Whats happens if you take roids at like 28% BF? If you lift 5 days a week and dont change ur diet? I heard the sides are harsher the higher bf you go? Is it true?
Whats happens if you take roids at like 28% BF? If you lift 5 days a week and dont change ur diet...
Op you are a retard don't try this shit ik youre thinking about it
The whole "higher aromatization cause ur a fat fuck" is greatly overstated.
Anyway if you take roids and retain your fatfuck habits, you'll just end up being the same fat fuck but with much more muscles.
Not really that good of a deal. You see those 270lbs fatass top level power lifters? yeah not a pretty sight.
why not?
Because chances are your lazy undisciplined ass will also approach taking drugs the same way and you'll fuck yourself up.
Sides vary from person to person and a fat one can experience less sides than skinny, so you can try if you want, but if you don't start cutting don't expect any drastic change in your appearance.
I lift heavy 5 days a week just don't diet
Get mired by all kinds of girls, of course.
Pic related.
That's like 40%bf
Real talk, OP. You are an uneducated dumbass. Steroids are not for you. Diet and exercise are the most basic requirements before you even begin to know enough to take steroids safely.
I workout my ass off just have no desire to diet
the bad side effects will probably be intensified. for example, increased blood pressure from steroids while being obese wouldn't be good.
then youre gona have big muscles and remain fat as fuck like
But at least
>m-muh power!!!
I am on high blood pressure meds since I was young and ripped both my parents are skinny and have it too since they were young
He's likely to get fatter since test increases appetite.
Not everyone gets the same sides.
But yeah
>holy shit im on roids! time to eat TWICE AS MUCH FOOD!! M-MUH POWER!! I-I CANT GET FAT WHILE ON GEAR!
not even a gram of tren can cure a dumbfuck diet.
You'll die.
as he said, "your lazy undisciplined ass"
anybody can lift heavy 5 times a week, don't act like it's something that requires discipline
in two hypothetical worlds, one with person A who is skinny and the other with person A who is fat, the fat person A will have a higher likelihood of worse effects 100% of the time due to the increase in fat converting excess amounts of estro
How about DNP?
dnp is only a temporary solution if you arent going to fix your diet. You will put it ALL back on and possibly more if you dont fix your diet after using it
Fat habits = get fatter = never going to look good
Roids + fat habit = get fatter and more muscle = Look too fat to even notice muscles
Im actually on roids as a fatty on a cut currently (with help of DNP, T3, Clen...)
>babys first muscle definition on arm/back area
>still obese at 222 at 5'10
>doing cable-only lifts
Results are good on roids. But you really have to drop the fatty attitude with more drugs/mentality.
>not even a gram of tren can cure a dumbfuck diet.
Ask Pete rubish
If you really take that big of a stack as fatty losing weight, you are a dumb ass
You can just lower your caloric intake and do heavy compounds and see big results
Why the fuck are you doing only cables? Are you scared that you're going to hurt yourself if you lift a barbell or dumbbell? When in reality, you will hurt yourself by not knowing what you're doing with these drugs and have a big impact on your long term health. But no, it's the fucking pink dumbbells you're afraid of
This honestly. Lifting 5x a week for an hour each session is a whopping 5 hour weekly commitment, which for most of us is actually a FUN hobby with added health/aesthetic benefits. Eating clean and hitting your daily macro's is an acual 24/7/365 challenge.
Seeing ~4 lbs a week while having arms looking bigger by the day works for me(on off cycle of roids atm), regardless of what others may think will work better for me.
Ofcourse im doing a lower calorie intake (~300 TDEE) while keeping up protein intake. Take it as an experiment to see if what fraud and other sources are preaching that their way is the only way.
I switched to cables as I had a wrist injury that bothered me over 2 months. Its better now but tricep workouts definitely are loading onto my wrist still. I still do test my bench and ohp and see big improvements, no worries user.
his ROM on bench would be like 4 board press for me