Shoulder dislocated while doing DB Shoulder press, my arm practically folded over backwards...

Shoulder dislocated while doing DB Shoulder press, my arm practically folded over backwards. Got an MRI doc says my Labrum is torn to shreds.

How fucked am I?


you can still hit 315 on bench press

Depends on how important is lifting for (You)

Very much so.


You answered your own question then user..

>listening to some gains goblin quack making up muscle groups to make you stop lifting
Summer is truly here

Doesn't look pretty OP, did the doc say how long it takes to heal?

Thanks to military doctors, it's been three weeks and I'm still waiting to get an appointment with orthopedics, so I have no idea.

>my arm practically folded over backwards

jesus son were you trying to attempt 1rm for db shoulder press? wtf

Nope, I usually use 65 and do 8-10 reps. First rep of my warm up set it just happend and gravity took hold and the weight just kind of fell backwards.

I did this in sep 2012 and started lifting again in sep 2015


sorry user, hope that shit heals fast

I have bad news for you user.

I'm currently recovering from surgery to reconnect my right labrum and stop shoulder dislocations

The doctor is going to tell you that you will never function normally again without surgery. If you get the surgery, there's a ~3 month period where your arm is in a sling and should not move at all, then another 3-5 months after that of physical therapy to get your arm to feel like a natural part of your body.
You will be told that you should never life anything overhead again, at least not for over a year if avoidable. Even squats will be difficult because your shoulder will hate the position it has to get to hold the bar low, your PT will tell you "lol just do frontholding squats" but those faggots don't know about those lowbar gains.

Option 2, which I didn't take personally, is to find a physical therapist/massage specialist that claims they can fix it without surgery. I've been told that as long as you can lift your arm straight up without it coming out, it can be fixed without surgery (although my doctor told me that I would 100% need surgery)

All in all, your choice. Do you believe in alternative medicine?

What has it been like since you started lifting again?

No I dont believe in it, just seems like a scam to me.

What was the PT like?

My physical therapists were really shitty, they were all 20somethings that personally didn't like the facility they ended up working in and acted like it. Give me 5 minutes and I'll upload the only 2 sheets of "at-home exercises" they gave me, but from my small understanding of fitness they seem to be similar to rotater cuff workouts and standard shoulder stretches



rip in piss op

Fuck dude that almist happened to me, i slept on my elbow weird and it felt really weak so when i went to put the weight up it kinda fell bacl and towards my head. Thank god i dropped it

daily reminder not to ego lift

Honestly looking back on the experience I feel like I would have saved a lot of time/money going the alternative route.
Like I had the fucking surgery, and yet I was told "don't ever do pullups or you'll risk tearing your labrum again. Pullup position is bad for all people, not just you because of your shoulder issues" by my physical therapist the last time I saw her.

Hopefully the VA will have some different options. I don't like the idea of being in a sling for months and now that second option is starting to sound pretty good.

not even once

I've injured my shoulder doing dumbbell overhead press after doing 5x5 barbell overhead press with 60kg because I didn't feel sore enough.

It's my 8 week and I finally feel better, might even go back doing mma.

Be careful bois.

>Shoulder started clicking
>Clicking started happening while bench pressing
>Paranoid that I'm about to fuck my shit

God damn shoulders

You talked to a fucking doctor about this OP. What do you think fit is going to tell you that he didn't?

OP I had arthroscopic labral repair surgery about 3 years ago. Granted my labrum was not "torn to shreds", I had two small tears and a very stretched labrum. It was 3 months in a sling as another poster said and at least 6 months before I could attempt pullups and about 2 years to do them without pain.

I saw a physical therapist for maybe a month after I was out of the sling, and they only gave me basic excercises for getting normal function back. I took it upon myself to stretch my shoulder for internal and external rotation about 10 mins a day for around 3 months. After doing the stretches I feel my function is back to normal and I wouldn't think twice about lifting overhead.

TL;DR Get the surgery, lay off lifting for a while, and stretch like a motherfucker.