It's possible to become stronger while cutting?

It's possible to become stronger while cutting?

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if you're a starter or /fraud/ yeah

Na the whole getting stronger thing is a meme

Only for a complete beginner or heavy ped user. Some exceptions apply.


If you're new to lifting. Yes

Otherwise you can maintain strength but get better at actually lifting so you'll be able to lift more weight. So you won't be stronger in the sense of more muscle, but still technically stronger.

I know I can't build muscle and burn fat at the same time, but what about strength increase through neural adaptation?

Wrong, you can if you're a beginner.

You can't ever actually get stronger. You only get less weaker.

yes, don't cut too aggresively, don't do fasted cardio

What does fasted cardio do? Kill muscle?

Honestly OP I've been working out for 2 years and losing strength is always a fear of mine. I'm currently cutting (been about 1.5 weeks) and what I find is that I'm losing fat but actually gaining muscle in every area (except the chest, which is the only one going down). If you work your ass off and take every set to failure, then it's possible. Believe user, believe.

Been doing it myself op I'm a hella beginner but I'm way stronger than I was a month ago and I'm only trying to louse like 30 lbs

noob gains yes
they will hit a plateu eventually however

How long do they last?



different replier here, stopped for me around 80 pounds barbell curl and 135 pound bench press

i was seeing improvements in strength in a span of 3 months after that i saw the plateu
I cutted a big deficit so im sure it might be different for everyone

Only ohp annon

nice broscience though.

also OP yes you can gain strength via neural adaption, like others said, if you'res still on noob gains

can confirm. i saw awesome gains for my first year of lifting while doing a cut the entire time. lost 50lbs and all my lifts went up, but just short of a year i abruptly hit a wall. i dont see gains unless i eat in a surplus now.

You're not gaining muscle, you halfwit. You're preserving muscle and losing fat which makes your muscles look bigger

Pretty much same here
Plateau for like 2 months but cut is over soon

I've been lifting for 3 months, lost ~20 lbs since then and all my lifts have gone up substantially. I'm still above 20%bf, how long till my noob gains run out?

Why has no one mentioned the idea of improving technique? If you're technique isn't as optimal as it could be, there is obviously room for improvement while cutting. Mind you, the only way to improve technique is by either experimenting yourself or getting a professional to observe you.

You can't build muscle while cutting. All you can do is maintain your current lean muscle mass.

Daily reminder that you are a bunch of illiterate retarded crabs

Generally when I find a form issue that needs corrected I have to drop the weight to be able to do the exercise with 'correct form'.

For example I was doing my bench and OHP with a too-narrow grip turning them into triceps extensions. I had to drop the weight by 20% now that my pecs/shoulders are doing the work.

yes it is, its lot harder but it is possible, increase weight on lifts and do less exercises on that day, don't cut to many calories, stay at 300cal deficit, do cardio and eat a LOT of protein, eat most of your carbs about 1 hour before lifting, that will help with the strength issue on a cut

I guess so

I'm cutting on 2000 calories right now and making not bad strength gains, I am weakling-mode still though to be fair

I don't think it's possible, but I'm not an expert. Speaking from my own experience. I cut for a week and my deadlift fell from 130 kg for reps to 120 kg for reps ;_;

Cutting on 2000 will take forever. Just cut on 1500 so you can end the cut sooner. You will get to bulking stage a lot faster this way.

I think my TDEE is fairly high, 1500 calories seems retarded as a natty.

No clue how I'll get enough fat or protein in my diet with that unless all i eat is bacon and whey

permacut mode here.


you can make hella gains, just takes much longer.

at 16% eating at a 750kcal deficit, and i just added 5 pounds to my OHP (it is 140 now)

started at 250
down to 175
losing weight erry day.
gaining strength and size erry day.

IF is GOAT for this.

if you have 800kcal just prior to lifting, and have another 800kcal just after lifting, you are in a temporary caloric surplus, even though over the course of the day, you have a net deficit (eating only 1600kcal over the course of the day)

i followed GSLP until my linear gains ran out, now i do a TM-inspired intermediate routine...

you are eating whey too much protein, and too much fats, as well, i would wager.

kino is right, you need less protein (.8g per pound is the MAXIMUM you need. .64g is the minimum) and more carbs.

This is gonna get mad hate. But I find cycling creatine helps. Try and maintain while off creatine, then use the loading phase to boost your lifts +5KG. Then maintain and repeat. And eat a shit ton of protein. It may be a placebo, but works for me.

5:30 is around when this vid gets relevant

This video is great too.

yeah but much slower

your body tends to do much better when you focus completely on one thing.

Muh nigga!

I am cutting hard, 1500 cals or less a day.

I have gained and will keep gaining.

However I wasnt all fat, worked out years ago and been doing labor work since I was 9. So I got muscle out the ass.

So yeah it is possible cause I am doing it.