I'm 16 and I've been lifting for 4 months, and just not eating shit...

I'm 16 and I've been lifting for 4 months, and just not eating shit. I feel like I want to get more toned for the summer and need help as to how I should diet for it. Some people have said I need to start bulking to get real muscle mass however I don't want to get fat again.

TL;DR, Bulk, or keep cutting?

>I'm 16

Well unless you want to keep looking like you have bitch hips because your core lacks any muscle, I would bulk

Eat at maintenance

Yeah, my hips is where most of the fat went to over the past few years. Do I just work abs every day/2 days?

Okay, shall I still prioritise protein or can I start eating carbs again?

You need protein to repair/build muscle and if you don't want to get fat again you should probabaly prioritize it. Clean bulk

Alright, thanks.

Inb4 underage & Veeky Forums

Which training plan(s) have you been using for these 4 months?

sorry to say this
but it's not fat m8

Its not fat its genetic, work your abs more


Arms & back - pull ups, curls, vertical rows, horizontal rows, lat pull down, dips, preacher curls, seated curls, tricep pulls, tricep push downs

Legs - squats, calf raises, seated leg curls, leg extensions, lunges

Chest and shoulders - bench, raised bench, cable pectorial flys, pectorial fly machine, real delt, dumbell raises, shrugs

Not worked abs

I think you should probably just give up milk entirely, because it makes your skin thick and da' veinz won't pop if you have thick skin. I think it's totally possible to go from a 135-405lb bench in a year, but only if you use an autoregulated Westside approach to focus on your complex parallel conjugate system training. You need to read some Verkoshansky to bone up the details, of course.

Diet-wise, I think you're on to something. I think compliance-wise, an intermittent fasting approach with carb backloading (and side loading) is appropriate for you. Just don't eat until you get home from school and do some serious work on that plate of food with lots of carbs. A key difference between regular ol' carb backloading will my proprietary secrete, carb side loading. What you're going to do is use some sort of high-glycemic index soft candy, like Swedish fish or Gummi bears, and load them into your ear canal. The mucosa there is thinner than anywhere else in the body and it absorbs carbs most readily. A steady back and side load will really push your gains through the roof and they will be 100% muscle unless you eat more than one plate for dinner. Absolutely anything more than a single solitary plate will turn to fat, immediately. You've been warned.

The 100 pushups are a good addition, but I personally called Louie and he said that you need more Dynamic Work (TM) to really push your bench up. He mentioned that making them explosive by doing clapping pushups instead would be a good idea. Sunday should be relegated to long head tricep work with alternating ME and DE setups. You NEED to be doing reverse band lying triceps extensions and using chains for JM presses. Finish up with a couple hundred seated dumbbell cleans and cambered bar curls and I think we can unstick your bench.

As for creatine, definitely get some Cell-Tech 5.0...that stuff is legit. You gotta stack it with the Nitro Tech for the ultimate gains though...

You're not doing enough work. Recommend you incorporate an abz routine, anyone of the routines typically found in Flex or Men's Health will make a real difference. Start easy, maybe 200 crunches or so in the morning and another 200 in the evenings, slowly work up by adding 25 a day until you get to 500 at each session.

If you want to get shredded, you'll need to really dedicate yourself to this.

Use Lyle McDonald's Ultimate Diet 2.0 to get to low body fat. Then summer bulk.

Are crunches the way to go? Or can I incorporate any other ab excersizes

You never actually used a program? Like SS or something?

use the ab wheel, do planks and declined weighted crunches, those are more than enough for your abs, add weight every week to your planks, i started doing 45 seconds without weight, now i do 35kg for 30 seconds


Mods why are you even alive

I thought this was legit advice until the last paragraph

Is there any way I can cover my bitch hips up? Any excersizes?