This is what a real man looks like you fucking dumbass festering warts...

This is what a real man looks like you fucking dumbass festering warts. None of you even fucking lift besides Zyzz and I'm way more aesthetic than that fucker.

fuarrk mirin hard bro, u natty or what?

I'm fucking natty you fuck. Why would I ever take roids when I could use that money to buy more sick beats headphones? Dumbass.

Awesome pics. Great size. Look thick. Solid. Tight. Keep us all posted on your continued progress with any new progress pics or vid clips. Show us what you got man. Wanna see how freakin' huge, solid, thick and tight you can get. Thanks for the motivation.

Callin me thick u lil bitch? Prolly cuz u down on yo knees. Suck dis dick.

I-I will suck it, no homo

God damn mutha fukin rite ull suck it u lil bitch kek u prolly look like one of those fuckin black keys on a piano u crab rangoon eatin murther fucker

post a dic pic bby

aint shit until you post that tight ass shot


Is this the retard who thinks he's a world class boxer because he goes around paying people to have a light spar with him and then goes full blast?

I remember him trying to sucker punch Mayweather Sr. after he got tooled sparring with him.


god i hate faggots

Fucking damn right it is u hamster ass chili cheese coney. Follow me on insta if u lil faggets wanna talk shit DM me bitches

good midsection but you lose it on the top half, and probably legs.

>the marker tattoos

you mean charlie zelenoff

oh shit its charlie zelenoff. this fag got fucked up by like 4 or 5 fighters and claims to have a record of like 140-0. most of those "fights" are actually him punching innocent bystanders and when they ask him to stop he claims a win.

you cant argue with him because hes mentally challenged and ignores logic

those fucking tattoos

Did you draw that tattoo with a sharpie or did you use eyeliner?

delusions of grandeur itt

You know how mike says:
"Sign the contract, big boy, sign the contract"