You're on a cut and get a craving for something extremely high in calories, such as ice cream shake + a piece of pie

You're on a cut and get a craving for something extremely high in calories, such as ice cream shake + a piece of pie...

what do you do to kill the craving?

Other urls found in this thread:®-shake

i hit my macros, drink some water, and go to bed early.

jack off

Personally OP, what I do is i hit my macros, drink some water, and go to bed early.

Fark, eat some sugar free jelly and cream

macros, water, bed

Invoke your divine will and don't eat that shit.

>OP thinks there is some quick trick or secret to not eating garbage
>OP is going to make it

Pick one

I eat my water, drink my bed and go to macros early

Get the shake, then go run 5 miles.

Satisfied your craving and youll still be in a deficit calorie wise.


Realize that I dont need that to be happy and maybe browse some fat hate threads.

Buy a peach or strawberry and fuck off

I go buy a milkshake and a piece of pie

>tfw i'm never gonna make it

i drink my food, eat my bed, and go to macros early.

I just don't eat it. Like holy fuck, it's not that hard.

You stupid fucker kek

Drink black coffee- smoke a cig

>its not that hard
Obviously you dont have cravings if its not that hard

ex fattie here.

he isn't wrong.

its literally about just not eating it

you must get out of the habit of always giving in, thats it.

thats literally difference between being fat or not

Eat something else with less than 1200 kcal.
>losing weight is hard
No its not stop being a sissy
If i can add kcal of everything i eat up, so can you

that looks yummy as fuck

tell me friends, is an oreo mcflurry or a sunday better?

Yeah I don't know I've never really had food cravings, either. Like if I feel like having something I can just tell myself "no" and forget about it in twenty minutes.

Make a protein shake that's already too sweet. Fucking vanilla cream what were they thinking.

they were thinking
>this icecream flavour will 100% trick the fatties into losing weight if we make it strong enough to overpower 500ml of water per scoop


Yeah its weird dude... i wanna say just dont eat but it aint that easy... pick up a hobby, i joined a band and have a lot of shows coming up, i want to look like a bitch for it so i just dont eat.. It makes my goals easy.. You need to find something that will make your goals easy

I have a couple pieces of dark chocolate which gets rid of the sugar craving. I go for 85% coco linte.

I play a game or get some job work done at home, and soon forget. Just go to sleep if it's late at night.
But also, how would I even be in proximity of the product you describe OP? Am I some idiot that goes shopping and buys a ton of shit I don't need and is bad for me?

It really depends, but I usually start with drinking some dihydrogen oxide, autocoprophagy, followed by going into hypnagogia early.

>But also, how would I even be in proximity of the product you describe OP? Am I some idiot that goes shopping and buys a ton of shit I don't need and is bad for me?
24/7 burger king

I eat sweet fruits like strawberries and shit


Nearest one is like 15 to 30 minutes away.
I mean, I'm sure there's some mad fatty willing to drive that much just for some snack, but it seems ridiculous to me.


Put some dip in your mouth. I find that long cut especially kills my appetite for food.

>literally having zero willpower
How would you ever maintain a decent job or get an education if you can't even waive off some dumb craving?


Hello 2008

how do i make it?
>undress myself
>walk in front of a mirror
>see myself in it
>hate what i see
>go to bed crying cause no gf

watch therage191 and listen to guiles theme/balrog theme and envision the glory that is accomplishing your goals

it's worse than that.
not only will the fatty drive that far, the hambeast will actually be convinced it was just a little snack®-shake

Hit macros, drink water, go to bed early and stay determined

reflect on harmful effects
>In a study led by Dr. Kevin N. Ochsner of the Social Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory at Columbia University, smokers reported milder cigarette cravings when they thought about smoking’s harmful effects while viewing smoking cues than when they focused on its pleasures. Brain imaging correlated the reductions in craving with altered activity levels in regions associated with emotional regulation and reward.

take a walk
>A review of 14 studies suggests that a single session of exercise can be recommended as a smoking cessation aid for regulation of cravings, withdrawal symptoms and negative affect. (Conclusion, pg 8)

high salt/sugar/fat foods mess up a lot more than only your weight though (brain chemistry, blood quality, insulin activity etc.)

With my bare hands

thanks for the links.
I have done that before, took a short walk before each cravings (snacks/chocholate). It worked mostly. then life got too difficult and I forgot that, I'll try that again, thanks for reminding me.

Eat half a pound of chicken breast. You won't want anything else after

Diet soda. Either that or eat something that won't set me back 2 weeks.

>a piece of pie

go back to 1956 faggot

I make a protein cheesecake



this is actually a great way to kill hunger. works especially well if you just keep edging yourself for an hour.

>preference for liquids over solids: water
>preference for solids over liquids: water


I had 500 cals left. I ate 2 slice of pizza with no crust. And it worked on MFP. Just a little bit over. I ate it with a salad. I don't feel too bad about it. I'm only thinking about cals and protein

I reflect on the failure that my life is.
Mostly works

Just literally don't eat it you fuck, you sound like a woman.

Just focus on sticking to the timeline.
If breakfast is at 8:30, I eat it not at 8:15, not 8:29, exactly 8:30.

The earlier you eat a meal, the longer you're stuck being hungry before the next.
Ride through it, you'll thank yourself when you're able to make it to the meal after that, and the next meal, and the next meal etc.

a large oreo shake alone is 1100 calories

Proton Greek Yogurt over mixed fruit.

Works everytiem

I brush my teeth... The taste of toothpaste makes me not want to eat.

Just trun a tren cycle and then eat the food you fucking pussy

Why the fuck are you guys trying to get super lean anyway. I mean unless youre competing its not like cheat meals are gonna ruin your day much. I cheat all the god damn time. sure bf can get up to10%ish but who cares. Actually looks good desu

cup of black coffee always does it for me

probably cause I am addicted to coffee, but I would rather have coffee over sweats any day.

Relevant you fat piece of turd, which is more enjoyable a fun day shirtless on the beach or 5 minutes pure cow lard shoved down your gullet to add onto the other cow lard in your stomach so you will become a cow lard.

ya, that would burn the shake but not the pie

but the problem is it sets yourself up for destructive downward spiral tendencies, a binge/punishment cycle and leads to bargaining and rationalizing ... that combined with the fact that calories consumed are usually underestimated and calories burned are usually overestimated

How about a having best of both worlds

You train DAILY you set proper diet for a good portion of your meals shooting for 90% and the rest is cheat meals.

You guys go to an extreme when you dont have to. ENJOY LIFE AND ENJOY LOOKING GREAT IS A POSSIBILITY.

Unless youre training to compete in something and need to cut super low. this topic is just stupid.

Wanna lose a bit of fat just cut the macros. Not super hard. still have cheat meals.

>EC stack
>take shower
>fight the craving, it blows over eventually
>drink water

>replacing a little junk food with a fucking cancer stick

me too

insecure as fuck pham

Call myself a fat loser
Isolate and distract myself with TV and vidya so I don't think about food
Drink water
Eat frozen protein powder and greek yogurt
Go to bed at 8pm
Reflect on the emptiness of cutting life

I eat the ice cream shake + a piece of pie because im not a manlet and my "cut" is manlets bulk

wew lad

Nothing. I eat it. Life's too short.

just wait and drink water.

if it doesnt help then eat some healthy little snack.

also most of the time the body confuses need drink with need food. so youre thirsty actually. also i doubt most people here drink 8 l per day.

eat it then wonder why im still down weight when I weigh myself next week

i dont get cravings. i eat comlpex carbs and get my sugars from bananas and my whey protein shakes.
a scoop of chocolate whey in a bowl of greek yogurt is just as good to me if not better than ice cream.

Eating a banana or some other kind of fruit works really well. You get some sugar but in a less calorie dense form so you don't ruin your deficit.

>drinking dihydrogen monoxide
>making it

Pick one

You either do something or you don't
Cravings are for pregnant women

He's projecting so hard it's fucking cringey. You can have a small fucking snack like a bowl of cereal
>inb4 haha fatass
every day as long as you lift and eat right for the rest of the day. I bet that fag in the picture only lifts, eats chicken breasts, then sits all alone at home shitposting on 4chins thinking he's hot shit.

I get cravings but am too lazy to act on them.

>not drinking water, hitting macros and going to bed early

cmon people

The most dangerous habit is when you tell yourself the "one more cookie etc won't make a difference". Shit adds up over time

>that image


As another ex-fatty the most dangerous habit is definitely:

>"Well, I already fucked up today so..."

All of you fats know exactly what I'm talking about - and the resulting binges.

>dip in your mouth
>Health & Fitness board

never gonna make it

resist temptation cause im fucking jacked and everyone should know it. WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

>2016 being a slave to bodybuilding, when you will never compete or get paid for ur body.

I would fast that day and then eat that shit or eat it and the go without bed without. If it was already late and i had lunch and breakfast I would have it as dinner and fast till lunch the next day.

I call my dad, talk to him about random shit for awhile, say ,"Hmm, maybe I'll go out and get an ice cream/pizza/milkshake/soda." He'll mention that he's had one of those today too, he's 300 pounds constantly eating junk, knowing that I have his genes and I too could look like him one day I generally decide not to get the ice cream/pizza/milkshake/soda

TLDR Call a fat family member and get them to describe junk food to you to disgust yourself


I get it, I take a bite or two, and then I throw that sucker away just to prove that I am better than it.

i hate mcflurries theres only 10% oreos and 90% plain ice cream

I work it into my allotted Cal for either today or tomorrow if that's not possible
Assuming I can still hit the necessary amount of protein with the treat in my alotted Cal of course

>frozen protein powder

I do exactly this with alcohol. I'll do really well for a good few weeks, then have a glass of wine or two on a friday with the wife, then saturday I'm opening up a mickey of whiskey at fucking noon.

It's pathetic.