I just bought a foam roller similar to the one in this pic.
Any advice on how to use it properly? Any helpful guides or videos? There is so much broscience by just doing a general search on youtube.
I just bought a foam roller similar to the one in this pic.
Any advice on how to use it properly? Any helpful guides or videos? There is so much broscience by just doing a general search on youtube.
Go slow, that's all i have to say.
avoid IT band and lower back
quads, adductors, glute (med), upper back, lats, pecs
look up how to roll above
1. Stop being a tripcunt
2. Sticky. Don't like it/want more, Google it
3. Return the one you have and get a regular one, you got scammed the one in your pic is no better it just costs more
What's wrong with it? It's the one I could find.
It costs more while doing nothing extra
I live in kinda of a townie city. I was excited that I found one at all. If there are no problems with it then I'm going to keep it.
Also, the foam rolling section of the sticky is down.
I explained why just general Googling is not good, are you dense?
any vids, guides, or resources to share bros?
why avoid rolling the IT band?
You fucking idiot you could just make a homemade foam roller
>Buy a pvc pipe, a cheap yoga mat and some clue
>slap that shit together
>cots you less then 30$
Youtube it, literally that easy.
>some clue
meant glue
My foam roller was cheaper than my yoga mat, lol.
Literally learn to read. Just youtubing it shows 1,000 "yoga lifestyle fit trainers" who are girls who don't even fucking lift, or are fit, or anything for that matters, showing off their broscience bullshit. Women put on a pair of yoga pants and think they are fit for it.
just use the pvc pipe.
>are you dense?
>Literally learn to read
Fuck off summerbitch. Read the sticky.
Since they are into the whole deep breathing and yoga thing, I think they have a deeper understanding about stretching then gym rats do.
Ask Veeky Forumsizens about lifting, and ask yoga fags about stretching, win win.
"i fucking suck at googling"
i would agree if that was the case at all, but their stretching is for a completely different purpose. they also dont deal with muscle tightness from lifting.
You want to take advice from people successful at doing what you're doing.
don't be a pussy. you're not meant to roll with a pvc pipe. you have to beat the muscle with it like you're tenderizing chicken with a club
I got an amazon basics foam roller, it was like 22 bucks.
Guerilla Fitness on YouTube has fantastic videos on foam rolling and stretching
mine only cost $15. :/
pvc pipe does it better than a soft foam, the knobby ones are goat though.
I'll check it out senpai, thanks.
I like to roll my IT band, glutes, and front of the hip before doing heavy squats. That with some light stretching/mobility exercises really helps with my range of motion.
You can use the roller for your upper back, but if you really want to get into those swole-ass muscles at the end of a workout, you need to use a nice, hard ball like a lacrosse ball or one of those orange floor hockey balls.
Eventually you get used to the pain and you start seeking firmer, more aggressive rolling devices. I now use a Rumble Roller and the Rumble Roller Beastie Ball.
Lastly, I suggest staying away from rolling your lower back until after your workout. Personal experience is that it loosens it up a bit too much and has actually compromised my form on DLs and Snatches, so I just do it afterwards if I'm feeling stiff.
What exactly am I supposed to take from that?
This. The foam rolling sections are down in the sticky. Is there a way it can be updated?
Avoid IT band, roll it?
To roll or not to roll, that is the question. Also, why?
Nobody is going to take into consideration unjustified or ill explained comments.
"Don't do it"
"See the comment where I said don't do it"
"Okay, and? Why should it not be done?"
"See the comment"
>some clue
>plus the scissors
i just spent more making one than i did buy one made by a machine.