let's go
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Nah not gonna do it
>no crime occurred
Why is this allowed?
cause newspapers
You ever wonderes how many meat eaters died, trying to climb that mountain?
There are dumb vegans that don`t care about a proper diet excactly like there are dumb meat eaters that don`t care about their diets. You just donĀ“t hear about the high amount of not-dumb-vegans in you meat-shilling CNN, FOX or what else you might watch.
You ever hear of meat eaters climbing mount everest and dying to try and prove meat eaters can climb mount everest?
Once you put an agenda to something and fail spectacularly, it makes it a shit load worse. You don't hear about meat eaters failing because they don't need to tell the world and slap labels to the fact that they eat meat.
fucking kek
you laugh at the death of another human because you disagree with what they eat?
15 year old trying too hard to fit in, or a mentally challenged person. Either way, get help, please
That wasn't even op in the picture Fucking newfag
huh...you`re right. I didn`t think about the fact that she promoted it with this "look- a VEGAN can do it too!!!" and then failed it.
I think im a little salty because things like this cause way to much people to post about how vegans are weak or dumb in general.
Just 2 days ago i read about this mother that (nearly?) killed her baby, because she fed it with her breastmilk but did not supplement B12 (and had a bad diet in general). I can`t count how many posts i`ve read after that about how dumb liberal fuckwits vegans in general are.
Makes me sad and salty as a vegan sportsperson that knows a lot other vegans that care about their body and health too...
That dick tho
>Dead weight with a hole in the middle
Literally a woman
Nice try middleschool bane
they're a victim of their own hubris
Muh sides
Letting these retards run rampant is a crime we all share.
>thoracic spine annihilators
but that would activate the lumbar?
They are victims of an ideology
victims of mother nature
holy shit this guy greentexts like a fucking massive retard
It's either the "ebin troll :DDD' or newfags from leddit are invading.
Either way this thread is shit.
victims of their own stupidity.
>trying to climb a mountain WHILE on a diet consisting of twigs and tofu.
just LMAO.
>smith machine squat
you play a dangerous game user
>greentext is all over the place
>gets the punchline wrong
That's the joke right?
Hello newfriend
>I can`t count how many posts i`ve read after that about how dumb liberal fuckwits vegans in general are.
It's probably because vegans choose to become chronically ill by taking all those dietary pills to treat their deficiencies. Pretty stupid lifestyle if you ask me.
those aren't leg curls
We all take pills for something. Vegans take B12, meat eaters take statin drugs, blood pressure medication, and milled fiber.
lol no.
The solution to not being a fat piece of shit on meds isn't to be a dumb salty little bitch with chronic deficiencies and a dumb diet.
In other words, #goVEGAN
>We all take pills for something
>being this delusional
It's not at what they eat, it's because she was not strong enough to climb the mountain- when she claimed she was and was going to prove that veganism is as viable as anything else. We laugh because of the failed cause which proves veganism to be a meme
>permabulking powerlifter who uses suicide-grip
This guy already did what she wanted to do
I thought this meme died already l0l
And no one laughed at him. Except perhaps beforehand, but then it was not laughing at a dead person.
>What the
>fuck is this
>cringey shit why is he
>like he is twelve years
This is fucking disgusting
Lol. I just looked up what "study" you "cited" and found out they asked some vegans online to self report their food intake and then compared it to self reported data from omnivores and then sort of arbitrarily decided that the food the vegans ate was healthier. Its hilariously non-scientific and meaningless, and probably designed by a dumbass salty vegan.
That's me, laundry stealin' larry
upboats for you all xD hope this reaches the front page my good sir!!! verry funny many laugh heheheh
doubt they knew the cues for doing that.
then again it was only 20 lbs so kek
pbbbbbbttttttttttttt great meem senpai lmao evritime
Is this bait or are you new to this whole site in general?
GTA needs to get body weight gain again.
You never chuckled at a Darwin Award nomination? Get the stick out of your ass you moralising killjoy.
>tfw gf is 3' 170lb
>dat pussy tho, always puts out when I want it
>awesome gym partner
>never nags, low maintenance
Need the nonphotoshopped version where it shows the real chicken legs.
>smish machine
Hope he didn't forget his estrogen pills
My sides every time
If you want to lose I have a story
>it's 2009
>in gym class
>go to the football teams gym which I didn't know existed
>everyone wants to bench press
>every manlet in class is overconfident and say they can bench absurd weights
>no one can bench what they say they can
>I'm on the treadmill laughing at them
>it's clear they've never bench pressed in there life
>except the few football players there
>manlets making excuses about how there weights at home are a different brand and weigh less
>I keep laughing
>they ask how much can I lift
>I say fuck if I know I don't pretend to lift
>gyms over before I got a chance to test my strength