can u develop decent abs without any weighted exercises?
abs are the only body part i truly hate working
can u develop decent abs without any weighted exercises?
abs are the only body part i truly hate working
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Of course
Bicycle Kicks
Elbow Planks
Leg Lifts
Bang out 3 sets of each every day and you'll literally see results in a week.
i fell for the "you dont have to do direct ab work" meme
I dont call out really bad advice often because it's usually "i was just trolling lolol" but for the sake of OP, is literally the wrongest post I've ever seen. You wont see more developed abs within 7 days no matter what lifts you do - only if you lose bodyfat.
It depends on what you mean by "develop". If you mean reveal/have a six pack, no, you dont ever need to do a single ab isolation exercise. Ever. Just maintain low bodyfat.
If you mean develop as in make stronger and more functional, you can do that either by being consistent w/progressive overload through either compounds and/or isolations.
>bicycle kicks
Ah yes, the "hissy fit". Not to be confused with the "temper tantrum" which is a hissy fit while punching at nothing above you.
>you will magically achieve abs with low enough bodyfat
Not sure what to tell you as far as why you struggle with this concept. Didn't have abs at 145lbs, never lifted in my life. Crash dieted down to 130ish pounds my first month of getting fit and wow, waddayaknow, 6 pack. Every month of every year for the last 2+ years my six pack fades in and out of clarity throughout the year when cutting/bulking based on what...not the amount of weight i'm moving, but how much BF I'm carrying.
Veeky Forums = The blind leading the blind.
Every human has abs, if you didn't you wouldn't be able to move your stomach. Read the fucking sticky, no matter how big abs you have they won't be visible with fat covering them, if you'll cut to low bf% you will see the abs you ALWAYS HAD but never seen them since you were fat fack giving wrong advice on the japanese cartoon board.
goddamn manlets
why are you tripping btw?
>Didn't have abs at 145lbs, never lifted in my life.
You don't need to lift to achieve abs...what are you blathering on about?
>Crash dieted down to 130ish pounds my first month of getting fit and wow, waddayaknow, 6 pack.
You could have achieved abs with a simple routine AT 145.
>Every month of every year for the last 2+ years my six pack fades in and out of clarity throughout the year when cutting/bulking based on what...not the amount of weight i'm moving, but how much BF I'm carrying.
What don't you understand?
30 minutes of ab workouts every day will get you a 6 pack...WITHOUT WEIGHTS.
How often were you working your abs a week?
Be honest. If you stuck to a regimen, it would not take you a year that's for sure.
how tall are you?
>Veeky Forums
>cartoon board
>you don't need to work your abs, just lose weight
>you will see abs you always had
No. The abs are muscles. They are built like you build ever other goddamn muscle. If you do not develop them, you will not have them even with low BF.
Let this goddamn meme die.
The real question regarding abs is: Are the gains developed from simple ab excersices large enough to be worth the time and effort to do them?
Can you add a significant large amount of mass on your abs from these excercises that you wouldn't develope trough chin ups/pull ups and deadlifts?
i got lean as fuck and never had abs, because they were so under developed
inb4 retards say thats not possible or i wasnt lean enough
We all did user. Was already a full year in before I realized I was 12% with literally no ab definition because I wasn't isolating them.
Daily reminder that squats are not a significant ab workout.
Do fucking compounds. Deadlifts may neglect most of your core in terms of direct training. you NEED a good core for lifting.
I swear to fucking god, 90% of the people who want abs could have them in a few months of they stopped falling for the crunch meme and started compound sets 4x a week
Fuck off with this shit. Yes, low bf% will show your abs regardless of how much you work them. HOWEVER, your abs are a muscle and are subject to hypertrophy. If you work them, they will grow and make themselves more visible at slightly higher bf%. Can you be fat and still see them? Nope. But somebody with well built abs can easily see them at upwards of 14% meanwhile somebody that just has low bf% could have a nearly flat stomach even at 10% bf.
this, seriously holy shit. people think you have to starve yourself for a six pack. if you make your abs big enough you won't need 10% bf to see them.
also yeah everyone has abs but they most likely lay flat because theyre underdeveloped.
4'9". Wanna fight about it??
fucking retarded tripfags at it again
Come on user. Stop working your traps and delts. Everyone has those muscles, you just need to cut and they'll show just fine.
>mfw niggers try to spread this meme so nobody but them has good abs
Fuck off!!!
Why can't it be both??
Do your regular routine but every night before you go to bed spend 5 to 10 minutes doing some ab isolation. Doesn't take long at all and the results are worth it. Don't let Veeky Forums meme you into ignoring isolation. You can do compounds but there's literally nothing wrong with throwing in some ab isolation. Hell. Do fucking curls too.
If you want a tight, strong core just do static stuff - planks, bridges, vacuums, ect. If you want a bigger, more muscular core, train them like any other muscle. Weighted crunches in sets and the like.
>manlet trying to give advice on how to make proper gains
Come back when you're at least taller than most women.
Yeeeahhh trolls are out to play today! Didn't know the topic of ab's were so triggering for you guys.
Answered this before. tldr - I trip and provide timestamped pics to show new lifters there's someone here who isn't regurgitating what they read on another thread while not showing what that advice actually did to their physique. Only triphaters have a problem with it.
I said never lifted in my life to point out the fact that I had *zero* muscular (abs especially) development. That's not blathering, you just suck at reading.
And the rest of your post is just awful, even debunked in the beginners sticky and by anyone who's lifted longer than 3 months. You said if I stuck to an ab regiment it wouldn't take me a year to get didn't. It took me literally one month, by losing bodyfat, not by lifting weights.
Resorting to calling someone who's 5'9 a manlet because you've underachieved with your own physique is on par with "i know you are but what am I". Keep lifting, actually track your diet, stop blaming being omg so darn tall i cant add mass, you'll have a body worth looking at one day.
This is true but to a much lesser degree than you think. Yes, my abs are still visible at 15% because I've lifted for a couple years...but there is a world of difference between your definition of "visible" (bathroom perfect down-lighting flexing so hard im going to shit myself visible), versus someone who literally walks around in broad daylight, not flexing, with visible abs. That difference is overwhelmingly attributable to bodyfat %, not ab hypertrophy.
This must be advanced trolling because you didn't comprehend ANYTHING that tripfag said.
>you'll have a body worth looking at one day.
You do realize that were you not a manlet that you'd be the hungriest of hungry skeletons at 150 lbs right? I was that weight in high school and you could see my ribs. Your physique doesn't impress anybody NOT because it's not good looking. We're laughing at you because you're literally on easy mode for aesthetics in pictures until you stand next to a real human and we see how pathetic you are. Come back when you're at least 180 lbs.
so many shitty trips on Veeky Forums nowadays
>it didn't. It took me literally one month, by losing bodyfat, not by lifting weights.
>lifting weights
Brick Wall mate.
Keep up the shitposts, I'm relying on this thread for my entertainment into the evening after getting my lifting in.
I'm going to ask a question that I already know the answer to. Do you know anything about FFMI? I know you don't, because implying I'd need to be 180 @ 5'9 to look impressive implies I'd need to be even larger than a) my natural FFMI limit of 170lbs and b) the fact that the very elite Men's Physique competitors on stage at the Olympia (have you heard of it?) in my division cap out at 185 (keeping in mind this allows NON-naturals, which is 100% of them).
Congrats on implying I need to be within 5lbs of 0.0001% of the male lifting population in order to compare to "real humans". So many implications, so little *actual* education. I'm sorry you were born without the work ethic to achieve something noteworthy, but that has nothing to do with manlet vs lanklet.
Getting called out by other anons for failing to understand things that are spelled out for you, kek.
I'm more comparing you to people at respectable heights.
>put on 20 pounds at 6ft+
>looks like a manlet putting on 5lbs
Fuck out of here. How many Olympia winners were dwarven?
Heavy squats and deads. (OHP as well)
This isnt hard people. Quit with the shortcuts / dyel shit and do your fucking compounds. Sheesh
A manlet with gains is like a fat chick with tits. Nobody cares.
Saying that you'll get good abs from lowering body fat alone is like saying you'll reveal sculpted pecs under your mantittys by lowering body fat alone, without actually doing some lifts for them. Or like saying you'll reveal mad arms just by doing body fat without ever actually working them.
Squats and deads are not adequate work alone for abs, don't fall for a shit meme.
>Keep lifting, actually track your diet, stop blaming being omg so darn tall i cant add mass, you'll have a body worth looking at one day.
>145 lbs
>acts like he's a fitness guru
pls go and stay go m8
That's where your mother should have tossed you when the doctor told her you would be a midget.
>Veeky Forumsizens under 6'0
>thinking that their unsolicited advice is worth anything
top snek, fagets
Funny how so many lanklets think they're superior based on something they literally have no control over. It's like saying BTFO I HAVE BROWN HAIR BLUE EYES.
Also laughing at the scenario of you bringing a girl home (based on your superior height-based advantage, amirite?), you taking off your clothes and her thinking "I kind of thought he would be in shape based on how big he looked with clothes on..." What is your usual response to this? "I-I-iit's r-really hard to add mass when you're 6 foot 11".
Not to bash on taller than avg folks, plenty of them have great physiques that I admire. I'm just assuming this doesn't apply to any of the ones complaining about their height here, as there is a shocking number (0) of examples provided by the shitizens itt.
a fucking manlet too
>16% with high visibility
100% push press is all you need.
literally everyone who didn't get abs didn't do push press or overhead squats.
push press and stomach vacuums are all you need.
ok normally i don't approve of this tripfag's shenanigans. only seen him like twice prior to this thread, and never cared for him.
i would like to retract that, as this kind tripfag user has saved the thread and the summerfags with truth and legitimate info.
well done Balconybro, i salute you and your natty gains.
>not willing to look temporarily retarded for lasting aesthetics
Again, fat chick with big tits. Nobody will make fun of you for having it. Just don't show it off like we're supposed to be impressed that you put on 10 pounds of muscle. A person at an adult male height would need to put on at least 20 to 30 to show the same amount. Stay short. I've leave you with some leddit shit to counter your 'muh women care more about muscles' idea. Turns out you won't ever show them to her because she finds men shorter than her strange in almost all cases.
I actually enjoy your trip and you gave good advice in the cbt yesterday. You aren't the motivating factor to lifting but you're definitely a solid bulwark towards your fellow fitizens who can struggle with stalled progress. Keep doing you bro.
those are pretty ugly abs, bro
I think this little guy needs a nap. :)
Keep getting your self-supporting bias from reddit, that'll take you far in life. I'm pretty sure they have good surveys about how attractive women totally prefer dad-bods as well. That should really boost your confidence, you're welcome.
NP user, retarded threads like this are just me toying with guys grasping at straws trying to justify to themselves why they're not making progress. Can't possibly be hard work and dedication, obviously it's the crippling genetic curse of being tall.
>in almost all cases.
>90% of chicks in that thread wouldn't have a problem dating a 5'7" guy
good job sabotaging yourself faggot lmao
Aayy Balconybro where can u find your routine? I'm practically the same height/build/weight as you in your earlier progress pics, whatever you're doing I should mimic it. I also agree 100% about bf% being key for abs, the guy I know with the most in-your-face 8-pack is a dyel runner with extremely low body fat.
*where can I
Fucking autocorrect
Thank you for the solid advices
Here ya go, copy/pasted from previous q&a.
Weekly schedule = ABCABCX
A Day - Chest and Biceps
B Day - Legs and Triceps
C Day - Back and Shoulders
X Day - Rest, no lifting
Scheduling it this way allows every muscle a full 72 hours to heal and recover before exercising it again. Additionally, no two overlapping muscles are worked on the same day, avoiding fatigue conflicts.
Which exercises to do: Go to youtube and simply type in top 5 exercises for . For every muscle group choose any 4 exercises that look fun to you (and your gym has the equipment for). On “A Day” you should have a list of 4 chest and 4 biceps exercises.
Perform each exercise with a weight that allows you to do 4 sets of 8-12reps each. When you can perform 12 reps for each of the four sets, it’s time to go to a higher weight and work your way up again.
Any recommendation on how to get such a lean body?
jesus, this guy is the next supermong: autistic enough to not see that nobody is admiring his shitty physique, and delusional enough to give advice to spergs on Veeky Forums and expecting to be taken seriously. Also arrogant enough to keep his trip.
Just please post your face 1 time, so that people can see how hideously alike to supermong you probably are.
I stay lean through diet alone these days. Just daily tracking of calories and making sure I get my protein.
>being so autistic to say no one is asking for advice on routine/diet *in this very thread*, as well as cbt's and other places I respond to questions about my physique with. Also I posted face before and not a single negative thing was said. Sorry for ruining your fantasy.
Fucking kek.
>bu bu muh average american height
Literally when will they learn?
Thanks breh, much appreciated. Are you natty?
Of course he is retard. You think you need gear to be 145 lbs?
Yes natty.
155lbs, get it right senpai.
Are you still with us Mr. Balcony? I'm curious about your diet. Are you keto/paleo/vegan/etc. enthusiast or just have certain macro ratios you try to hit?
Also, do you do any kind of cardio?
he's on an IF diet lately
lurk CBT he's usually around giving free help the nice motherfucker
balconybro you are a decent guy don't let the crabs wear you down
Kewl, thanks man
My diet is IIFYM. I've tried diets that are specific to macro % ratios like keto, low carb, low fat, intermittent fasting, and plenty of other diets. Found that none of them make a difference over the long haul in terms of impacting bodyfat or muscle building, choose whichever is easiest for you to feel satiated and happy on. They are simply methods of controlling appetite, that's it. As mentioned most recently I used IIFYM + intermittent fasting for this summers cut, it made it the most bearable one yet. Would recommend.
The only actual numbers I track nowadays are are protein and Calories. Shifting the rest of your calories between carbs vs fats is just a matter of how you feel, cravings, etc, provided it doesn't exceed your total caloric target.
I don't incorporate cardio often, only when trying to speed up a cut cycle when I feel like calorie restriction alone isn't going fast enough.
Domo arigatou, Balcony-san. Last question, I'm sure you're sick of them but I might as well try- how long do your bulk/cut cycles last? Three months each?
>Making an analogy to imply a fact
Lmao. I'm a low bf skelly and you can easily see my abs, I don't got any pecs as those muscles actually require some working out to get big.
He was actually really based and helpful in that one thread a week or so ago.
He's aesthetic af so I'd rather trust him than you anonymous fat powerlifters desu.
100% agree. These other posters should put up or shut up, I don't see a single one of them posting a comparable physique.
NP, ask anything you got. I'm just netlifx & chilling on the balcony tonight with the fitfam.
I recommend bulking cycles to be at least 6 months. The longer you can push it the better, I did 8 months (with a brief 2 or 3 week recomp in the middle) this last bulk. Obviously you'll have to cut a few more lbs come cutting times, but if you're lean accurately bulking around +300cals (not dirty bulking eating everything in sight) that'll only mean an extra 3-4 lbs of fat for another 2 months of gains.
Seasonal cutting after a bulk should ideally be 4-8 weeks. If you're coming from being significantly overweight (not a seasonal bulk) that is a different topic entirely.
>tfw filtered balconybro
Veeky Forums instantly better, I advice you guys to do the same
hey man finally hitting that chest? looking good so far
Thx nice anons.
Going way back to the topic of this thread, here's a relevant dose of realism to rustle some jimmies. This pic is an example of going from resting visible abs (top left) to flexed (bottom right). The uninformed posters posting shit itt about "having abs at 15%+" etc etc, I guarantee you look skinnyfat, average, or far worse when not flexing hard or without superb lighting. This is why you can watch youtube videos of fitness models in casual interactions talking and yet they still have a very clear midsection. No, they aren't secretly flexing 24/7. They just are that lean. It's a harsh truth that I didn't want to believe either. But it's just how the human male body works.
Hey man I wasn't joking when I said the other reason I come to fit (other than to help new lifters) *IS* to get feedback on my physique, especially the constructive ones that point out imbalances without resorting to the same old troll bs. Everyone kept saying chest and glutes were my weaknesses, so I've tweaked my routine for the entire summer so I'm hitting them both 3x a week instead of 2x per week. Glad to hear from an objective source it's paying off. Trying to make some changes up in this place.
why don't you fucks do weighted crunches and sit ups?
planks are a fucking meme
I don't understand how you're only like 145 when you look like you have so much more muscle mass than me and I'm at like 16% @ 180. 5'9 also
when i was auchwitz mode 117 lbs i still didnt have abs this is bullshit
I'm 155lb. The difference of 10lbs of lean muscle is close to an entire year's worth of dieting/lifting.
Post pic and I can provide you some insight as to what's making the difference.
:^) cool bro np, it is paying off tbqh, keep it up and you'll look even better in (almost) no time
see you around man