current body thread - "why aren't you at festivals banging sloots" edition.
finishing my cut soon, 87kg 187cm
why aren't you hitting chest
already posted this pic once
question that doesn't deserve its own thread:
currently 19 years 5'11 142lbs / 180 cm 64 kg, slowly departing skinnyfat mode
is it a good plan for me to bulk @ 3 lbs per month for the next 10 months or so?
did you flex your abs in this pic?
5'8, 66kg.
Not been too active recently after injury and work life balance going the wrong way.
Advice on where to go?
Currently swim and cycle.
I am covered in loose skin with my shirt off, due to a stupid weight loss method years ago. Here is what I look like with clothes on.
Lean bulk at a 300 calorie surplus and after a couple of weeks judge to see how you're finding it
What was the stupid method? Crash diet?
Try lifting
Fuckin phone posting sideways. Here is the most flattering angle of me shirtless lol. Including saggy empty manboobs.
I am tempted to rejoin my gym. But all I was taught was machines. I don't know if that's the right thing to be working on.
And I have no idea what to ask for.
Essentially. About 5 years ago way before i knew anything about lifting. Just low calories, walking, mostly low cal carbs. Went down from 120kg fat as fatass to 72kg skinnyfat bag of shit. Started lifting seriously about a year ago with various diets, currently doing some carb cycling with paleo and doing SS.
Keep doing whatever youre doing bby. Youd make a wonderful trap
Cutting is fucking horrendous
why do guys that look like OP spend their time on Veeky Forums? do they really need this much attention from strangers?
fucking normies, REEEEEEEEEEEEEE
There's a full show. Don't think I want to be a trap though. Want to have a comfy chest for a girl to snuggle in to.
What would I need to ask for at a gym to be shown?
Post workout 6 weeks in
Was 120lbs now 140
Summer is early this year : ^)
No I just exhale (release all air from my lungs)
Stand up straight, stop tensing and stop sucking it in
Not very impressive but compared to where I used to be I feel good but nowhere near where I want to be, currently cutting, being suicidal 16 hours of the day, sleeping the other 8.
Ask for strengh training.
Maybe try working out your chest
I do a fair bit of chest, just finding it really hard to build any mass there and lower chest lacks especially
>slowly getting there
traps and arms are lookin solid af
work core and chest more
nice, almost perfect.
You look a lot like me
Mirin livonian genetics, your calves are meh though
Pull your panties up slut.
what are your lifts?
It'll pay off brah.
6', 172lbs
Cutting to 165 for lulz
damn it forgot the pic
you have two options I'd say:
>head to a gym now and use the machines
>learn how to lift before you head to the gym so you can use free weights
(free weights are recommended almost everywhere online, although I'm not 100% sure why)
if I were you I'd spend some time learning about exercises before heading to a gym so you have a full routine to work on - especially take time learning the technique for the deadlift. It isn't as simple as some of the information online might lead you to believe and it's very important to have it down right (think of it as a push movement using glutes and hamstrings, that should help you avoid the worst injuries).
post ass and ill decide if i want to bully you
Well the gym I get 3 free sessions with a pt. So could ask them for a routine.
Will I make it?
Thick back breh, I'm jelly of mass. now just cut to shredded
Good traps m8
I hear they often put people on machines because it's easier to teach someone how to use a machine than it is to teach them to use the free weights. If you have a pt who'll teach you to use free weights then that's ideal, although I'd still recommend double-checking your form online to make sure they haven't missed anything.
Try lower weight, super sets with dumbbell incline press and Arnold flies
6 to 8 flies 6 to 8 incline press 6 to 8 flies, rest no more than 30 seconds, repeat x5 adjusting weight as needed to complete,
Shit works I swear to god , crazy chest doms
Thanks bruh, also mirin' vascularity
Attempted back shot as well
152 lbs
4 years training
6'2 190
body is ready for festival season
just look up "big 3" on google and check your form with youtube videos/filming yourself
if you actually eat and lift hard you can even outlift those birthing hips
lol fucking manlets
user you have klinefelters
5'5 | 166 lbs
>inb4 manlet
Got approached by some old dude at the gym today that said I looked familiar and asked me about my routine. Felt alright. Two years as of this August.
I'd laugh but really I'm mad jealous of those easy ass gains at such a low weight.
why are you so fucking helpless? do you not know how to google things? did you read the fucking sticky? fuck off, leave, never come back
T hank you hungry skeleton
Holy shit man, if you're making natty gains thats insane. You've come a long way since you first started posting on here. Do you have a day 1 and now comparison? Also what is your shoulder routine like
What are they?
yep, natty
>easy ass gains at such a low weight
i don't know what you're talking about
>those hips
6' 198
Pretty much given up on abs at this point, last summer I did a cut, felt miserable and my abs didn't look nearly as defined as most guys on here.
dont fall for the squats + deadlifts are enough for abs meme. You have to treat them as any other muscle.
>dont fall for the squats + deadlifts are enough for abs meme
it's not a meme, you just don't do any volume
the actual meme is doing crunches and shit for abs, there's millions of dyels doing these exercises with 0 results
>squat once a week
>DL once a week
>qqqqq where my abs at
Also your gym looks cool af
Please explain!
Pls notice my hips too senpai
squats and dls are part of my routine and I don't do them only once a week, anyway this is pointless now because I'm not looking to cut anytime soon.
>Also your gym looks cool af
Mercedes Club, I get to lift there whenever I travel to NYC for work. Not being a local gave me the courage to take a mirror selfie in the locker room something I would never do in my gym.
just because you're bulking doesn't mean you shouldn't target abs
Ideal body
google my man
So, I'm not infertile thanks. I probably have a decent enough sex drive.
And some of the rest is probably down to diet and no exercise
Nice hips bro
it's not so bad, man.
Also, it wasn't the diet. It happened because you were just too fat. Regardless of how you lost weight, you'd get the same results.
The body takes time to fix your skin, but it can't do everything, regardless of how much time it has. Your skin was unsalvageable, so the body just did what it could and that's that.
6'1 200lb
Shave your goddamn nipples. Even worse if you're swimming and everyone has to look at this mess.
Squat 205lbs
Deadlift 235lbs
Bench 150lbs
OHP 90lbs
All of them @ 6 reps
Fuck off with your memes on a CBT thread.
How do I achieve this body? Srs do I just cut forever?
Pretty much yes. That's like 6 months of gains, but lean looks good as fuck
Did I fall for some sort of leg day may may?
can't tell without seeing better angles of your whole body.
What are you talking about birthing hips?
Big 3 does not get me anything useful on google. Anything else to add into the search?
6ft 211lbs.
What's my BF%? I eat decently but don't do any conditioning. Does HIIT have that profound of an impact on BF? 5'9 180
1.91 meter
98 kg
He meant the big three lifts (squat, deadlift, bench press).
Read Veeky Forums's sticky, do some research into beginners' weight lifting routines like SS or candito's for beginners' and join a gym.
182cm about 72kg
I pretty much eat fast food all day long.
Posted this pic before
5'11" 138lb
Any tips on how to widen out my chest a bit?
Try lifting and eating junk food, might give you some muscles
5'9 - New Zealand checking in.
Ok bro I might give it a try.
started really lifting a month ago. 5'6" 180lbs chubby manlet who plays rugby.
~183 lbs rn, hoping to get 170-175 lbs next month.
Lifts are all 1/1.5/3/3.5 for reps (fuck bench)
tips for building chest?
Don't expect progress in a month. Keep lifting and eat a little less.
you're literally me right now, fuck bench