across the country
>When he awakes he unlocks his cage and leaves
>Now a living reborn meme

Forever Chad

I'm baaaaaaaaaaych

Wait, what if this is the origin of all Chads? A man moving city by city creating an army of Chad? Eliminating the weak and insecure from the gene pool, what do you know user?

One year isn't enough to get this guy at a healthy weight. I'd recommend suicide.

Anaerobic cardio every other day.
Intermittent fasting.
Greyskull lp
850kcal deficit.


slowly feed him arsenic if I have to take up the whole year, or just shoot him in the head if I don't.


Bad idea because of skin stretching and looking nasty.
Put him on test and have him use DNP +Albuterol/Clenbutrol in short blasts
Work him out hard have him eat clean at 1600-1800 calories
Then maybe miracles can happen bbs.

I agree with But I'd start him out on with a PSMF just to kickstart things and then I'd throw in some strength training just to burn extra calories and get in shape to get in shape. It's pretty much impossible to gain muscle when doing a serious cut but maybe we could improve muscular endurance to get him ready for real strength training down the line. I'm basing this solely on my own experiences with gaining endurance and even a little strength while cutting.

And you overwork him and he dies the end good job fag

your case is hopeless OP

consider helium exit bag

It's that he's ugly that people are reacting to.
Double jaw surgery, cheekbone implants, rhinoplasty, proper oral posture for life. 1000 calorie deficit until he weighs around 190, lifting 3 times per week all the way.

get him some mental health he clearly has an eating disorder

Hire a carpenter to make his doors too narrow for him to fit through, and make sure he can't get out anywhere but through that door.
Then make it clear to him that the only way he's getting fed is if I see him doing the required minimum of exercise each day.


woo woo woo woo

pay him for his youtube views in beatings


>every day either working out or cardio for 1hour
And he'll be shredded in a year. Not harder than that