Are these just a meme or do you actually get jacked forearms?

Are these just a meme or do you actually get jacked forearms?

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not the cheap ones

try captains of crush. their weight ratings are legit, their line of products goes up to an insane degree (#4 is 365 lbs), and they feel awesome.

you get jacked forearms by doing things like wrist curls (and reverse curls), but grips are good for crushing grip and static holds (so they can help with heavy lifts like dead lifts). they'll help your forearms, but you can't rely on just them

also, don't overtrain your grip. some people buy those and use them 24/7, but you're supposed to treat it like a regular exercise (so hit them maybe 3x a week). i use mine on my rest days only so my hands (and forearms) are getting hit every day with about 24 hours in between.

also, check out this site. it has a good forearm routine

Those are clips to keep the plates from sliding off the bar.

i lost
u better be trolling

Scooby said that you have to be careful doing forearm workouts because pretty much everything works your forearms and it's easy to overtrain them.

Aren't the fingers just tendons/bone? What exactly are you exercising by doing this?

I do BJJ so I'd love to increase my grip strength but I'm not convinced that this is how to do it.

open and close your hand, note the activation of your forearms, especially bracioradialis group.


Ive got insane grip strength ive been a carpenter mechanic landscaper. I rock climb also. The samurai would train grip and finger strength by pulling weeds. Forearms and hands grip strength needs massive volume. Just ease into it and ramp it up. Ive got 9 inch wrists and 14 biceps

Do you really need these? My forearms are the only part of me that are ripped. Upright rows are the one exercise where I bro out in front of the mirror looking at my forearms twitch and glisten.

Also ive got the captains of crush up to # 3 i was able to close #2 right away w no practice and up to #2.5 now. They are more a gauge of grip strength than a training tool

these are the people giving advice on Veeky Forums

No not needed. Get a towel and 5 gallon bucket fill up bucket 3/4 way mark water line w marker get a chair sit down put towel on bucket wring out water till back at marked line or nearly so. Repeat until you are no longer able to wring towel out. This will blast forearms grip strength fingers etc

If you want better grip strength for martial arts don't use grippers, try grabbing things that are heavy, awkward and hard to grasp in your hands and do exercises with them.

How often can you do that without overtraining?

Well hes not wrong? The hands are just bone and tendon, totally legit question desu

nope, these wont grow your forearms at all.

Often everyother day just ease into it when starting as you adapt and build strength you can then really ramp up time doing it and more often. Youtube john brookfield hes the master of grip strength

Best Model right here.

Adjustable and great for beginners.

If you do deadlift (without mixed grip) for more than 400 then you should get captain's of crush like

That sounds kind of awesome. I like these Karate Kid type ways of training.

I do bodyweight exercises 3 days a week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) - can I do these Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday + Sunday?


Just out of interest, are there any other exercises I can train for strength/size on my off-days? I do full body workouts e.g. pushups, pullups, weighted lunges etc. I usually do cardio on my off days e.g. running

How close is the line between carpal tunnel and wrist exercises?

Been a while since I posted here. Here's some help.


There are small muscles in your hand, also you can clench your fist and feel the work of muscles on your forearms.

Very close look into stretching exercises to stretch the carpels. Alot of carpel tunnel is genetics. Small tunnell large carpels prone to hurting.





What about wrist rollers?

Thank you good info!

Wrist rollers work just dont go to hard at 1st till you build up strength and endurance

I fucking love thick bar for pressing, feels way more natural for me

Yeah but how many sets/reps?

I try to do reps per "side", including lowering it down. I'd start at 5 and go up from there. You can also make a thick one from pvc for extra difficulty

3 reps that is


When i was a kid and did judo, my teacher used to carry one in his bag, he was in his late 60s and pretty sure never worked out, he had one of these and none of the "older" guys could close it, i really don't know how to explain this but he had an amazing grip but not developed forearms.

This is really useful stuff. I've got a pair of fairly soft foam grippers, I'll try and make some use of them considering my hands are weak

Where did you find all these informations ?


these are great if you want to be a serial killer

If you do lots of Phillips or dead lifts your forearms will grow. Even do farmer carries if you want.

>hit them every day with about 24 hours in between.

Isn't that exactly what you said not to do earlier, hitting them every day.

yeah, i guess that's how i said it, but that wasn't my intention. using grippers daily in addition to doing traditional exercises would be overkill, but doing them as a stand-alone, isolation exercise a few times a week is okay. i don't train with them on my lift days. however, a lot of things i've read say that forearms can be trained daily because they recover and adapt so quickly. either way, the general recommendation is NOT to use grippers all day erryday like some dudes do. sorry for the confusion.