is there an end game in getting Veeky Forums?
what's the point of doing all this if you can't get a gf?
Is there an end game in getting Veeky Forums?
Getting fit will make getting girls easier bud
There is no meaning to anything user
> lifting for girls
GF's is not the point... it's all about how many dudes reply to your ass picture and say it's good form. #realtalk
>implying dudes reply to my ass picture
It's all about the journey.
t. billionaire @ 100kg 5% bodyfat.
I just like lifting weights and listening to musoc while I do it. Simple as that.
Lifting is the end game
The journey is the destination
>is there an end game in getting Veeky Forums?
Live large, die large, leave a big coffin.
Well you could have a shitty body and no gf or you could have a great body and no gf
>tfw 4 years natty gains and no gf
ive been lifting on and off since i was a kid... i learned drums and joined my mates bands and have recieved more female attention in a week then multiple years at the gym, if ladies is your end game get a job making a fuck ton of money and just pay whores to bang you
You've got to understand, the goal was never really to get a gf. That was merely the bait. The goal is to be able to accept yourself.
Think of it as the five stages of grief. You start lifting to get girls, but it hasn't worked out yet. You tell yourself that you just need to give it time, get more gains. This is denial.
Next comes anger. You see this a lot in those long winded essays here where people talk about how much they hate women, how all women are worthless skanks who never cared about them until they got fit. These people are pissed.
Third, bargaining. Some people turn to steroids to get themselves buff enough for the girls. Some people turn to prostitution to get the girl experience.
Eventually you start thinking you might never get a gf. Fourth stage, depression. You realize that you will never have a gf, and even if you did get one you kind of hate women. As you think about this, you begin to accept your fate. I can't really explain this part at all, you just end up thinking one day "I don't even care that I don't have a gf, doesn't even matter to me." This is the Veeky Forums end game. Being able to be, just be a purely satisfied individual. Knowing that you can set your mind on things, and do them just for the sake of doing them, not to garner the attention of women. You can be perfectly content with yourself.
So keep on lifting bud, lift away your grief for the gf that never was.
>The journey is the destination
holy shit thats deep
I'm terrified that I won't look good enough come this upcoming semester to have any chance
I don't have much time
So I can lift myself up.
Hit the gym everyday, even if its just for some cardio (remember to alternate muscle groups). Start swimming, if you already swim, swim more. Eat more fruits and veggies, and don't go overboard on protein, extra protein turns into fat (but don't skimp either). Run in the mornings, and do some crunches and squat afterwards. Drink LOTS of water, before bed and after waking up chug a glass.
Other annons give some more tips
Do I really need to excercise 7 days a week?
If so how does doing normal full lifting on mon wed and fri and then light cardio the rest of the time?
Also what exactly does drinking loads of water do anyways?
I know we need it to not die but aside from that what does it do
Would you rather be a depressed weak skinny loser or a depressed jacked chad.
Even though life sucks its easier if youre jacked and pretty
I usually do upper day-lower day, but full-cardio should be fine too.
Staying hydrated helps your endurance and helps you lift more, just don't drink too much while lifting, otherwise you'll probably puke
Complete broscience ahead:
It's like having motor oil in your car's engine, just makes everything work better. Also, if you dont drink enough water your body will try to hold on to what it gets, making you look puffy and bloated. Drinking often enough will not. Makes sense?
(I mean drinking water, not lifting 7 days a week)
This. Except you forgot the end. You become a trap and suck Chad's dick.
> and don't go overboard on protein, extra protein turns into fat
Kys dipshit
Lifting won't get you a girl, lifting helps you love yourself so you can love someone else.
>walking in circles
>protein turns into fat
stopped reading, disregard this opinion
>mfw autist think getting a gf is the end game
>implying you wont just be cucked by her because of your inexpirience
There is no cake at the end user. The cake is every 5lbs you add to your bench, every second you cut off your run, every new mire.
this is like fitness 101, you get Veeky Forums to get big
the endgame of getting fit is getting fit
getting fit isnt necessarily a pro in gaining a gf
T. Alan Sqwatts
height and bodyweight?
Twink mode
Fuck you're so sexy show more of your ass in another pic
5' 11" and 180lbs. I think about 15% bf.
Worst case scenario you remain a Virgin, but at the very least people on the street dont get the impression that you havent seen a pussy in your life.
+ Friends and family thinking that you might not be a complete failure when it comes to the opposite sex is like half the reason for getting laid in the first place.
Tldr: People won't assume you are a failure a life virgin, even though you are
What's worse, being single and looking good and feeling good or being single and also physically feeling like shit? Improve what you can. Why let the whole package go to waste due to a few missing pieces?
if you don't have a gf and you're fit everyone thinks your secretly gay
go back to /fit faggot
The lowest level of motivation is to literally attract female attention and have sex. It's the most primitive and primal of our drive to lift.
Above that is for health reasons, to ensure longevity of ourselves, to protect others and community, to become durable and strong enough to move against Earth's gravitational pull.
Above that is more philosophical, often people lift as a way to help their depression, to put themselves through strenuous regimes to keep the negative thoughts at bay.
Above that is spiritual reasons to lift. To manage and articulate bodily energy and obverse our vessels evolve over time, to see progression and help ourselves become stronger, more capable
>Why let the whole package go to waste due to a few missing pieces?
Wise words. I needed to hear this famigo, thanks
Getting ready for the upcoming European race war.
You actually can, fuck i got a gf just after 3 months of lifting and we are still going strong, we will break up one day there is no doubt in that but hey there are a lot of other women as well...
If you lift to get laid, you're not doing it for the right reasons....
If you enjoy it, do it, if you do it to get laid, stop being a cunt... Pretty simple
Pic related, you're not thick, so don't act like it.
Woah dude you are so right I've experienced all of these stages
lookin yummy right there, post more
I've heard it said that making sure you're hydrated all the time leads to less water retention, so you'd look leaner.