You guys always joke about turning gay because of Veeky Forums, but is it actually possible to make yourself gay?
I'm sick of receiving absolutely 0 attention from women and their absence of sex drive. If I was gay I could dress like a little slut and get tons of male attention. Thing is, I'm not interested in men at all. Is it possible to become gay? Masturbating to gay porn every day? Fucking traps? Did anyone succeed?
You guys always joke about turning gay because of Veeky Forums, but is it actually possible to make yourself gay?
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so you just want attention?
sissy hypno got me good
bought a dildo and lube off a sex shop online 2 days ago and then asked for a cancellation
i don't think guys would want you either
you can totally turn yourself gay that's how it happens for everybody
I don't think it's possible. It's programmed into you. Think about gays and traps throughout history. They were almost always persecuted and attempted to be killed off. Yet they did not stop and disappear. Why? Because it's something you're born with.
>I'm sick of receiving absolutely 0 attention from women
lol get gud faggolina
There's 3 ways to "turn" yourself gay:
Receive little to no attention from women, be isolated from them much of your life, and be in denial about your heterosexuality OR believe you were straight most of your life but something occurs and you figure out you're actually homo/bi OR completely force it and live in repressed denial and shame for the entirety of the time you do so
Even if you don't believe in sexuality being chosen at birth, there are definitely roots on the nurture side of things that can determine it (i.e. things that happen in your earlier years while you're developing.)
Doubt it, weemin couldn't get me horny even if I wanted it to change.
>I'm sick of receiving absolutely 0 attention from women
This is another issue user, you have no guarantee that fags will give you more attention, especially if they know you "became gay" by default.
Pretty much. I have zero self esteem and being a straight male the tiny bit of validation I receive is from old men. I need potential partners to make me feel adequate.
pretty much this.
The people that "turn gay" because of Veeky Forums always had latent potential and were a little bit interested in men beforehand, it's just something they finally chose to explore.
So... you're fucked. But not literally.
Gays are just as horny as straight men right?
Yes but some of us still have standards.
I'm straight and have very little libido
tfw no 9/10 chad bf, n-no homo
OP, you can't make yourself gay, but you can perform gay acts. I don't know if that'll make you any happier tho
You can't "turn yourself gay", if you have zero interest in men to begin with, romantically or physically.
It just doesn't work that way.
Even if you could, we fags are as vain and superficial as women, if not more since we don't really care about your financial status unlike females and only give a shit about your looks, so i doubt you would get the attention you seek from us.
The attention you get from old fags doesn't mean much, they're so starved for human intimate interaction they would crawl through glass, if it meant getting slivers of affection from another human being.
I'm interested to hear the thinking behind this.
>there are definitely roots on the nurture side of things
I hope you have evidence for this.
I honestly feel that after two years of browsing Veeky Forums daily and lifting, I have slid from a 0 to a 2 on here. N-no homo.
>straight men aren't one of the most widespread turn-ons among homo men
it'll make someone happy at least.
>I'm sick of getting 0 attention from women
>HOT straight men
Not this much actually
Straights are troubles.
They're closeted, don't really know what they want and they aren't even good lays, that's like fugging with a virgin.
>0 : straight
>1 - 6 : not straight
I've gone from like a 2 to a 4.5
op i don't think we can make you gay but we can try.
>0 - 5: not gay
>6: gay
As a gay man, if Justin doesn't turn you on, nothing will.
>from left to right the figures:
>become more comfortable in their physical postures
>move from "black-and-white" into more natural skin-tones
>are a little more naked each step
>begin interacting with each other
>Propaganda is a form of biased communication, aimed at promoting or demoting certain views, perceptions or agendas.
I just realized this is not Chris Pratt....
I've actually tried "turning gay," and have had some results. I'm only really attracted to feminine men. Receiving anal would be cool.
Not sure if I was partially a fag to begin with.
He's really hot but I'd prefer if he was just a bit leaner.
Bro wtf are you talking about. why dont you go fuck a prostitute you fucking dumbass. i havent banged for a long time to but aint gay nigga go bang a hooker you stupid fuck. dont you think befor you type some bullshit on a faggit ass board?? your a man, not a fagg. go call a hooker or let her go to your house.bitch ass fucker!!!!
>green is a natural skin color
Or it's just a fucking rainbow, fag
This. You're just ugly OP, kys and hope you look better next time
he's leaned out since that video
but i prefer him T H I C C
asian hookers.
they are cheap, usually kind and sweet and have a body like a 16 y/o
1 time a week 40€/session = 160€/month
u get to have sex 4 times a month for 160€.
You have insurmountably shit taste my friend. This guy gets it.
i forgot to add that a different girl each time (if u want so)
>anime posting
Talk me about shitty tastes.
Speak English first please
he'd be hot if he wasn't a manlet
Where the fuck do you get it at that price?
Growing up with too much women could also make you gay.
>muh grammar
At least I'm not an animefag.
>get fairly big easily
>can be tossed around in bed
What's the problem user?
well i masturbated to kalindra chan so there's that
he's like 5'11
regardless, manlets are hot
>says there are 3 ways
>lists 5
I am gay and I turned to Veeky Forums because I believe that I have to offer what I desire (a hot body).
Why would you ever want to become gay? It's horrible: a significant part of the world wants to see you dead or at least hates you, if you have lots of sex you will get HIV soon enough.
>grapes this sour
>you will get HIV
It might help if you avoided anal and oral (which have been outlawed more often than homosexuality). The ancient Athenians used the "between the thighs" method, and it seemed to work for them.
>I'm sick of receiving absolutely 0 attention from women and their absence of sex drive
I dont have any problems with gay or bi people, but what is with this statement? Hahah
If you're not getting mires on the reg and having women literally say, "i want to suck your dick", youre either ugly, dyel, or have the personality of a dried dog turd.
I'm 31 (probably past my prime looks wise) and have grills literally say they want me to use them as a fuck toy.
6'1 / 175 / 13% with blond hair and light blue gray eyes for reference
This AIDS thing is blown out of proportion desu. I live in the gay part of town and all the homosluts I knows haven't gotten any STDs from bringing home a different guy every other day. Just don't participate in orgies and stay away from bug chasing circles.
>It might help if you avoided anal and oral
Hunty, if i wanted to masturbate i could manage that just fine on my own, i've got 15 years of experience.
I'm not going through the trouble to find someone hot just to rub my dick on his thigh.
If you're not a fucking idiot getting barebacked and bred by every guy you meet at pride or at a gay bar, you won't get STDs.
>tfw ftm boyfriend
Best of both worlds desu
Half of those with HIV don't know they have it and 20% of MSM have HIV.
I guess I will stay a virgin until a cure is found.
Under those circumstances I don't even want to kiss another man. It's just not worth it.
it's not gay if you don't take dick
you could start a life-long monogamous relationship with another virgin.
You don't have to be gay to have a bit of fun.
I'd fuck a cuteboy and I'm 100% straight, wouldn't even cross my mind to think they're gay for liking me.
A fem and a masc fucking is completely natural.
>I turned to Veeky Forums because I believe that I have to offer what I desire (a hot body
Naa be cute trap.
Yeah iktf
In my dreams.
You know how rare virgins are, let alone cuteboys?
>You know how rare virgins are
You tell me, don't forget where you are.
>let alone cuteboys
Nobody is safe from autismo fampai.
everything except heterosex in the missionary position for the purpose of procreation is technically sodomy.
What? How is having your prostate rubbed by another man's fat juicy cock gay exactly?
If people "turn gay" it's because they already had the potential to be gay. I was already bi and did some gay shit in high school, so I don't buy that Veeky Forums turned me gay. It did help me discover my preferences in people of the same and opposite sex.
I love husbando mode men, and thick girls. Thanks Veeky Forums.
If you avoid bisluts and non-whites and always wear a condom, you'll be fine.
I've met a few poz people through volunteering at prides and it's always the same fucking story, they either do stupid shit like get high and fuck bareback with strangers or stop using condoms in a 2 week ""relationship"".
Veeky Forums, gentlemen
keep up the good work brehs
maybe this will help
I love the joocy dude look and as a former fatty (25%+ bodyfat to 15%) have found it a less painful look to acquire than say ottermode. But it only seems to get me other men, 40+ something women, and fat girls ;_;
Either get leaner or settle for being walking homobait.
Oh well. Homobait it is. N-no homo.
post body
No you don't, you just can't get laid.
>tfw low key want a monogamous committed relationship
>afraid i'll get bored of fucking the same guy after 3 months or so
>tfw you get a lot of attention from the gay men at the Korean spa you go to, but none from girls
feels bretty bad
CHAD and BRAD are on a DATE eating PIZZA while you're ALONE masturbating to THICC HUSBANDOS on Veeky Forums
Fucking kek I knew this was coming
Sexuality is a spectrum. In general most people are straight in terms of physical and romantic attraction. Therefore if Veeky Forums did make someone gay that was not the case, rather someone either became gayer, less straight, or both.
I always liked this gif but then i remember the top is a limp-dicked shitty top.
Your country is filled with prostitutes desu.
don't even know the source of that gif, i just like hosting humorous sfw gay porn images on Veeky Forums
who's your favorite top user?