>tfw got challenged to arm wrestle by some skinnyfat DYEL
>tfw lost even though my arms were objectively stronger than him
>tfw got challenged to arm wrestle by some skinnyfat DYEL
>tfw lost even though my arms were objectively stronger than him
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This happened to me back in highschool in front of an entire class, I was fucking furious. Google arm wrestling technique its 90% technique 10% strength.
Same fuckibg thing happened to me. Problem was this cunt had long ass forearms so he didnt even need real technique.
I would never do this shit, you can seriously break your fucking arm that way
Long forearms are a disadvantage though
>he doesnt know proper arm wrestling technique
nigga git gud you deserved to lose you faggot
ITT it's Mehdi promoting SL.
thumb wrestling is way more manly
No theyre not. They have a bigger lever
A bigger lever means they need to put out more force to create the same moment as someone with a shorter arm.
I don't think you quite understand how a lever works...
Adding to this
As a manlet i felt bad so i went home and looked up arm wrasslin technique. Week later i went with him and beat him 3 times in a row. He felt like a bitch so the 4th time he raises his elbow as high as his head and press down my arm. Fucking cunt tore my bicep.
Like its a retard constest which could possibly get you hurt. Its always some balding retard with a superiority contest challanging anyone he sees.
>that moment when you realize sport involves techinque
sorry powerlifters
Try to arm wrestle someone with long arms and tell me how it goes.
this, arm wrestling is fucking dumb
This is my favorite thing to see Veeky Forumsfaggots get BTFO about.
>arm wrestling
Pssh, dick wrestling is where it's at bro
I fucking love dick wrestling, what's you're favorite move!?
Easiest way to win at arm wrestling is just crush your opponent's hand at the beginning.
It's pretty unlikely unless you're against someone who knows what they're doing
At Magnus Samuelson's first WSM he broke someone's arm arm wrestling, but he was an arm wrestling champion and his opponent had hardly ever done it before
What is this shit where competitive arm wrestlers can FINISH HIM by slamming their whole body against their opponent? How is this not cheating?
fuck arm wrestling
Not the user you're asking but mine is
the dock-to-choc
gets em everytime
>be 5'7 Manuel the Manlet
>challenge big guys 4 u to arm wrestle
>win because of my levelrage
>ask them if mommy didn't feed them porridge
I sure know i didn't eat any LMAO
found it
Intradastingly, the bloke whose arm he snaps plays the big Thessalonian at the start of Troy (who gets merked by Brad Pitt)
I usually trap my buddy in a sort of a modified 69 position(no homo), then I can restrain his dick with my mouth(no homo) so have the advantage. Two free hands, and a free dick (no homo) all atmy disposal to really make him submit(no homo). Sometimes I bring him to orgasm(no homo) for that sweet strategic advantage while he's still dazed from cumming in my mouth(no homo).
My friend broke his humerus in 3 places when arm wrestling. Nastiest sound I've ever heard. Just don't do it.
that dude's grip strength is amazing though. desu size ain't shit when it comes to arm wrestling. I was beaten by a girl in my non dominant arm in high school. I was puzzled.
>tfw shoulder can't handle armwrestling
Doesn't bother me that much but it's annoying having to turn down challenges and people think I did it because I was afraid
225lbs guy beats Hafthor with a smile on his face. It really is mostly technique.
yep, for a fair few years Samuelsson was (rightfully) able to say he had the strongest arms on earth. He had a long career in strongman as well, he was a top flight competitor for 12 years which is a long while in this sport
Depends on the setup.
A long forearm can force the opponent to have his elbow further away from him, reducing the amount of force/stability he can produce from the shoulder.
Arm wrestling gave me really bad elbow tendonitis once.
I won though.
And that was before I started lifting.
The response from the loser "but it won't matter in a fight"
You should kick his pathetic ass
Are you a manlet? I'm 6'1 and crushed my 5'8 friend who who lifts. Leverages are huge in arm wrestling
He does. You don't. Let me explain. The force being applied (bicep) is close to the fulcrum (elbow) in this context, with the output (hand) at the other end of the lever (arm). Hope this helps. If the output was nearer to the fulcrum than the force applied then the longer arm would be beneficial.
I can't beat people who have bigger hands/wrists I don't get it
Two guys from my gym got their arms broken while they were armwrestling at a pub (it was two separate ocasions) so I'd suggest everyone to stay away from it. .
In elementary and high school i was always the skinny small kid but always rekt everyone in armwrestle. i was actually kind of strong for my size. First time i deadlifted at age of 16, under 60 kg bw, i pulled 100+ with relative ease.
Every video I see with Hafthor he is called the Mountain, is he going to be the Mountain for the rest of his days or something?
Arm wrastlin uses the pec major and subscapularis for internal rotation of the shoulder. The anterior deltoid and wrist flexors perform isometric exercises while stabilizing. If you want to be good at fucking arm wrestling focus on the strength of those muscles and explosive power. Just work only 1 arm out for months, using the cable machine to hit internal rotation of the shoulder and only do Flys and bench with dumbells with 1 arm so you look like a fucking freak. At least you can arm wrestle. Stupid faggott.
Forgot to mention bicep also performs isometric contraction, thought that was obvious but some dumb faggott might complain.
I can only imagine the amount of fap jokes you'd have to go through after all that.
Same guy here. Brachialis and brachioradialis are not to be ignored either as they also flex the elbow. When the palm is facing inward as is the position of arm wrastlin, the brachioradialis has alot of stress out on it so make sure u do them hammer curls.
100+ kg or pounds?
>is he going to be the Mountain for the rest of his days or something
Most people only know him as 'that strong cunt who plays the Mountain in GoT'
So unless he becomes more well known for strongman than he is for GoT, I suppose so
Pic related
Kek, kg of courshe
Ignore these fags, its all in the ligamemes, you need the 'spark' to really arm wrestle.
Pic related.
>Be left handed
>Strong enough so I will always at least win with left hand
>Feels good man.
Also my smaller bro is 16 and also 60 kg now.
I trained him for half year now and here are his stats:
bench: 45 kg
Squat: about 70 kg
Diddy: 90 kg
>superiority contest
What's the contest?
Sweet, wish my older bro wasn't a skelly. Your doing a great thing for him, is he ever evasive or lazy when it comes to it?
I like this guy, such a superior gentleman he knows if he plays its a slaughter and not contest.
He has bad days sometimes when he is a bit lazy, but i dont force anything on him.
He seems to enjoy getting stronger and bigger, i think that its one of the most addictive thing ever. He started liftin with me after he quit basketball.
>having a vagina on your wrist
Oh, have a good look then. Closest you'll ever get.
>tfw no forearm vajayjay
Ligaments connect bone to bone and should not move at all you stupid fuck. Tendons connect muscle to bone. You are showing us your wrist flexor tendons there. Are you mentally retarded?
You guys know that you are replying to a /ic/ meme?
What the fuck are you talking about?
You realise the proper term is superiority COMPLEX not CONTEST...
Learn basic English.
This is now a "funny looking arm wrestler" thread