Dun diddly deadlift.
Form Check
Where do I fucking start.
Your setup was good, nice athletic stance, neutral spine, but it all went to shit so quickly.
After grasping the rock (fuck knows why you chose that over a barbell, maybe you've taken paleo a little too literally) you let your hips shoot right up, and rounded your spine considerably. You probably think you can get away with this because you're young. I have news for you pal, try that when your 8 or 9 and you'll be heading straight for snap city, and i doubt your mother will have a pacifier ready to sooth your failed PR attempt.
A saving grace was your speed was good, but without keeping your hips down and keeping that neutral spine, you will be crippled before you reach teenagehood.
Also, throwing the weight down is just rude desu
This desu
Thanks, I'll work on keeping my hips down and spine neutral. Anything else I should keep in mind?
You should be lifting 3 rocks if you want to call yourself a man. Fucking DYELs are ruining this board.
I was told to start light until I had good form.
Too much lumbar flexion/10
>wearing shoes while rocklifting
Not gonna make it
mirin. Natty?
HGH, oats and LOMAD.
>maybe you've taken paleo a little too literally
get that kid on GOTMAD (gallon of titty milk a day)
LOTMAD is ideal, otherwise you'll be overbulking and get mostly fat
>implying he's not a fat powerlifter already
I can tell the bae in the back was not impressed.
I notice my form degrades after the first two reps. Any tips?
Hips raise too quickly. I don't know the solution to this. Maybe you focus too much on locking your knees too early in the lift?
get a haircut you hippy trash
I love you trappy
Keep your chest up and maintain neutral spine
>slamming that baby weight down
we'd smash your head in in the parking lot if you did this at my gym
Will it fix my form?