Why do I squat?

>Why do I squat?
Carrying women without a sweat is the most alpha feeling ever.
>Front sqaut = standing sex

nobody cares about ur gay fantasies

I don't get it, is this picture meant to show white knighting

My gf watching me doing 140kg 4x10 fronsquat without belt and only socks on.
>no wonder you can't stand fuck me against the wall, that's double of my weight
Twf fat gf

You wouldnt even be able to carry a women away 5 ft without dropping her dumbass. You need OHP to move with her after picking her up.

I dunno buddy. I never go ass to grass when I'm fucking a girl while carrying in my arms.

>no wonder you can't stand fuck me against the wall, that's double of my weight
What am i reading?

70kg, that my fucking weight...

So you cant stand up and fuck her against the wall because you front squat double your weight?

Lol my gf is 70kg fat womanlett. Is that hard to understand?

Me? I don't have a gf...

>Lol my gf is 70kg fat womanlett. Is that hard to understand?
From the way youre wrote it yes and i still dont see why you cant "stand fuck" her against the wall if you lift 2x her weight

The weight is in the front, you need front squat for that. Doing it against the wall is cheating. Migth as well squat in the smith machine.

2xher weight x 10 and four sets. Like op said, frontsquat = standing sex

Then why is user having trouble with standing sex?

His sister wanted her hair in a ponytail, but he hadn't showered.

I only did 100kg front because fuck it but i have done around 160 in backsquats
Anyway ive had sex with my exgf standing and she was around 65-69kg during our time together and it was never a problem

I feel like the height might be an issue, i tried it with a 5'2'' girl and it was harder with her but man the chickletts are hot as hell

Point being why is he having issues with it? too tried from lifting?

So she enjoyed it but he didn't?

I only front squat 80 kg

Does your gf weigh more than 80kg?


She couldn't have enjoyed it, because he couldn't lift her.

But she enjoyed going underwater but he didn't?

How am I suppose to fuck a girl with 5RM?

By being fast.

My gf watching me doing 140kg 4x10 fronsquat without belt and only socks on.
>no wonder you can't stand fuck me against the wall, that's double of my weight
Twf fat gf

>no wonder you can't stand fuck me against the wall, that's double of my weight
>no wonder you can't stand fuck me
>no wonder you can't


she enjoyed every second of it ?


She weighs less under water, so it's the other way around.

i have carried couple of women to bed, i dont know why but it gets them juicy wet

I didn't have trouble with standing sex, it was awesome. But i couldn't lift my gf cause she weighted 70kg and i can only squat 140 x 10

exactly what came to mind i swear to god.

If you want to hold a woman you should train arms and back, your legs can sustain 1.5x your normal weight without any issues but your arms will be crushed by 50 kg going up and down for a reasonable amount of time.

I want big glutes and hamies.
Also being able to lift very heavy things is nice.