so this 16 year old kid on facebook claims these are his 1rm's in kilo, hes fat as fuck has very poor definition and claim to have been training 4 years. even with perfect training nutrition im still sceptical,he also claims natty do you guys buy it or am i right in calling bullshit.
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tell him to post a video
what gym actually has 0.5 plates?
>worried about a 16 uear old boys stats
Just ask for a gym session together bro
If you're stronger, you'll pound him in the showers, if he is...
Why are you talking with children on Facebook?
i reckon his gym has american plates and he counts the pounds as kilos
>smith machine
>1/12th ROM
>3 spotters touching the bar at all times
>getting flustered by a 16 year olds e-statting
>underage banned
you mean "underage b8" right?
he's probably 16 himself too
fuck off you dumb retard, lurk before you post
post his name so we can find videos, or ask him for videos
benching 195.5kg at 16 is olympic weight
The motivational shit was pretty gay, but that was a hell of a lift. Good for that kid.
check out how much miring was happening afterwards holy shit.
Chics foaming at the lips and dude positively rethinking his approach to life.
you mean 0.25
>ask him for proof
>stop making retarded threads
>kill yourself
pick all of the above
no way thats natty though right?
even jeff "all natural" seid didnt look like that at 16
Ah, summer
protip: collars weigh about 250 grams each. he's just factoring those in.
Ipf and iwf collars are 2.5kg
Clips are not collars.
Being 16, I honestly wouldn't be surprised if they don't know the difference between pounds and kilograms.
what's that he sniffs? poppers?
Yeah he's gay as fuck I hate him lol
He is natural as far as we know
He competes in the international powerlifting federation which is supposedly strict on doping
HOWEVER, he's never been drug tested despite breaking a world record
So I'd say he may not be natty
Totally possible when I was 16 those were my stats and was a fat fuck. But you can be sure he is e stating a bit
"including the bar"
youre this insecure you have to make a thread about it? hes 16 years old
lmao Isley is being outbenched by a 16 year old
Y r u even chatting with younger boys u fag
he's my sisters boyfriend
I wan't him to know I'm the strong guy in this family
Notice the woman behind achieving orgasm just before the clip ends
How much do you Bench, Squat, OHP and Deadlift OP?
>close to 200kg bench
>16 years old
You're retarded for believing this even for a second
absolute bullshit