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What is the Height, Face & Frame of women?

Face, tits, ass


in order of importance: face, ass, tits

push-up bra, silicone, photoshop

Tits, face, ass

You can always build up a decent ass

Tits, ass, face, legs and personality

waist, qt/personaity, tits/ass

Being female
Having a vagina
Two X chromosomes


not so relevant imho. They just have to be fitting/proportionate to the body... and even if they're really small, that's not so relevant
I'd say it's relevant on a parallel championship. Hot women can have meh faces and qtpie waifus can have ethereal faces and meh bodies
well yes, but more in the context of the waist:hip ratio. A woman with a squatting ass and still with a 1:1 waist:hip ratio is no different from a boypussy.

voice > face > arse > tits


face proportions and hair in no specific order


A girl without a pretty face doesn't get much attention unless she's wearing revealing clothes. And a great face can make up for a subpar body. Like guys it's the most important aspect for attracting a mate.


It's like big arms for a guy, immediately something people will recognize, and have their eyes drawn to. It's almost like a status symbol.


It's no secret guys and girls both find a good ass on the other gender to be attractive. This and TITS can be condensed to FRAME.

TITS LEGS (includes ass) FACE

Should be hips instead of ass


Qtpie waifus >>>> butter faces

Obvious cop-out.
Yes, it's all about age, but what shows how old a woman is?



good catch.
AGE: woman = WALLET : man
An increase in AGE is proportional to a decrease in WALLET, 25 yo being equal to normie WALLET

>increase proprtional to a decrease
>25yo being equal to normie wallet
AGE : woman = (25/WALLET) : man


There it is folks.

If AGE=25, proportional WALLET = 1
If AGE=12.5, proportional WALLET = 2
If AGE=50, proportional WALLET = 1/2

t. proud autist who forgot his modafinil

If 25=1, I'd say that the value is doubled next to ~17 yo and halved already at 35
Someone writes a function to describe this curve

it's the same as for men although different values (short and feminine rather than big and masculine)


>3d women

A man can dream.

Personality is definetly one of the factors, probably the most important one
But we all know how that goes

height, face, frame

frame includes ass and tits obvs