what's your favorite scooping method and max scoopage?
/scoop general/
I usually just use my hands.
Some times I might even use the tongue scoop method.
Inhaling is good too.
>favorite scoop technique
Im a personal fan of the over hand bird hunter scoop, popularized by the famous 1960s Russian engineer, vladkof
very effective method leaving very little mess and maximum scoopage
anybody who tells you to use their speshil snowflayke sideways valof scoop can kill themselves
It was fucking DEBUNKED in the 90s, sidewayscoops do not increase scoopage
what about snorting? I heard it's a pretty quick way to absorb the goods
Injected intraveneously
Please post a technique vid. My idiot friend started me with the valof scoop, but now I'm reading the science behind it and I'm realizing how he fucked me up. Help me correct my form before it's too late!
>mfw valof fags scrambling for better techniques once they realize how retarded valof is
get fucked you sideways scooping dumbass
1 scoop is all you need
2 scoops for maximum scoopage
get the fuck out scooplet
2 scoops in half a cup, so a 4scoop per cup density.
If I were to actually drink 4 scoops I may as well be eating a damn meal.
The packet says 2-4 scoops so I always go for 4 scoops but that's not enough so I put about an extra half a scoop in there because I always have to overdo everything.
Do a few empty scoops(to confuse the stomach)and then just grab a fistful and put it in my milk.
Weigh your scoops.
The serving size is always for rounded scoops. You're robbing yourself of gains if you don't use a kitchen scale.
>max scoopage
8 scoops on the daily.
don't worry my friend, my scoops are as round as my girlfriend's fake tits
lel, the OHBH scoop is a meme, it is way too much frequency and too low volume
the vertical twist dip scoop is by far more useful especially if your mobility is good
kid, when I was breaking scooping records using OHBH you didn't even know what protein powder is
I use the freebase teaspoon method for pre-workout.
>scooping records
competitive scooping is a purist joke, it has not value in real life
its all about functional scooping
>body: confused
>gains: C'MON
>mfw scoops run out
Hahaha oh wow
your scoops are losing gains bro
>mfw a human claims he can outscoop me
but who let the scoops out?
Scoop it randomly, always thinking im getting less than a scoop. One day decide to flatten the scoop and realize Ive been getting MORE than a scoop. Look at myself in the mirror, 250 lbs of lean muscle mass. Theres no going back, Ive just ordered my first creatine.
>Not weighing your protein powder scoop to ensure you get exactly 32 grams of powder which is the suggested serving on the Nutrition Facts
It's like you guys don't want to be autistic
2 scoops, 2 cups of milk, 2 tablespoons of peanut butter. 650 calories and 72g of brotein.