Veeky Forums is the ketogenic diet effective? Or is just some leddit meme?

Veeky Forums is the ketogenic diet effective? Or is just some leddit meme?

people on Veeky Forums call it a meme and i don't really know why

there are pros and cons

'fast' weightloss (you lose water weight, muscle glycogen AND fat fast on this diet)
reduces insulin resistance
sugar/carbs are the devil for you physically

you're gonna be pretty tired
cardio endurance will be fucked (for the most part)
strength levels will be fucked
you're gonna want bread
loose skin from rapid weightloss

Have fun eating shitloads of eggs, low-sugar peanut butter and milk tho

It was most effective for me when i was around 25%

hope you mean almond milk
dairy milk is a pretty big nono on keto

So, should I do it then switch to another diet?

Just do a lower carb diet to start with.

Eat some decent carbs before and after working out, and still have some blueberries occasionally too.

In terms of energy levels as this user has said, he's wrong.

I now don't feel like I'm half asleep 3 hours after having rice at lunch. I do a lot of cardio with no issues and I rarely feel bloated.

I do however notice that when I carb out once a month or so (ice cream bar round the corner from me) that for 24 hours after I look juicy as fuck.

I'd give it a go, try it for 6 months and if it's not for you you can easily find something else.

it's a well known fact that you can't perform as well with high intensity cardio or lifting routines on keto as you can with carbs in your diet

I'm not saying do full keto you fucking spade.

I'm in agreement that full keto is for complete fatassss.

Read my post and try again.

did you just call me a fucking spade?


you're unlikely to get enough vitamins and minerals

Keto is not a meme, but it's overrated

it's simply about calories in calories out, with keto you just replace carbs with fat so you start using fat as an energy source instead of carbs

you can do cutting just aswell with carbs

also this desu
i take a multi but iirc it's much better to get nutrients from actual food

supp magnesium, zinc, add salt to your food, eat leafy greens and you're good to go

Carbs are really useful when doing sports. Eating a high carb meal before working out can boost perfromance.
Eating Carbs like we do in the 21st century is just wrong. Most people's day's start with carbs, they lunch with carbs and they end the day with carbs.
Carbs spike your blood sugar which is great for sports. However when you eat carbs and continue to sit behind your desk your body will have to neutralize this spike and that will make feel sluggish and want to sleep after the initial boost. This is known as after dinner dip.

The great thing about Keto and Intermittent fasting is that your body's energy now comes from fat. It's a slow steady supply of energy that releases over time. This does not spike bloodsugar, yet is enough to make you feel energetic and should definitely be enough to go through your day at work(unless you are doing physically exhausting work)
I've noticed that since I've started intermittent fasting that my concentration has gone up. I'm energetic throughout the day and the constant feeling of hunger every few hours stopped completely.

One day a week (sunday) I will eat normal, high carb lunch and meal like everyone else. This is satisfying and makes me relax. I generally don't really get much done that day.

Good post, thanks.


>Sudden energy boost
>spike bloodsugar
>good for sport
>when not using energy boost your body slows down to neutralize spike
>become sluggish/sleepy

>Slow release of energy throughout day
>Average for sport
>Don't get hungry every few hours
>Boosts average concentration levels
>No swings in mood

>No swings in mood
Yes just permanent irritable

Keto is meme and you will only shit once a week

>Veeky Forums is the ketogenic diet effective?
You'll lose some water weight, then muscle and bone mass. You could just as well starve yourself.

>Or is just some leddit meme?
It was a meme in the 2000s, died around the mid 2000s when people realized it was shit, then it was revived by autistic reddit fitness freaks. That's the keto saga.

>You'll lose some water weight, then muscle and bone mass. You could just as well starve yourself.

do you have a single fact to back that up?

>Eating Carbs like we do in the 21st century is just wrong. Most people's day's start with carbs, they lunch with carbs and they end the day with carbs.
>In the 21st century
That was the normal diet for much of human existence, boy.

Fucking this. Naturally slim guy here, I was such a cunt on keto and lost so much weight I looked like I was on tren. Kept muscle, just looked super lean.

Was kinda nice though. Now I just have a balance and watch what I eat, and when.

Why? You're a keto zealot who will complain anyway. It's a religion to you.

And you're an anti-keto zealot who will resort to calling it a meme and making up cons with no research to back it up : ^)

"Hey, let's create a diet without the most important marconutrient"

>lost so much weight I looked like I was on tren
Signed, someone who doesn't know shit about tren.

Tren gives an unique look that cannot be replicated with any kind of diet.

/pol/ pls.

Americans love these diets, I wonder when they will create a no-protein or no-vitamin version.

Yeh you're right. Ever since agriculture we've been eating mostly carbs.big difference in 21st century is the complete avoidance of fat.
In 1900 people still used a lot of fat in cooking and used to dip their bread in fat/lard.

>someone who doesn't know shit about tren

Precisely, you fraudulent joke of a man

Making yourself physically ill by depriving yourself of a food group just to lose weight.

so, you're advocating to eat bread, yes?

Dumb frogposter

I was never interested in keto but I think I kinda ended up doing it on accident
>eat 2500kcal
>25% Protein
>20-30% Carbs
>45-55% Fat
Is this keto?

Eat good carbs, at the right time, at the right amounts

>water is poisonous
>oxygen is acidic
>you're totally not a faggot

Also, I usually eat my carbs before work out or in form of pies or pancakes (so mostly sugar) on rest days.

> That much fat in comparison to protes and carbs

How does it make you feel?

Throughout the day I feel great. Although, it's in comparison before I started working out and changed my diet. I used to sleep 5-6 hours now I sleep 7-9 hours. The only time I feel really tired is after a work out.