Does lifting REALLY make up for being Indian?
Does lifting REALLY make up for being Indian?
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Getting a high paying job in a western country, buying a luxury car, and a house in an expensive neighborhood, is probably the only way to make up for being indian
even then it wont.
would you really want one of them living next to you?
Just make sure none of the nearby streets are designated before you move in.
I wouldnt care. I never met a bad indian. They are usually incredibly nice. Also checking those trips
IIDF pls go
i remeber in college this fucking HUGE WHALE was talking about her sex life and the last dude she had was an indian... This huge whale was like yeah.. He smelled... Yeah he cock was really small... Yeah i could barely understand him... But yeah he fucked me at least...
I fucking hate that squad of indians that lift in my gym
All look stupid, think they are hot shit, lift bby weight and smell like literal shit
Nothing can make up for being a poo-in-loo
If you're not white, you're not a fully evolved human and will never be regarded as such in civilized circles. And if you don't have blond hair, a square jaw and blue eyes, you aren't even really white.
This is what a white man looks like. Everyone else is a degenerate.
>square jaw
>green eyes
Fuck! Fuuuck! Why didn't you just abort me, mom?!
Not with that hairline
i am indian man
India super power 2030
stupid idiot
The problem here isn't even that you fucked a landwhale. The problem is you fucked a landwhale that couldn't do any better than an indian before you went in.
The men are weird and wear sandals but but a lot of the Indian chicks in NorCal who grew up in the US are scorching hottttt
Fuck I feel bad for Indians they literally have been dealt a shit card by life before they were even born.
Indians are lucky you stupid shithead. We have best parents, best education and best life. we make good money and have beautiful women. even white women want us.
indian men are the most desirable in the world
Still can't poo in loo
I mean sure there are some outliers but like everything you posted is the exact opposite for Indians
Nah, not in general.
Most Indian men are half retarded fuckups, ugly, skinnyfat, short and useless.
Many of the Indian men that leave India for Canada and USA, however, come from wealthy or at least rich families, and they're desirable because they've avoided most of the shortcomings of their people.
>white women want us
Why is it that every Indian I've met is more attracted to white girls and thinks that they like Indians?
Trust me, white women, as bitchy and undesirable as they might be, are not into Indian guys. #designated
Lots of people overcome lots of hardship, inadequacy etc but this one is going to require more than just a few sets on the cable machines.
i'm into indian guys who don't look like they're indian
Lifting doesn't make up for anything. Being fit or jacked is however, something that is attractive in it's own right. It will increase your chances, however to be successful you'll still need to work on grooming/money/not being autistic.
this guy looks a lot like a relative on my wife's side.
he's not indian though, cambodian.
Haha solid troll post.
Every Indian I've met/trained has shit genetics and muscle control.
You guys are literally the hardest people to train and teach because you guys don't know how to use your muscles AT ALL.
I'm masterrace as fuck (6'1 / sandy blond hair / blue grey eyes) and recently had a conversation with my indian coworker. He's in his late 30s and has been here for 15 years.
Anyways, even indians are racist. The way he talked about black people fucking shocked me. Are all indians racist?
Yes, racist against other races and their own.
>what is caste
Does lifting make up for being white?
I don't care what you think about me. I'm here to get Veeky Forums
>tfw people think you're Indian when you're actually pakistani
Honestly, if you want to "make up" for being Indian, just learn to speak English with an accent appropriate for your location, dress and groom appropriately, and adopt to the customs of your environment.
Veeky Forums is retarded in thinking race is only skin deep, when the reality is if you change your behaviour and appearance, you can blend into the local race with ease.
>walk into gym
>see a pajeet wearing an orange polo, running shorts and weightlifting shoes
>his clothes are drenched in sweat and he smells shitty
>his lighter skinned pajeet friend is curling 25s and grunting , afterwards wiping the sweat from his dark upper lip
Every time
Aren't Pakistanis just Indians under a different name?
no! fuck you! Indians are disgusting!
Whoa whoa whoa whoa, hold the fucking phone. Are you telling me you saw a pair of Indian dudes working out in a gym and getting... sweaty??? Why the fuck haven't you informed your local news station? This is the most groundbreaking story of the century!
t. sundeep
>india super power 2020
>india super power 2030
kek. never let go of your dreams, pajeet
>be Indian
>Get mistaken for greek or Italian.
Feels bad man.
>even white women want us.
poll a LARGE sample of white women and I guarantee you most of them would say they are not attracted to indians
Unless they're those super light skinned models, dark skinned short pajeet LOL unless he's rich even then he's just cucked.
Next time I'm online I'll post those sexy bikini pictures because you user deserve it
Sounds like a win if you're in the US or Europe.
Think about it like this:
Every country has stupid rednecks
Let me describe every pajeet in a gym, ever:
>fat or skinnyfat
>patchy parody of a beard
>acid-coloured polo shirt
>jeans or jean shorts
>YUGE sweat stains on his back and armpits
>emits unbearably rancid stench of BO and curry
>leaves greasy stains on every single bench and dumbbell
>can kill a person with his breath
>only does curls/ab machine
>films girls on his phone
>stares at people
>never showers
>gibbers like a baboon in Pajeetese at the top of his voice if there are more of his species present
Blessed be the day when I switched to a private-owned gym that only allowes natives in. There is nothing worse than a pajeet stinking your workout up.
i didnt fuck her dude... Reading comprehension man
They both... were sweating in the gym? Why were they doing that?
Says the Ice nigger, how quickly have you forgotten Rome and Greece, while primitive primordial Ice niggers sat in there own filth pondering the greatness of the Superior Mediterranean Race.
>be indian
>enter gym
>smirks and chuckles
>i can hear them
>"do you think he showered this morning"
>"why is he looking at us?"
>"I bet his name's rajeesh"
You guys think this is funny. It's a form of bullying.
We have feelings too.
>We have feelings too.
Not until you act like human beings, you don't.
They're nor attracted to Indians at all
Source: brown guy in north Carolina
Just ignore them bhai
Shut up Yiannis
Mediterranean master race
nah there are polish and prussian heritage people that can be white and brunnete/brown eyes. keep in mind that most nordics are dysgenic vikangz
you meds and nords both are pathetic as you fondle yourselves over wikipedia articles of your respective histories. look today at modern greece, italy, or nu-syria/sweden and tell me about the greatness within. culture is a meme
Who cares if he is indian or mexican, everyone is here to better themselves. Focus on yourself, we are all gonna make it.
>tfw south indian
>have coworker that is north indian, has light skin and green eyes (he says he's mistaken for someone from european countries all the time)
>he's the biggest Chad in my office
how do i get a gf?
>how do i get a gf?
You pajeets believe in reincarnation, don't you?
Oh shut up Yami Yugi Pharaoh is a pajeet and he is hot as shit
Too bad for you, then.
>race that literally evolved cellular machinery so they could keep sucking on animal tits
>"everyone else is degenerate"
hey bb d-do you like east asian guys
cry me a river, rajeesh
top fucking kek
Race isn't even an issue, I date men based on their confidence tho
thx lots of love
everyone here can distinguish the difference between pakistani/indian, where u from?
I may smell like shit, but I can still talk to girls more easily than you autists.
south indian here.
stop cucking yourself with that north-fag first of all.
1. Hygiene
2. Lift
3. Don't be a social fucking autist like these white fuckers
That's literally it.
but but but if I don't reinforce stereotypes about other people, how can I feel good about myself?
my name is fucking rajeesh holy shit this is great
guy makes a mistake, realizes it, politely asks where he can get his own, thanks the guy and leaves.
And you guys are like "act like a fucking human bruh"
Kill yourselves, white people.
t. Pasty White kid
Veeky Forums
why be so racist?
you /pol/ now
Indians are pretty cool. It's the Sri Lankans that sucks.
They're the ones from India's appendix. They are darker, shorter and have shit hygiene.
Indian is better than being white. Those fucker are all selfish fuck that think they are the best when their women are all fucking black guys.
I can't imagine being Indian AND a manlet browsing Veeky Forums
considering most indians are manlets too, must want to blow your brains out.
I love the hate Pakistani have for Indians. Never seen such butthurt when they get compared to or mistaken for Indian. White people don't give a single fuck about the difference and can't tell anyways.
t. pajeet pooinloo
i let it slide because being indian is better than being muslim i guess
>tfw when fedora
>black person in the video
>wow fucking white people smdh
>White people don't give a single fuck about the difference and can't tell anyways.
I feel the same for you guys. It's getting tiring to hear people at uni always get offended when you say they're not slav, or dutch or whatever specific shithole from europe that they're from.
Nobody gives a flying fuck about your heritage.
It's not sri lankans. It's fucking tamils
Tamil sri lankans are literally the worst brown race on the planet.
this indian brah got a qt swedish chick once he got shredded