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Will FL reach wizard status or will this be his lucky shot?
Steroids general
Will FL reach wizard status or will this be his lucky shot?
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so chewing gum while on test. any noticeable benefits?
Fresh breath
in for black angels
just no. People the world over would have outrageous jawlines if CHEWING was enough to make the musculature there actually grow. You can improve how the jaw sits, and how lean you are.
shit who would've known
i'm pretty lean, im just wondering because my cousin told me my jaw looks more defined since starting test but im thinking it's just my accelerated stubble accentuating it
You're probably leaner.
>Will FL reach wizard status or will this be his lucky shot?
hes gonna make it brehs
See Masseter and temporalis hypertrophy are very real. It requires significant fatigue of the jaw muscles as well as potent enough anabolics over an extended period of time.
That girl from leddit is sexy as hell.
I'm been led to believe it's moreso due to hyperplasia-induced growth rather than hypertrophic growth. Which itself is not a surprise. It's highly similar to the musculature of the soleus and gastrocnemius which respond poorly to stimulus outside of high MGF/IGF conditions. i.e if you are genetically predisposed and have fantastic response to the drugs and training of those areas, in addition to the drugs themselves in sufficient doses.
>It's highly similar to the musculature of the soleus and gastrocnemius which respond poorly to stimulus outside of high MGF/IGF
Explains why my calves and facial muscles blew up on high tren.
Reddit has fantastic whores
>on tren cut
>enjoying my full fat greek yogurts with 6-8 scoops of brotein powder a day
>now the "initial" part of my shits are getting hard and dry
godamnit, at least it's not as bad as when I drank 2+ liters of milk every day.
I'm not going to ask for pics, but has your actual facial musculature continued to grow larger or is it just more visible and dry? This will have a bigger effect than you think. Calves can actually be trained, facial muscles less so.
Tren = IGF = MGF splice
steroids are for losers
Just get some fiber you retard
Psyllium husks are your friend
Were you on any orals at the time as well? I'm going to get my IGF measured on a cruise dose one day, then get it re-measured on cruise dose + dbol. I'd love to see the actual effects of orals and their relation to IGF in the liver.
>6-8 scoops of protein powder a day
Anyone used
>he doesnt want to leave humanity behind
How do into fraud
Well they are literally for winners (until they get busted)
>Reddit has fantastic whores
The best, they're fantastic, I love em.
how many of you guys predisposed to mpb saw hairloss on a test e cycle? also is there an effective alternative to finasteride (decided not willing to risk permanently killing my dick)
>is there an effective alternative
Maybe some of that voodoo shit mossad talks about. You don't lose any hair regardless, it just relocates to your body.
No one answered last time i asked:
guys, i was going to start a 500mg test e cycle, but i've just read about nandrolone and it doesnt give you hairloss like test does.
1:Any reason i shouldnt switch to nandrolone?
2:Is a nandrolone only cycle a bad idea?
It can cause hairloss and yes, you need test in there otherwise you will feel like shit and your dick won't work
Testosterone makes your dick work. It makes everything in your body work for that matter.
Run 150mg Testosterone every week, it'll keep the engine running whilst being unlikely to see hairloss issues.
Same thing. Run low test and something that won't hurt your hairline. If you start losing your hair from that, shave that fucking thing.
>You don't lose any hair regardless, it just relocates to your body.
What the fuck are you saying?
>inb4 this is one of those faggots that has perfect hair even on gear
DHT is THE 1# major cause for hairloss, and everyone knows the test you inject your ass with gets converted to DHT to some extent.
If you inject 3x natty levels, you will have 3x more DHT in your body.
Also what is it that mossad talks about?
The only thing i know that legit works for hairloss is:
>no shampooing
>massaging your scalp for increased blood flow (flushing out stuck DHT)
>contracting your scalp muscle for increased blood flow. (flushing out stuck DHT)
Well i saw so many people saying it doesnt give them hairloss at all, while they go full bald on test.
I also care more about my hair than my dick desu. So if nandrolone means dead dick, but full hair, i will go for it.
Does nandrolone shut down natty test production?
Yeah i know what test does and why its important.
Are you suggesting i should run high nandrolone for the gains, and natty test to keep hairloss in check?
Would that work?
>care more about my hair than my dick
What the fuck dude?
Go back to studying up on steroids.
>Does nandrolone shut down natty test production?
Of course it does. It's a 19-nor (with a stupidly long ester if you choose deca) and displays metabolic action for months after cessation. You will be 'shut down' after your first shot and might have a lot of trouble trying to get yourself back to normal.
It's not just your dick, there are so, so many things that testosterone does, which is why everyone uses it as a base. 150mg will put you on the very high end of the natural scale, if not above.
No the growth only occurred on blasts
Masseter is easy to dismiss as dryness but temporalis is noticeable. When I got a haircut I really was able to see the difference.
Either epi winny or var I can't remember. I popping them preworkout.
Best way to start the day.
>What the fuck are you saying?
Lame attempt at a joke obviously. Androgens=body hair growth while balding your head.
Hectic. Please document it if you ever use GH/MGF/IGF/IGF-LR3.
I see.
Now im confused though, im pretty sure 150mg is average natty levels. (whatever, doesnt matter).
Now would you say my approach would work?
So higher end natty test levels >>no hairloss, but also not too much gains
and high nandrolone to compensate for it >> good gains, no hairloss.
or is nandrolone a shitty compound anyways?
I just want to keep my hair lol. The second i lose my hair i can say bye bye to female interaction.
I dont have the face or the head shape to shave that shit off.
Pretty much every compound you listed I have no intention of running lol. Gh secretagogues are good enough for me.
Ipam/modgrf ended up giving me gnarly jaw pumps. I couldn't even finish a bag of skittles. Bagels and steak were brutal too. I'm almost positive my gh and igf was through the roof on peps. I stopped lifting for a while (like what I'm doing now). Hardly anything was lost and I just ended up leaner.
I know what I'm saying sounds far fetched but it goes with what gh15 has said. Igf and gh is everything.
People here say it is, but people here also say 300mg only puts you at top end natural levels. 100mg/wk is enough to put most people at the high end of natural. TRT in some areas is 150mg every 2 weeks, even though it's a flawed science it still gives the correct effect.
Nandrolone is fine. Look around, there are other drugs that won't hurt your hair as well. But do more research,
If you want to keep your hair just stay off the roids lol
It really is everything, though. I need to get my hands on some peps again, but they're so expensive here. Even ibutamoren has gotten scarce. For the mean time I'm just keeping tren in the mix.
beautiful quads breh.
I am eating at +500 on tren, 50% protein under 50g of fat and the rest carbs.
Should I lower the protein and up the carbs? 2.5g per lb of bodyweight seems excessive
why is eq so expensive? 300mg/ml vial is 96$
Why do you even care about that shit?
Just stay at a surplus with lotsa protein so you dont waste any of your roid gains
100mg is peak natty test production for most of the population. 300mg always puts me over 1500 or whatever the top range of the test is.
I feel worse with less carbs and since tren burns excess carbs, I thought higher carbs might be better if 2.5g/lb protein is pointlessly high
Bro aus is fucked. You need to be ballin to be buildin.
In your shoes I'd never take tren out. It's the cheapest and easiest way to boost igf. Even a low dose does this more effectively than any other hormone.
Ideal AF
You best be in Australia if you're paying that.
How much do you ausfags pay for hcg?
northern europe but it is from a great UGL, but I will try some other 250mg/ml for 60$ but it is from some homebrew guy
people that have used deca
How much did you run?
How much caber did you need?
What should i run for my first cycle?
I am in doubt whether i should go with test E and dbol or EQ with a test E base.
test e + dbol + gyno surgery best first blast
damn stephanie is fucking god tier
>Same thing. Run low test and something that won't hurt your hairline. If you start losing your hair from that, shave that fucking thing.
hmm hadn;t thought of this. was going to do an oral only cycle of tbol (heresy I know) because keeping my hair is more important than getting huge. but if i can get the great mood benefits of test without the sides, then get the gains from tbol that would be perfect
I'm gonna start roiding this fall. I will do test base and eq, seems like it will less sides that way
is this achievable natty?
This. Im sitting on three vials of tren but do not wanna take caber or prami. I heard rumours that if u keep estro low lactation would not be a problem.
who got cash for that
no him but kek
why the gyno though
How the fuck do you deal with caffeine addiction? I just came off of dnp + psmf and it's finally out of my system, but I was fucking consuming literally upwards of 2 grams of caffeine a day to combat the lethargy, and now I am completely addicted and can't keep my fucking eyes open or move without it.
Source?.... nocuck.
>I heard rumours that if u keep estro low lactation would not be a problem
yeah me to but I'm still gonna get some caber just in case I screw up somehow
see pic
Mast put your trip back on.
>Ideal AF
Oh mein gott.
Hence i am drawn to the EQ cycle, less aromatizing and hopefully no gyno
cuz it's always nice to see dudebros who are 20% bf start roiding without cutting first and get gyno from dball
its cheap in UK. just buy it legally online too
Strong gyno gains
>2 grams of caffeine
pretty sure thats a lethal dose
hmm, I've bought mk-677 which is illegal where I live from uk so might try to make big order of tbol
not at once over the course of the whole day
Sabrina Banks and Jillian Janson
Just quit it cold turkey
Will take about 1-2 weeks
How much tren 1st tren cycle
don't be a fucking pussy do at least 500mg
Would u even need prami at a dose like that or could i get away with using b6
i heard prami has wayyy worse sides than caber, so i have caber and not prami. I don't remember the specifics but it was a general consensus that caber was recommended over prami.
but it is recommended to only keep it on hand INCASE you experience prolactin sides, and not just take it off the bat. I haven't fucking lactated yet or gotten tren dick ever, so my caber is just sitting there.
treat it the same as AI though, you ALWAYS want it on hand just in case. imagine your tits start lactating and you don't have caber on hand.
Lol i would make my girlfriend drink my manmilk for strength gains
> flushing out "stuck" DHT
just fucking lol
That there is them mini titties
It starts with an ounce of science and absolutely no understanding of a single word you just read.
In for I just pinned hcg in stomach fat and wow I wasn't expecting that kind of burn.
Its fucking true faggot.
There is a reason why the temples and the back of your head NEVER go bald.
Its because these areas are covered with scalp muscles that are constantly used throughout our life.
The back of your head stays full of hair because of your neck muscles.
The temples because chewing contracts the muscles located at the temple.
But the crown and your front hairline always get fucked, which are also areas with scalp muscles that are barely barely used throughout our life, with the frontalis muscle that is, getting thin and weak -> no bloodflow.
Do you think that is coincidence faggot?
The DHT flushing part might not be 100% true, but the bloodflow plays a major role for hairloss.
no kidding
heres a fantastic idea. make sure you sleep upside down every night, preferably suspended by your legs, to ensure maximum blood flow to the scalp to force the movement of DOCKED DHT
you're a fucking moron
but go ahead and dig your fingers into your scalp while you continue to bald slowly but surely.
You'll be on to another broscience theory in a couple of months when that doesnt work out.
Sleeping upside down is great for stress and mental clarity.
Though the blood flow might be good for your hair, idk
Improving blood flow helps to fix hairloss but you have absolutely no idea why kek.
Is this a meme I've missed out on or something?
>Sometimes I massage my quads so they don't hog all the tren
What are you talking about your face is turning red because its got tomato nutrients flowing through it
So my last tren A bottle had way less than what I expected, I wont have enough for my last 2 pins.
But I still have just enough test E for those last 2 pins, should I just finish my cycle now or keep going?
I guess it shouldnt matter that much, but i dont know senpai
Holy shit the hairlet rage is real.
Avoid tren bro, at all costs.
>not wanting tomatoes flowing through your head
Or you could just not do steroids and not face early hair loss.
Others will probably correct me but I think running test alone closer to natty levels while the tren clears would make PCT less abrasive
It's no good unless you drink apple cider vinegar. Vinegar activates tomatoes. Why do you think vinegar is in salad dressing?
Or you know... I can just keep roiding because I know how to keep my hair.
>vinegar in salad dressing
Nice conspiracy theory m8
I've just been shaving it all off since I started working.
not him, but what do you think helps for hairloss then? apart from shit like minox and finas
1g tyrosine with 100mg 5htp 3x a day
the actual cutting edge research points towards prostaglandins as being the downstream causative effect
the short and skinny of it, is you need to somehow block the action, or lower the amount of PGD2 in the scalp. That would halt the hair loss dead in its tracks.
Beyond that, for actual regrowth to take place, you need to increase the amount of PGE2 in the scalp, and then find a way to stimulate follicle neogenesis. The cheapest way of doing that is controlled wounding - basically causing small wound channels that pull the trigger on the various growth factors the body will produce in response.
a guy going by the handle swisstemples documented all this on his website, and hes the only person I know of who has ever shown legitimate regrowth without resorting to straight up injecting estrogen. (yes, some hair loss victims are so mentally ill they will do this)
Swiss got run off of reddit because they found out he was a racist (lol who gives a shit).
as far as other stuff, cb-03-01 looks about as good as it gets with anti-androgens, being an ideal drug in that category (strictly local effect, no systematic absorption) . Again, cost and procurement of the real thing is an issue since its not on market yet.
I dont have a lot of time for hair loss forum members. My experience has been they are obnoxious, stupid and very, very bitter. And thats the normal ones. Regarding the weird ones, the less said the better.
Good low dose cycle for a female?