RIP Scooby
RIP Scooby
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this is fake right
Meme it, and we get to see Scooby in the news
I thought he lived in California
as much as you want him to like cock, he just doesn't, anons.
scooby is the most asexual person alive
but scooby is straight
quality thread boys
He came out and made a video about it.
But honestly if you couldn't tell just by his looks and fake smile that this man has a sick depraved mind, you're probably don't know people that much.
uhhh hes openly talked about his husband before? can't tell if trolling or not
Its just a prank, schooby loves messing with us. That guy is his brother.
don't fuck with me, he can't be dead he just can't be...
I sucked a dick as a prank before.
Next thing I knew I was involved in a gay orgy as a prank.
Nobody believed me.
is scoobers ded
I believe you user. The multiple anal orgasms you had were just part of the prank as well right?
The media can think so if you put it all over twitter
Remember Scooby's SJW post about Ramadan 2 weeks ago where he said that Islam wasn't a problem?
I wonder how he feels now...
I'm glad this faggot died.
He was one of the worst Veeky Forums memes ever existed.
That twink Zyzz, now this old queer, I'm starting to believe in God. Thank you based Allah for cleansing fitness community from cancer.
Sleep tight scoober
I believe you user i was part of a prank like that once one day a bro of mine and me were sitting on the couch and he just started sucking my dick out of nowhere he apologized later after i came and said it was just a prank bro.
He feels exactly the same. Leftists are delusional people. He's probably blaming Christians right now, that they hindered the guys assimilation.
Fuck me. If we hadn't doxed him a few years ago, maybe he would have been hanging out here instead of going out. :(
sleep cozy in the clouds scoober
RIP Scoobs
I think he actually said it's everyone else's fault for hateful language driving peaceful I-slams to doing this in his latest Facebook post.
Sleep tight, scoober
So... #prayforscoobs is gonna be a thing? :^)
isn't he biking in sweden?
wew lad
#prayforscoobs confirmed
Pretty much still defending Islam.
>Oh, and by the way, Omar Mateen is not a representative of Islam any more than Hitler is a representative of the Catholic church. This is Ramadan, the holy month for Muslims. A 'Muslim' commiting a mass murder during Ramadan is like a 'Christian' doing it on a Christmas eve.
He got married to and had sex with his brother just to trick us?
no homo tho right?
Haha, I knew it.
Yes, he's straight as an arrow. Oh, the puzzle master.
Hitler wasnt one of many commiting holocausts in the name of catholicism scoob.
so scooby was a spic? the plot thickens.
Scooby cucked by white suburbia
Of course he is, he takes dick up the ass ffs.
but he is literally gay and has a boyfriend
>Baseless claims of Americans being responsible for sand spics actions
He's even gayer than you say
What two grown adults do in their own bedroom is their business, I'm just sick of it being forced down my throat in the media. So, just because I don't openly support the LGBTQ movement means I might as well pulled the trigger Scoobs?
Fuck off you liberal fucking faggot. You're as big a fraud as Chang and Seid. You claim to be "Natty" yet you are on TRT, but won't own up to it.
Shit user tell him how you really feel
>sandnigger murders some faggots
>blame middle America (read: right-leaning whites)
>You claim to be "Natty" yet you are on TRT, but won't own up to it.
Don't be jelly just because you use TRT but get these roid rages and he doesn't
>says gays have sick depraved minds
>is a Veeky Forumsizen
brojobs are the best pranks
Hitler wasn't even a catholic, lol. Unless you want to call catholics all those fedora wearing atheists, that were catholics until they became teenagers and rebelled against their parents.
He was a gentle giant
Hitler never ever wore a fedora. Fuck you
shouldve stopped reading at media. poor you. the media is shit overall you fucking retard. and I'm not a liberal or a conservative, i watch both of you argue your points and get some amusement. i will admit though that the media mostly pushes a liberal agenda. maybe that wouldn't be the case if conservatives weren't being giant fucking babies the past 20 years kicking and screaming about letting gays get married
>im above it all, this fence post feels so good up my ass, ask me to pick a position lol nah I'm good right here on this fence aren't I intellectual
>I'm a retard who can't shut the fuck up, it is my social responsibility to tell you my opinions which are right
Strong reading comprehension.
I don't care what a straight man and woman do in their bedrooms, they're two grown adults, i have friends that are straight, but i'm sick of their heterosexuality being a public spectacle literally everywhere, in parks, theaters, TV, movies, restaurants and even the streets.
fag here
you wouldn't be here if it weren't for heterosexuals
Not an argument.
>What two grown adults do in their own bedroom is their business
Every individual action affects everyone else in society. If something is wrong it's not any less wrong if no-one is looking.
I'm in two minds if homosexuality is actually wrong, though.
>just because I don't openly support the LGBTQ movement
He never mentioned that once.
>the norm disgusts me so everyone else is the problem
>not an argument
Stay mad, fag.
In what way does my preference of dicks over vaginas affect society?
I pay the same taxes heterosexuals do, i require the same rights and services heterosexuals enjoy.
Unless, you're planning to propose tax discounts for fags, heteros need to shut up and mind their own business.
Desiring opposite sex is normal. Wanting to fuck same sex isn't.
It's not rocket science.
>everyone else's fault for hateful language driving peaceful I-slams to doing this
What is Sharia
I remember saving a pic telling the story of how some soldier executed some terrorist with bullets wet in pic blood and bury them with pig blood too. Why can't they do that anymore?
>only what 90% of people enjoy is normal
stay pleb heteroshit
Any fag that is supportive of mudslimes in any way is a fucking retard.
>Gentle giant
>who where killed last night
This meme goes in several layers
>Muslim kills some people
>"Aw fuck Muslims man, go back to the Middle East amirite?"
>Christian kills some people
>"H-He wasn't a real Christian, you can only discriminate against people I irrationally hate"
the difference is that christians don't kill people in the name of their religion. not these days anyway.
no hes in cali
I wonder who's behind this post.
Which religion deliberately asks for death of infidels? Certainly not the "love your enemies" one
Have you read the Quran? It's as peaceful as the bible. Extremists in the Middle East are political groups that just hide behind a religion, just like the Westburo babysit church or Hitler.
Yes, they are crazy, but that doesn't mean unaffiliated groups with the same religion are also bad.
Ex. There were, a few years ago, Buddhist monks who went around Asia burning down villages and raping women in the name of Buddhism, but that doesn't make your average Buddhist a bad person. Jesus
they fit like pieces for a pruzzle
pipe down abdul
>90% of people
This is literally what normal means, you fucking degenerate.
>It's as peaceful as the bible
which is to say not peaceful in the least
there are multiple passages in the quran about killing the infidel/nonbeliever wherever you find him. The verbiage in many cases is highly specific "cut of their fingers and heads". this is no metaphor.
and the culture of the middle east is not the same as ours. People get beheaded for listening to western music. They believe the literal words. Moderate islam is radical islam.
What is, the Old Testament Alex?
No! The just murder countless civilizations in the name of God, because they alone were Gods holy people who should inherit the Earth. The word infidel isn't in that book.
No, we're referring to the Quran, in the chapter in which terrorists had just taken over Mecca, their holy city and they had to fight to take it back. Where Muhammad clearly says that any enemy who surrenders should be escorted safely out of the city.
Answer that fag
Yes. Those passages refer to a specific battle where invaders had just taken the holy city of Mecca. As stated before, the infidels were to be purged (from the city), however, if they surrendered, they were to be escorted to safety.
But when you take that shit out of context, you're right, they do sound scary.
>It's as peaceful as the bible
Not at all.
Well, when they'll make a New Testament of Koran, then we can talk about peaceful Islam.
70% of people are obese+ in America.
If you're not obese, you're a degenerate.
>people saying hes straight
Bait? I've met him and his husband, really nice people.
It doesn't happen very frequently in developed countries, just like Islamic terrorism doesn't happen frequently in developed countries. Christianity in developed countries is more pervasive in institutionalized forms of discrimination (denying birth control/abortions, discrimination against gays, women, and other minorities, etc).
Christianity is not Judaism.
>I'm just sick of it being forced down my throat
Did you fucc?
Matthew 5:17 Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.
5:19 Anyone who breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
2 Timothy 3:16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,
Old testament still applies
Yes, I think he posted somering about the shootng though
>The anti-balaka militias originally formed in the 1990s as village self-defense forces.
and your second link says "revenge".
christians defending themselves against attacks and taking revenge is not religiously-motivated warfare.
>stopping people murdering their unborn children is "institutionalised discrimination"
>refusing women involvement in politics and the work-force isn't one of the most important acts of self-preservation of a society
Arab states have literally been occupied by foreign powers and bombed the fuck out by the West for the last 50 years you tard
The double standards are strong
>christians defending themselves
>Implying Veeky Forumsizens dont have a sick depraved mind