/plg/ - PowerLifting General
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why do you call it /plg/? powerlifting is one word. call it /pg/.
1st for what to do on boring rainy sunday restdays?
meal prep and watch bigger by the day for 6 hours
Does that guy have enough plates? There's some in the background he could use. Someone should let him know.
eat and watch old Massthetics videos
Host a get together for inebriated folks.
Lads. MyProtein have new Ebig flavours. Which whey do I buy?
Birthday Cake or Victoria Sponge?
Did meal prep yesterday familia
Currently on a Jason Blaha killingspree on youtube, so this sunday is getting better
are u shaming him for using too much weight
Holy shit they have a lot of flavours
Whatever you get, report back with how good it is. I vote birthday cake though
Croatia vs Turkey
Will do. I'll get that and probably cinnamon Danish.
I have had quite a few.
Banana, Chocolate, Strawberry, Vanilla, Rocky Road, Mocha, Blueberry and a few others I can't remember.
They are all pretty nice but the chocolate ones are very sweet and also blueberry and mocha get pretty sickly fast when you have 2.5kg to get through.
yeah I usually stayed away from the more unique flavours for that reason. Mocha sounds nice though
Croatia got this.
But no one cares desu senpai
The real game is later tonight
Drink too much coffee and read a book.
Croat crush Turkroach
>peanut butter bread and milk for breakfast
who here /comfy/
That plus scrambled eggs desu. Semi-comfy, have a short shift to work later that I don't want to.
woah did he really say that wtf
He's like hitler
>go out for tacos and ice cream with people yesterday
>end up eating 3800 cals throughout the day
>wake up today and I weigh over 1 lb less than I did the morning before
Why is my maintenance 3k+ when I'm still a total twink?
Because your high metabolism of having to eat 3k a day makes you a twink.
Lucky fuck.
Greg nukols programs are a death sentence
I am on week 3, day 1 of his intermediate 3 day bench program and I almost died
4x3 @ 85% then 3x8 @ 75% OF YOUR PROJECTED MAX
Yeah, I'm on my 2nd cycle for that program. That day is the hardest by far and I had to take 5-6 minute rests between sets, but somehow finished it. That program is in the process of quickly saving my poverty bench, so even though it's hard, it's definitely worth it.
Hey guys,
I want to run Madcow 5x5. I was curious about the OHP though. For every lift, you have 1x3 and 1x8 on the friday. The OHP doesnt have this.
Can I alternate the OHP on wednesday with 1x5 and then 1x3, 1x8?
Yeah. I never take more than 2 minute rests so this was a real shock. Eventually had to take a 5 minute break and even then I found it super fucking hard
I'm almost starting to think this pain ain't worth the gains omg
neither. myprotein is fucking dogshit
My bench max has shot up from 90 kg to 100 kg in 5 weeks and has no signs of slowing down. And I was stalled at 90kg for quite a while before (partially due to not eating enough). It's definitely worth it for me.
Cuckols strikes again
What do you guys do for big arm assdedicks? Fell for the pl meme.
I am already doing a lot of back work, chin-ups, pressing 3x week, LTE 1x, curls 3x. Nothing seems to fucking work.
What are you favourite movements for big bis and tris?
holy shit kill yourself
do 5 sets of AMRAP curls at the end of every workout
How do I get rid of the summer fags isley
I've seaned them all I can and its not working
holy shit
can you fucking idiots reply instead of fucking circle jerking each other and saying memes? jesus christ /plg/ is fucking pathetic. Im gone, PEC
Wow nice opinion from the weakest lifter here
Great work
Very insightful
Have you thought of writing a book?
I literally snatch 105kg more than you
bro you snatch 100kg yet? Sekret technique
100kg??? Jesus fucking Christ. I was lifting that kind of weight my first week.
This is why weightlifters make me laugh. They think weights below 300kg are worth anyone's time
They're actually impressed by 100kg
Why would I want to add useless mass and fuck up my wilks?
Hey man, we do offer coaching services, for the low low price of $9.99 a month, otherwise you can fuck right off.
like to see you bang 100kg above your head with your hips fatty
yes just hit 105kg pr hehe cant show though its sikrit
Made for you
It's 100kg dude
100,000 grams
Go to any gym on this planet and there's a guy lifting that. Not just 1 guy. Multiple guys. The entire gym I dare say.
don't worry he needs to this so he can lift it twice and not put any of the plates back where he got them.
>Made for you
Holy fuck! I fucking LOVE it.
>The tie
>The Dead eyes
>The hair
More Sean like version
Normies literally struggle to deadlift 60kg
I have never seen another man in my gym snatch 100kg, espsecially not in your gym
post a vid of you snatching or OHPing 100kg now. but you cant. hahaha
It's always the same on here.
Advice is coming 95% from anons, 5% from new trips and 0% from old trips.
The old trips are here for circle jerk and socializing, literally nothing else.
Accept it and deal with, just ask your question again and again at different times, occasionally some user will have some input for you.
>Normies literally struggle to deadlift 60kg
Do you live in Ethiopia?
Oh man, these are fucking gold.
Like the first one more tho
>le post a video straw man
>lie most other people are weak straw man
Dude it seems to me like you've never stepped foot in a gym lol
Anybody training the snatch can progressively add weight and snatch 100kg in a matter of months
Like any other lift your body adapts
The fact that you find 100kg impressive makes me die of laughter
Im actually having a stitch writing this
>Normies literally struggle to deadlift 60kg
This is literally only the case if you consider Normies to be 13yr old girls.
>Normies literally struggle to deadlift 60kg
a 60kg deadlift is a first day at the gym affair mate
I don't know
I hate them too
I've been seaning as much as my conscience will allow (I can't actually wish lith will get cancer. But I can call him a newbie cunt) and it's not working.
Not even this
There was an 11 year old girl someone posted the other day squatting 70kg for FIVE
Wishing kith cancer and tracking down all his personal information is a perfect imitation of sean
Gotta try harder Goerge
wow that club must have been a blast
its not even summer yet thats ur problam u daft fuck
Yeah but I've not been doing that. Should I?
You can stay. You have competed and you're competing again soon.
>can't wish lith cancer
>but can mock his close friend about his reduced life span from T1D
hitler was considered a joke candidate in germany for most of his running too...
As if it matters
1. Is it summer in america?
if yes, call everyone you don't like or disagree with a summerfag
You should try as hard as you can to get rid of the new trips
I'm trying. If everyone puts the effort in we can reach an equilibrium of trips and a one again.
Right now there's more trips than anons and the natural imbalance is causing ANARCHY
>Tfw no meets even relatively close to me this year
He is contributing more useful stuff to this general than you have in years.
That happens when people are actually willingly to talk about lifting and not about social shit all day because they come to this general for discussions about lifting and not for making up non existing social life, like you.
You are a shit lifter with no knowledge of anything and instead of at least being a comfortable character that tries being useful you are an autistic version of an arrogant prick.
I don't plan on competing again for around 6 months- 1 year since I'm moving up a weight class. I was a 74 kg super twink before..
>You can stay. You have competed and you're competing again soon.
Six weeks out. I don't think I'll have my squat fixed by then. Sorry to have disappointed you senpai.
>1. Is it summer in america?
No. Currently it's not. Please learn how the seasons work.
Shut the fuck up Loth
Average life posts
>his advice is anecdotal, thus worthless
>I don't know sorry
>I've got a seen follower :)
>go to a doctor
>eat more
>I don't know
>new trip :)
I want to pop my competition cherry though
Can you post a webm of your squat?
Srsly? Ask anyone on the street if it's summer and they'll say yes. No one cares about the astronomical summer unless you're a meteorologist or an aspie
That wasn't me breh, I don't hide behind the user tag
Motherfucker, there are only so many ways we can tell new shits to not fuck about with their program and to try harder.
Dumb logic
Bad excuse. I bet you could find one within driving distance and have a total blast. I think you'd love it mate.
>I don't think I'll have my squat fixed by then
What happened?
That's my favorite day. I'm good at high reps.
>hurr durr you are him!
I can't believe people still use this mean in order to bring their point across, how fucking uncreative can you teenagers be?
His anecdotal advice can at least serve as base for ones self-expiriment.
What does Isley post that can be of help with anything?
Right, nothing.
>I don't plan on competing again for around 6 months- 1 year since I'm moving up a weight class
I competed at 100.5kg you dolt
You aren't going to win anyway ARE YOU
Let me be the first to tell you to kindly go fuck yourself and that I never want to repeat that day again
It cook me 4 years technique but I snatch better tthan you with less strength so haha
You should whenever you can. It's a ton of fun.
Yeah, maybe. Eh, fuck it. I'll look up some meets coming up before too long. I'm just at that awkward morning weight around 78 kg now though where cutting to 74kg would be really unpleasant, and I still haven't even come close to filling out the 83kg class.
I guess just use 70% for the 3x8 instead like the other programs have.
>4 years to snatch 100kg
I deadlifted over 200kg after 1 year at 16 years old.
100kg was nothing and never has been anything.
Unrelated to the whole "go fuck yourself summerfags" discussion
Anyone know of good resources to find local meets? The Australian IPF isn't helpful as most meets only every 3-4 months and limited to like 30 entries
>Can you post a webm of your squat?
No for two raisins:
1- Making webms is magic and I do not have that kind of arcane knowledge; computers scare and confuse me.
2- You would all end up bleeding out of your eyeballs and bully me :(
Those people are also the same fucking idiots who start going on about summer ending August 25th. Just because you're fucking underaged and you think the world revolves around you school schedule you think we should all drop everything we're doing and call it a season? Naw, fuck off dog, I roll summer until September 20.
There are far more things going on with lifting than fucking stalling with the weights.
And if this general was 90% people talking about lifting and what issues they might deal with, then it would be a really good place to read some interesting stuff regarding powerlifting.
Instead the board is 90% autist tripcodes trying to catch up with the social life they have missed in the real lives so far.
Yeah but you pull slow to hip..
try bring above head, can't even do it LOL
and i just did snatch with bar 3 years about, i squat 400lb over 4 year, and i actually squat to depth yeah...
Dude that's not even 4pl8 after 4 years
im bad
Four kilos is doable water cutting, but honestly, who the fuck cares, it's your first meet - just go and compete at whatever you weigh in at. Get used to the calls, get used to the refs, get used to the brotherandsisterhood.
>tfw can't count this as a PR
like i said
i actually squat to depth here
>That knee blocking the depth check
reee stop blocking me from being an internet ref
I've already actually done 2 meets. I did one to qualify for collegiate nats and then competed there. I was really new back then though and barely qualified.
This is why you should squat with ass to the grass
put bar HIGH on traps, make it easier
I wish I could post my videos but I can't because I'm out
But dude I squat hybrid lowbar to depth you would consider "a full squat" and I got a 4pl8 squat after a year and a half. Started at 30kg squat when I was 15. Hit 4pl8 when I was 16
I have NO IDEA if that's a good rep or not now :((((
Local meets are usually run by regional sub-feds which typically have their own website.
Naw dog, 90% of this general is shits who never competed talking about their "training" and expect others to give them free coaching advice. I'm not here to babysit.
>i squat 400lb over 4 year
Oh summer child you are about to be torn to shreds.
Thanks lad, gotta get down to a meet asap to please the elder trips
ahaha holy fuck I hope you gave him a good banting.
Ah cool, then I say go for the 4 kg water cut. Could be fun to see if you can do it.
i just change name or go user.
but i snatch 100kg clean and jerk 140
squat 450lb or so now but i dont focus on squat just classics
Not true
Closest one in my state is literally on the other side, 4+ hours away. The closest meet to me period is the one in Columbus, Ohio, July 30th, but its 3 hours away.
I wouldn't bully you for your squat form. Download webm for retards, set the file size limit to 3 MB, and that's it.