I was driving yesterday, and I saw a beautiful guy jogging and stopping at the crosswalk...

I was driving yesterday, and I saw a beautiful guy jogging and stopping at the crosswalk. I thought for sure you would like him. He seemed so fit and muscular and lean, and I took some pictures.

But looking at my pictures, he doesn't seem as impressive. Does the camera add bodyfat? How do we take pictures so it accurately captures how bodies look?

lmao ur a fag

you look like a dyel, not "fit and muscular and lean", pictures do not make that much of a difference

I'm serious, this guy looked natty swole and lean in real life. I don't know why he looks like this in photos

Photos create a flat image. It's a 2d interpretation. Of course it looks different.

But not different like you're describing lol

Maybe you're just a shitty photographer.

because IRL is real, and someone with that build is rare, and this board represents the top 1% of the top 1% of humans in terms of body builds, so your perspective gets skewed

lighting makes a lot of difference

>this board represents the top 1% of the top 1% of humans in terms of body builds,


Are you a new? Wtf are you talking about 1%? Lmao..

The autism has surpassed everything i saw here.
Congrats OP

15% of men are obese
50% of men have >30% bf but not obese
30% of men are skinnyfat
4% of men workout in a moderate or heavy capacity
1% are /fit


Pictures are pictures. That is literally what it looks like.

Our brain on the other hand is trillions of cells working together to compose an image. It is not what we see but what we perceive.

Think of beer goggles. Same concept warped perception.

Also while the jogger is mobile his fat is probably hugging his muscles, when hes relaxed it all crashes down

So you pulled over to the curb and started taking pictures of this man?

You're a fucking weirdo.

She's talking about the models and idols posted here, not the average need browser you illiterate fucks.

:( you mean, in real life, he was a a normal moderately fit dyel guy, only my brain thought he was a Chad?

It was an intersection and the traffic stopped. I could have made a right hand turn but I didn't because I was taking his picture

The point is, you're a creep.

You're a weirdo.

What the hell are you doing here.

You don't belong here.



Not if you live in a major city.

I live in NYC and nearly everyone is hot as fuck, or at least crazy into fitness. Competition is fierce. You small town faggots have it so easy.

Hillary pls

Once I was hiking and passed a beautiful Adonis trail running. I am a homely grill so I averted my eyes as he came closer so he wouldn't be offended that some uggo was checking him out.

Later he passed by me again and very irritatingly snapped "hello" as I averted my eyes again, so I looked straight at him and he was black.

tldr some beautiful guy out there thinks i'm racist and can't be bothered to acknowledge his existence

NYC is nothing compared to LA, son. Get on my level.

The joke your head

>and he was black

Being on this board for years has pretty much warped my mind into thinking that white women are incapable of being legitimately attracted to black guys. And as a black guy, it has had a significant impact on my confidence around white women.

but then again
>implying that entire post was bait

>implying that entire post wasn't bait*

real girls, not the girls that lurk Veeky Forums don't really care about the colour of your skin i've noticed. Other than the occasional one that says they wouldn't ever get with a pajeet.

>poo in the loos on suicide watch since forever

>white women are incapable of being legitimately attracted to black guys
it has nothing to do with being on this board nignog

RL isn't an episode of blacked.com.

He wants a perfect body

>and this board represents the top 1% of the top 1% of humans in terms of body builds
maybe because klinefelter's is so rare

he should meet asian girls if he really wants to encounter racism

3 of my white friends date asian women exclusively (although I don't understand why)

Call me a good ol' fashioned racist but non-white girls simply don't interest me at all, and the girls I've been with all prefer white guys as well. Stay within your racepools, faggots

Ok that's funny

Even if you're a girl this is fucking weird