Does this shit work?

Does this shit work?
Yeah I live in Mexico.

Other urls found in this thread:

I dont speak french

>post an ad in spicshit
>expect people in an American site to be able to read it


just do wall climbs

Is that El Chado?

no seas baboso juancho, lee el pegajosito

^ This.
Gon have to get real good at them too

Its something named Hypoxi method

I dont speak Russian.

estas muy pendejo por subir eso a un sitio web gringo y pensar que estos cabrones te van a ayudar. Pero como soy buen tipo y tu eres medio pendejo e inocente, te voy a echar la mano.

No sirven esas mamadas. solo levanta pesas con una rutina de fuerza como las que puedes encontrar en el sticky. Si quieres subir de peso come un chingo. si quieres bajar no tragues tanto.

Entendiste morro?

i thought mexicans lived in mud huts and paid their daily wages to the cops in bribes so they arent sold to cartels?

Its not Africa you dumbo.

Yeah I know, at least in Africa you get free food from dumb white people.

Mexico is much much worse than Africa.

Not any of the previous mexicans, but that's on Mexico City, which is, on some areas, a decent place to live,

Also fuck that retarded gym ese, wtf

The fuck is this I can't read spic dumbass

I hear building a wall is a great full body exercise

You're gonna have to go back

>spot reduction
>remove belly fat
>it's fact not fiction
>vacuum will improve circulation and eat your fat
>girl gets on a stationary bike whilst sitting in a egg-shaped vacuum sucker

Why did I google it.
Fuck you, OP

Mexico has great cheat/bulk meals.

The senoritas make my cock swole as well

But I don't know it sound convincing I'm chubby not fat and I'm not really a hard worker

HAHAHAHAHA underrated

Because you love me

selecciona dos

Mother Of God
So many memes
So little time

>not learning one of the most spoken languages in the world
Are all americans this self-centered?

tu te preocupes de tu DIETA y EJERCICIOS, mientras Chado tiene CARA, ESTATURA Y ESTRUCTURA
>MCQ Lupita me pone el cuerno con Chado mientras el come pizza

I don't speak nachos friendo

Claro que no funciona, no seas pendejo. Lee el puto sticky, con una chingada.


They're just stupid

You fags sound so fucking autistic

How do I into El Chado mode?

lo soy y que we?

yo OP is it true you can buy steroids over the counter in mexico? My brother went down there and said you can walk into certain places and they literally just have a giant case filled with different vials of steroids.

>speaking another language is now autistic

You ruined the Spanish language now you're ruining Veeky Forums
I speak Spanish moron, speaking a different language in an English based website is stupid

no otherwise I would already be part of /FRAUD/ probably in tijuana or some shit like that you can

while I do agree, I'm not speaking it for the sake of speaking spanish, I'm just memeing so I don't see what's wrong.

fuck off. If you are gonna answer do it in english or go back to /int/.

I found that weird too, I read somewhere that roids are legal in mexico but if you actually looked it up customs won't let them into the country. I mean sure you can buy them just like anywhere else in the world but they ain't legal and you can't buy them over the counter

>Calling someone stupid for the fact that he was born in a place where no other language is needed
>Being this insecure





Que pedo morros saquen los nudes

That's just stupid

I don't need to speak English and still I learned.
I don't need to speak Italian and still I learned.

I didn't know learning other languages makes you insecure, but you do you user.

I'm not saying learning makes you insecure, I'm saying that just because you didn't doesn't mean you are stupid. If you call someone stupid because of it, there's a high chance that you are just projecting your insecurities and/of frustrations.

and/or *

You sound like my psychologist

So you've been told to quit being a bitch once already?

dont... dont tell me you only know one language?


>le old if you call someone gay you're only hiding your own homosexuality meme.
lmao that's like the most misused argument of all time besides being inherently stupid but whatever makes you feel better.

Regresate a hispachan, porfavor

I was told to stop being such a pedantic asshat

Found the simpleton

thats slang for bitch senpai

Aw man don't make fun of me man

I was just teasing bb (no-homo)


Now lemme touch ur butt


Mira hijo te voy a dar otra respuesta si quieres eliminar grasas elimina a "los 3 asesinos blancos" así me dijeron, azúcares, harinas y sal o en su defecto procura no consumir mucho de esos tres, eso del stick que se lo metan por el culo a pesar de que hablo inglés 2/2 hay cosas que no entiendo, lo mejor es ir con un profesional aquí en México (asumo que eres de México) y tomar o hacer un programa realista que te involucre una dieta, con un nutriologo, una rutina de ejercicios adecuada a ti y veras que con eso logras resultados algo como lo de la pic related vas más o menos a tardar en conseguirlo, si eres muuuy disciplinado como en dos años

Guadalajarafag here, read the sticky and don't believe these scams, lift heavy ass weights 4 times a week eat tacos de bistec with rábanos go to the market and drink a licuado con nopal for breakfast and sleep a lot, that's it

Y si, hablo español/castellano pero solamente en hispachan, aquí en este tablón de imágenes vietnamita se habla inglés

there are lots of spanish speaking people, specialy mexicans, you should go to /pol/, /sp/ or /int/ from time to time

don't waste your time with that

Hey OP! Taco beaner here (Chilango).
Truth be told, you don't need weird exercises to grow up, You only need a good old gym, a good routine, and most importantly a good diet, (Go to a nutriologist) I go to one that costs 250MXN and she changed my life, i got from 60kg to 71kg in 6 months). It has it's ups and downs but the important thing is that you give all in yourself to follow what you want. A friend who has been 5 years in this told me that it doesn't matter a lot the gym, but this:

In relation to winning lean weight
60%Diet (Good diet + Protein powder (Makes weight gaining faster, it's not necessary)
30% Sleeping well (7-9 hours not more not less, if you sleep more, your muscles start being eaten by your metabolism, less and your body won't release growth factors)
10% Break your body at the gym.

Also, it's really weird to win lean mass, however if you take care of your diet you can be winning 10:2 (If you win a kilo of muscle, you win 200grams of fat)

However, without that 10% you don't get the other 90%. Hope i helped you OP! (BTW, i posted this in english so other people that doesn't speak english read this, and maybe get motivated).

no te ofendas pero eres un pendejo, si quieres eliminar grasas comes en un déficit de calorías. Lo de los 3 asesinos blancos suena pendejisimo. También los profesionales son puros imbeciles que siguen creyendo que tienes que comer cada 3 horas e idioteces del estilo. El sticky es mejor programa que lo que el 99% de los profesionales en mexico te van a decir que hagas. Los nutriologos estan igual de estupidos por cierto.

you really think this a fitness board, dont you

>not simplifying ratios