How does Veeky Forums spend their rest days?

How does Veeky Forums spend their rest days?

I play pic related and am learning how to write fiction

I mtg yesterday and ate a lot, I also napped. I only get days off of work every now and then 1-3 days a month because I work a full time and a part time. Usually on rest days I just eat and work

eat a lot, active recovery, walk or be on my feet a good amount. i never have an off day where i don't do anything.

there is a cringe thread already

nights i'm not at the gym are usually spent working on this rusty piece of shit

Pretty jelly. Those fucks are expensive as shit in switzerland otherwise i'd have one too.

I love the witcher but I'm also socially inept so I go to the mall and practice socializing then I go home and play vidya

Do you guys not have jobs or what?

>so I go to the mall and practice socializing
how do you practice? i've tried this, i went to the mall, every person is there with a friend chatting, or on their phone talking or texting

they're fucking expensive everywhere

A rusty as fuck one with a rough as fuck engine conversion and the shit diff housing you can't put an LSD into sold for just under $10,000 AUD

makes me wonder how much mine is worth
not that i'll ever sell it

Rest days usually involve
>The Secret World
>Mordheim terrain building
>meal prepping

I have a shitload of boardgames but no one to play them with; I've given up pulling them out and playing solo variants, it's too painful.

Pic related is some casts from moulds

people at the mall don't want weird fucks coming up and making small talk

please fuck off.

Just walk up and talk I usually start by complimenting her on something she's wearing or something like that if I see something interesting happen I'll try to make a joke about it to someone near me socializing is weird because my brain is always looking for some formula or code that'll make it easier but I find its like a whole new game with each person I meet. I definitely found that the more genuine your smile looks the better.

I'm sorry to hear your so lonely

I usually watch movies/play videogames/sleep/study

I'm an aspiring professional monster slayer

Please stop harassing people,you gonna catch a rape case

I socialize

Pic related as well in my free time

My job and gym eat up most if not all of my time

Gardening, playing harmonica, reading, hang out with bros, hiking, going through hundreds of conversations I might or might not have in the future

Tell me your resources, user! Ive read 9 Day Novel, and it was pretty insightful concerning techniques. I'd recommend it.

Going to far right protest and fight antifa. Also take care of a few plants in my flat when I don't have to study for uni.

do you fight against muslims n shit

listening to music, thinking about the crushing weight of loneliness looming over me, shitposting on Vietnamese noodle recipe forum boards.

Most muslims don't pick fights, they try to have a debate. I cover my face though so I don't get kicked out of uni.
The faggots that do try to fight though are white liberal fucks, and thei're either lanky af or fat and short.

Do you fuckers not have a life outside of lifting

e.g. a job, education, friends

PLaying Witcher for the frist time. Do you ever get to kil the crones of the bog?

That's a the book I'm reading too. Did you get all the way through 90 days? I'm just on day 2 right now.

this pretty much

I read all of it man. The resources online he provides at the beginning of the book actually helped me a lot. This is the book by Steve Windsor right?


Contemplating suicide

oh. well man I highly suggest it. It encourages a pretty intense writing schedule I really like.

Yeah bro. I fucked up the Wild Hunt now im in Tussount and am lvl 46 in my first play through. My Ursine Schhol gear bear mode Geralt is fickibg shit up.

if your life consists of lifting and stuff inbetween, and not stuff and lifting inbetween, you're simply not making it


no spoilers user

game gets better and better

>he doesnt use full feline and light attack build with spin2win to mow down enemies like a runaway freight train