Is Mewing just a meme? Are there success stories? Before-after pictures?
what the fuck is mewing
putting your tongue against the roof of your mouth. it's said to improve facial aesthetics
Oh yeah, I mew all the time. I've had great success. No pictures because I'm a fucking cat and I don't have the opposable thumbs required to operate a camera, you asshole.
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Tf is mewing?
yeah I heard Eggman is trying this out, take a look back in 5 years see how he looks
That's the most retarded shit I've heard all week.
wait you guys dont naturally put your tongue against the roof of your mouth?
No. I tend to bite my tongue a lot, actually. Fucked up habit, I know. It leaves marks on my tongue too.
That's what gets me lol, this is the dumbest shit ever.
Mewing seems to open my nostrils where before I had a lot of difficulty breathing through them, especially my left nostril.
Underrat ed meowmeow
Lots of people develop the bad habit of resting their tongue on the bottom of their mouth, especially people who breath through their mouth.
Damn, I thought it was a myth, not one person I know does that
Every time I see this shit, I become aware of my tongue and realize that it is already on the roof of my mouth pushing against my teeth a bit.
Im pretty average looking.
Yeah, gave me a little more prominent jaw. But i feel like im tensing the area under the chin as well, don't want a more prominent "doublechin".
I thought everyone rests their tongue at the bottom of their mouth wtf. It takes more effort to push my tongue to the roof
>yeah I heard Eggman is trying this out, take a look back in 5 years see how he looks
Veeky Forums's basically /r9k/ now, fucking hate being surrounded by losers now
lifting won't make life a real life anime, sperglord.
This. /pol/ & /r9k/ ruined this board.
this bullshit has been skewed for years
dont pretend like Veeky Forums used to be some haven
same shit with politics
>obama ruined everything wahh
shutup, people have been bitching since the first president
Crossboarding has been a thing since the creation of Veeky Forums. Fuck off.
Same here. I already do this. I think I have a good jaw but overall nothing special.
I naturally put my tongue at the top of my front teeth
I have a good jawline but a slight underbite
lmao what, go back to facebook faggot
Holy fuck this thread has fucked me up and I've never noticed where I place my tongue in my mouth and now it feels unnatural wherever I put it.
i have a question related to this
trying mewing has brought attention to jaw
through this i just noticed i have an overbite
should i put my jaw and teeth in the proper position myself?
or should i just leave the overbite until i get braces to prevent fucking my jaw up?
I've been mewing since July 2014. I can't tell for sure if it's done something. I like to pretend my side profile looks better but I'm probably coping
the whole tongue, especially the back.
Not just the tip
For me it's the other way around lel
>mfw mewed all the way back home from work
>mfw there's a pack of cats in front of my house
Wat do?
It's not a meme, there are actual clinical studies showing that mewing works to some extent
On an anecdotal note my cousin and I looked like twins as little kids but I grew up eating a chewy diet of meats and vegetables whereas he grew yup eating a soft diet of shit like sausages and cereal and mouthbreathing, now I've got straight
teeth without braces and a pretty square jaw whereas he's had braces and double jaw surgery to fix his fucked up teeth
mewing is supposed to fix your overbite.
rest your teeth in whatever way feels natural for you, dont force them to rest in a unnatural position.
of course it has. however if you think /r9k/ hasn't got much more of a presence here than it did say 5 years ago, then you are a newfag and shouldn't talk about shit you don't know.
Fug cats with penis.
While mewing.
nothing will fix those narrow shoulders
I'm M.E.W
He's a pretty big guy
Dr. Mew said that the tensing under the chin actually gives you the more proeminent jaw, so there's no need to worry.
that grid is fairly handsome actually, not sure if that is perfect though, but sexy anyway
how come?
if i force them in the proper position it will eventually stay that way right?
For you
yes thats not the roof of your mouth, you need to click your tongue and hold it against the roof at the highest point of your click
>what the fuck is Google
its from accent and enunciation more than anything the natural position of the tongue.
mine rests on the roof of my mouth without effort.
a similar vein to the mouth breather theory
Most do naturally, the problem is no-one puts the whole tongue up there and quite frankly it's a bit difficult to do.
I don't understand why some of you seem to have such a negative reaction toward mewing, if you watch his lectures you'll see what he says makes a lot of sense.
You are a gentleman and a sir.
>prominent double chin
Dude, just workout
Where do I put my tongue? Like right behind my teeth or in the middle of the roof?
Am I supposed to put my teeth on top of each other or like they are in a bite?
people often say I have a pretty good jawline, though mainly when i'm cutting. I used to be a mouthbreather until about a couple years ago where made an effort to mew and nosebreathe
Sure, ill constantly keep my tongue in a curl backward
thats exactly what he wants, not touching the front of your upper teeth but touching the roof of your mouth.
and what i just described he literally said in his video.
Anyone who doesn't is likely a filthy mouth breather. I always have my mouth closed and my tongue naturally suctions to to roof of my mouth.