Is this natty? He claims so, but i'm not sure
Is this natty? He claims so, but i'm not sure
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His lower body looks like a tornado that went into a blender.
probably not but I don't think he's running anything insane. probably some pro hormones and some kind of cutting agent
his lowerabs and adonis belt look absolutely shit. Too bad, because aside of that, he looks great.
Lats that thick juicy and tight are not natty
Kyle MacLachan's looking swole breh, is it for a new role?
Prob not natty but I like him because he is like the new Zyzz. He is tall but he claims 210lb natty which is the natty limit at best.
kek he looks better than you will ever be.
Looks like shit
His traps are missing.
under 6'? probably
over 6'? probably not
>probably not
Well the dude has being training since he was 12 and if he has godlike genetics maybe and just maybe, but it's most likely that he isn't.
He is 6'2 if I'm not wrong.
Nobody is natural.
What do you think is achievable natty then?
If someone has an ounce of muscle it must be steroids right?
Lift harder pussies
go back to /r9k/ you fuck
nobody fall for it
fat fuck, learn how to cut.
then again you would probably call me fake natty for some reason (oh yea, you look like shit)
Why do people care so much if X is natty or not?
Probably. The most impressive thing is his arm thickness for how lean the rest of his body is.
I'm not one to accuse of roids easily but that's not an ounce of muscle. At 6'2 ~6% body fat and that size being natty is unlikely
Very possible to hit that natty.
He's not overly lean, and he isn't huge.
This guy looks like an average A&F model at best and neckbeards ITT already saying he's on roids
looks like the natty limit to me.
because people want to feel that sense of superior feeling of not using steroids
Seems very lean to me. But yes still very possible natty.
I don't quite get that. Why not take the shortcut?
Did you grow a dick yet?
How deep is your voice?
Whats with his lats?
"around 6 2" is on a youtube comment so confirmed 6 1
Who cares?
Is he trying to sell you something?
Naa, too asymmetrical imo.
It matters in the supplement industry or on youtube etc.
When they're spreading a bunch of bullshit that causes people to fail and never give fitness a second try.
>I'm natty
>I also train 6x a week doing 1000x1000 sets
>Doesn't work for you?
>How about trying my supplements
>Interact with people who subvert the law
>Won't keep gains past natty limit when you quit
>Won't want to quit
>Research required
>Hair loss
>Hormonal change
>Dick hanging lower than balls
>Leaving humanity behind
possible natty if he trained 8+ years and good genetics,but i don't think hes natty
not even your father, that thing you see hanging from his body is a roid gut.
It helps people set realistic goals. Back in the day people thought they could look like Arnie by doing curls and eating raw eggs. If you want to look like x or y bodybuilder it's important to know if their physique is attainable natty or no.
It's also sickening to see fake natties selling their own specially branded supps, and then kids think they'll look like Jeff Seid if they buy them.
oh no mild asymmetry!!! what the fuck do you mean what's wrong with them
Looks natty to me. Just good lighting + pump and flexing
Where da traps at tbqh
>Naa, too asymmetrical imo.
He's flexing his lats and is under good lighting. I've seen people just as big on A&F ads.
nah m8, no tricks. Guy legit looks like this in every condition/situation
>looks good
I'm not against it, I think it's people's choice of doing what ever they wanna do in life. Even if you're taking it for to compete in a show like who the fuck is natty these days.
quite low, and they are visible. I can't sing no more and that's a bummer.
With all those veins in his arms, dry looking abs, and such rounded deltoids I highly doubt it.
And I can't tell if people are baiting about the traps but they are literally the most unappealing muscle. No girl finds some big dragonball z traps attractive.
>ith all those veins in his arms, dry looking abs, and such rounded deltoids I highly doubt it.
I have watched all his vids, and I don't remember him every claiming he was natty.
I always assumed he's on something, hence he doesn't talk about it. He just posts vids for motivation.
Where does he claim natty?
pump, a little tan, good lighting, somewhat vascular..
could be natty but not within 1-2 years minimum 5 years imo
Also does he have scoliosis or something because one shoulder is clearly higher than the other. Possibly one leg also drastically longer than the other.
manlet detected
Vid for reference
>lifting since 12yo
>godtier frame genetics
looks achievable tbqhwy pham, I mean look at the size of his head in proportion to his body, doesn't look like that much mass to me. Of course he looks huge in pictures, but this guy would probably look pretty small with clothes in real life
only suspicious thing is that low %bf, but even then I don't think he's under 10-8%, just a good pump in the photo
you're all literally retarded
>Where does he claim natty
is this fucking bait?
read the title of the video you're watching next time retard
>he is like the new Zyzz
Severe lat imbalance
Shoulder higher than the other
Shit ab skin
Fucked up adonis belt
But, could be natty
post fit
Yes, it was bait; you fell for it.
He's not 8% and huge tho, nom sayin?
That's probably 12-13%
not everywhere
not everyone's afraid of them
wut? it costs like 100$ 2 months supply in my country
>>Won't keep gains past natty limit when you quit
that's enough to me
>"same as jacked models in magazine ads"
>not on roids
Fucking lord, it's going to be a long summer
>all these nattys lifting for 6-12 months who think there exist humans who achieved a body like that without steroids
you're all on a highway to Soul-crushing-realization-of-natty-potential-city
>t. 13 months natty lifter
Have you considered, that when sterons is claimed in these types of thread, it might actually be because the subject in question uses steroids?
wew absolutely fucking retarded logic you have right there m8, keep it up
>no traps
>barely any chest or ab definition
>tiny obliques
>probably no legs
I hope for his sake he's natty, otherwise that's incredibly embarrassing for him
I disagree with you here, for me its much more important to know if someone is natty or not because then I know what is "achievable" and what someone on roids can look like, even if that is underwhelming sometimes, its a way to see what your average Veeky Forumsizen who is dedicated enough can achieve, I dont feel any moral superiority over a roider unless he is in fact a fraud and yet still manages to be small
>photoshoots for A&F
>not retouched
>models natty
Pick none
jelly af
>lol everyone cheats
that is an embarassing post cheekie, you can lie to others but lying to yourself of all people about your reasoning is pathetic, of course bodybuilders who "compete" are on roids 99% of the time but that doesnt mean you have to do it or that you have to chose that path
Steroids isn't cheating. Who is one cheating?
lol i wasnt being sarcastic.
He actually looks like that picture, no meme angle, lighting, pose.
Roids or nah?=
idk and idc
yes hes natty. yes he looks fucking good.
99% of anyone that looks even half decent is on steroids... The 1% they have way above average genetics.
Both groups probably workout and train and diet really hard... some dont..
Just workout and do your best... In 3 years if you're not even 25% to your goal then consider steroids because whoever you were idolizing is beyond your reach
m8, even though you're right posting this is simply futile effort. people here are stupid and just won't consider that an opinion exactly opposite to theirs might be right and coming from someone more experienced
it just works like that. they have to learn things the hard way
He's missing a few tell tale signs of roid use, the delts aren't cannonball and actually drop off, and the upper chest area isn't huge.
the other sign, huge traps, can't be judged here due to the pose.
fucking kek
if he injected tren in front of you you still wouldn't be able to tell am I right?
What did I lie about? Not to be weird but I don't get what you're telling me here. I never told anyone or to myself that you HAVE to take it. Didn't I say it's people's choice of doing what ever they wanna do in life? Which part did I trigger you
user don't blame others for looking like absolute shit, it's your fault
you're either stupid or confusing newbs on purpose. I don't know which is worse
god vtaper is so disgusting.
its like you have no lower body.
If you've been training intelligently for over a year I'll eat my fucking laptop
>dat nose, lazy eye
His face is creepy.
ur creppy
>traps but they are literally the most unappealing muscle.
Shaitan speaks the truth.
Traps are one of the best muscles lmfao. If you have wide shoulders and zero traps you look WEIRD like you're a tabletop. Big traps also make your neck look bigger which makes you look manlier and 10x more ripped than you actually are.
He's literally right. I'm happy with how I look, I fill out a tshirt and I'm reasonably strong, but I'll never be huge and lean, and neither will you.
>confusing newbs on purpose
literally fucking retarded comeback
are you even trying? no wonder you look like shit putting this kind of effort into things
>huge and lean
>with that head/body ratio
>99% of anyone that looks even half decent is on steroids...
He's not entering any IFBB shows as a superheavy but he's quite big and very lean for someone over six feet.
If you want even remotely realistic natty limit goals look at George Hackenshmidt or Arthur Saxon. In today's world, the top middleweight IPF lifters maybe (although someone WILL respond to this post accusing them all of being on steroids).
The way most of Veeky Forums defines 'looks decent' he's not wrong.
>ITT: cockmonglers doing SS for 3 years thinking they're entitled to a fucking opinion on aesthetics
Natty. His delts aren't huge and just the way his abs look prove it. I look similar but probably +4% body fat
>just the way his abs look prove it.
honestly just watching the vids would make any reasonable person suspect he is on steroids, has the attention seeking personality that drives many/most people to get on juice. Whether his body is or is not attainable natty isn't really the question, he doesnt seem like the kind of guy who would want to wait for results imo
A&F isn't a fit magazine ad. It's a DYEL fashion brand.
Christ, go outside, it's summer.
>they don't use clen
whether they're on juice or not is irrelevant, if you're saying their DYEL physiques aren't natty attainable why are you even lifting.
Okay but the point still stands that men who make a living based on how their body looks are 95%+ likely to use WADA-banned substances to get there.