Is he, dare I say it, the most aesthetic human to have ever lived?
Is he, dare I say it, the most aesthetic human to have ever lived?
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no one will ever beat the king
no, he is not even close.
he looks great, though. unfortunately it's ruined by his lack of charisma.
Why is he wearing a belt?
wow he must tren hard
Lets be honest, he has surpassed Zyzz a long time ago
Is Jeff Seid the prince that was promised?
Is he the one that will finally bring back the return of aesthetics?
Is he the one that will kill modern bodybuilding and become the new Arnold?
I like people who look like they do sports more. I can't stand bodybuilding look, with weak looking core and that cartoon bodyfigure. Just my opinion.
He'd look so much better if he buzzed that fucking tsunami hair off.
Do you ever stop typing mid sentence and wonder what the fuck is wrong with you
Jesus Christ that vascularity
if it wasnt for the 12 year old face with justin bieber haircut he would have a chance
>The new Arnold
There will never be a new Arnold kiddo.
no but your mom does when she's cheating on your dad with me
stop referring to yourself in third person, le cookies man
Looks like a minature version of Bane
All those chemicals couraing through his veins
Man was not meant for such heights.
Happy birthday Jeff!
Prime arnold would have a very hard time even placing well in today's level of BBing.
Arnold isn't dead yet user
>a weightlifter that actually looks good
what are the chances that i can get a body like the guy in the video naturally in 10 years?
Jeff pls go
and yet he still looks better than any IFBB professional bodybuilders... really says a lot about the current state of the bodybuilding scene if you ask me.
0% because they are all roiding manlets
>this is what the 70kg twink at your gym who only does olympic lifts thinks he will look like if he just gets better
Well you're just stupid if you don't do some BB accessory like chinese lifters
No, the face ruins it.
Fucking hell. It's been a couple of years since I've seen a picture of Jeff.
Is he still claiming natty?
Core is overpowering chest, arms are to big for shoulders, high insertion lats are making his traps look small
That bicep is hilarious
>the most aesthetic human to have ever lived
>with that dollface
He has no personality.
My fucking shit is more interesting to look at than him.
No great charisma or funny accent to make him a king
How the FUCK do I grow delts without roids
a lot of androgen receptors in delts and traps, that is why they are almost always big on roiders
Does Jeff still claim natty?
>that fucking hair
That's because prime Arnold competed at a different time and used different drugs. If you put Arnold on modern drugs he'd look very different.
But anyway, being Arnold is about charisma and ambition. Modern bbers don't have that.
>surpassed someone who's been a literal spooky skeleton for 5 years
>all these drug adicts thinking they can ever reach tinytrip tier
No you are
Train them retard. Warm them up. Raises for each head. Progress on OHP. Face pulls.
While we all like speaking of ourselves in the form of fitness and bf, Jeff seems like that arrogant fucking cunt that won't shut up about it, and is liable to imitate other's squat form while standing in line at a Subway, only to suck in air through his teeth upon his turn to order and point at things saying "ooh, carbs, prob not lean, too much fat...etc."
He seems like the ultimate fantasy for fucks who can't separate high school and sexuality and I'd be astounded if he has any career aspirations.
What the hell does he even do but stand around, flex and look like a gay retard with a headache? If he doesn't go out like zyzz, but actually from roiding in his thirties, he gonna wind up a weird unpleasant, talentless fuckhead who can only reminisce about his "achievements"
tinytrip's natty?
jeff gone
he was for a long while and looked pretty juicy, but he wasn't in that picture anymore
That boyband hairstyle lets him down.
you mean he's off cycle in that pic?
are there any pics of him before he started roiding?
>a gay retard with a headache
chek'd + kek'd= me
i dont believe he ever was on juice but this pic is from before the time he alegedly roided.
here's one where he is allegedly on roids
interesting, thanks for the pics
When did you start lurking?
long enough to have almost 400 pics of tinytrip saved :^)
I'd still suggest you not to spread disinformation since you're too new to remember.
fuck you talking about
>he has surpassed Zyzz a long time ago
no, he has been copying zyzz but he will never surpass him
That's not tiny
You can tell he's thinking about sucking his cock because of how he can't stop touching the chair.
>elbow at bed height
seems like it
He's not aesthetic, he looks like a cartoon Muppet on steroids. And his body looks unbalanced and overkill
Cause hes a faggot
except it is. i promise. not from the Veeky Forums times tho
Once you grow that much muscle, you are now longer aesthetic. He should have stopped while he had the chance.
Jeff pls go
he was the best around here imo
in terms of bodybuilding aesthetics, zyzz isn't even close to jeff
Oly lifters have GOAT aesthetics. And I'm saying that as someone into powerlifting and classic physique bodybuilding.
Where have this man's traps disappeared to?
stay jelly
Go to a mirror and flex your lats.
Its kind of like how new computer programs and companies and apps try to be "the next facebook" in order to beat facebook. Guess what? Facebook already exists in that space. And won't be toppled by someone else trying to be a better Facebook.
As long as Jeff Seid is still trying to play the aesthetics game against someone who is functionally immortal (RIP Zyzz), Jeff will never surpass Zyzz. Especially since Jeff started off just doing the things that Zyzz did instead of coming up with his own personality and his own things.
What is with that fucking haircut? Like really
jeff seriously has the worst haircuts
he just can't get his hairstyle right
and the sideburns are awful, he looks like ace ventura with those fucking sideburns
he's got to get that shit figured out, his hair is awful
great physique though, just needs some serious help with the hair
Jeff's face is a cruel destiny crystallized into flesh, one made for being the "face" in gay fart porn, the one born to sniff protein farts with lust and vigor. His body is irrelevant, he could literally weigh 900 pounds or be a quadruple amputee, nothing will stop that face from hurtling towards this reality.
not more aesthetic than jon skywalker
That dude who trips here occasionally jordy or something is gonna blow up. Mark my words Veeky Forums
He kinda looks like shit at this point.
I have no clue what message this post is trying to convey
post pic? wanna see for myself, don't lurk much on cbt
All these shit talkers on Veeky Forums would never say that shit to Jeff Seid face.
This is off his IG. He's a cheeky asshole, looked like a dyke bitch tranny before he started lifting. Pretty crazy transformation.
Mark my words man!
ah lol yea I've seen him before, didn't notice the trip tho
motherfucker has pretty godlike genetics +that colour skin really brings them up
if he keeps roiding hard he's gonna look fucking huge, yea
He's coming for the throne.
What king
This guy comes to tan at a salon nearby where i live lol
is this a serious thread? kek
was doing bb and pl then switched to oly lifting , after about 1 1/2 years i can say if u do serious weightlifting routine and some bb on the side you will get a body resembling this, can honestly say i'm happy with my physique after starting oly lifting.
he looks like kronk with those proportions
gotta be the angle
I'm not sure why jeff is trying anymore when 6'4 Jon exists