running causes shin, foot injuries mostly rather than squats though, unless you were carrying heavy ass shit
Pain below knee/above shins from squats
your mobility sucks
your squatting way too much weight with scrub rom while panic breaking for the entire descent and stopping above parallel due to shit mobility
less weight, more reps, get comfortably going deeper
When i had pain in that area i grew half an inch When it went away.
>When i had pain in that area i grew half an inch When it went away.
how did you gt that pain, how old were you?
No kidding. We were all doing this one rep max thing, and I bit off more than I could chew.
>From squats
Nah football/soccer injury. But the principe is the same as my vmo was not doing its job due to being dormant for months, which was leading the pressure to be directed to the place of pain. Imbalances are the cause of most training pain.
anyone ever had a torn meniscus? if so how did you treat it? were you still squatting?
you could need surgery next time. stay on top of your ego
Post your form. It may be nothing, people here are paranoid af. Just focus on doing the lift correctly.
Bang on. I have the exact same thing as OP (had it in both knees). It is caused by muscle tightness which forces you to but a sheer strain through thr front of the knee rather than having the weight resting purely on your muscles. Best thing to do is start a flexibility routine to loosen up primarily the hamstrings quads and hip flexors. Think 3rd world squat with ease and being able to passively touch your toes with straight legs kind of flexibility. Thats the ballpark I'm at now and no problems since. Recommend r/flexibility hip flexor month/routine/shit.