>tfw always thought I was 6ft
> got measured and measured in at 181.5cm
> tfw 5'11 Manlet
Can I just lie and say I'm 6ft at this point
>tfw always thought I was 6ft
> got measured and measured in at 181.5cm
> tfw 5'11 Manlet
Can I just lie and say I'm 6ft at this point
But your not.
yes, pretty much everyone lies about their height anyway so i really doubt anyone is going to notice.
I'm in the exact same position and I lie about it to everyone. Only one person has ever called me out. It was a qt girl - felt bad, man.
TFW when I'm 173cm and don't really think about my height.
Boo hoo I'm shorter than average however I'm just playing with the hand I was dealt in life. Why complain?
Also, back rate?
I've only become insecure about my height after browsing Veeky Forums, 174cm Manlet here. Height doesn't really matter if your taller than the girl just have good posture and be confident
If you're 5'11'', 180 cm, barefoot, that means you're 6'1'' in casual conversation. Somehow it became mainstream to use your height in shoes as your true height. Even the NBA does this.
You need to go with the height inflation or start mentioning your wingspan and specifying barefoot height.
I'm 6'3 without shoes. Honestly I don't really ever notice it until someone takes a picture of me next to other people. And I'm just like "Holy shit"
literally no lats
have you done pulldowns in your life?
so sorry about your dwarven heritage, but you have no idea what its like being 6'+ and having guys move out of your way and have girls scared they're going to get raped when you're walking toward them. i dont remember the last time i had to say 'excuse me'
I've been a dancer for 6 years, my posture is not an issue.
I think the sentiments of other guys shitting on guys below 175cm is just them arbitrarily setting some bar that they happen to meet and say is you meet this qualification you get all the pussy, respect, or admiration you want.
We all know that's bullshit, you can be a 6ft tall fit fag and still not get what you want. Height is something but it's not everything.
I'm 6'3 with shoes and I have just gotten use to looking down at people. Even though I don't feel tall whenever I meet taller people and I either meet eye to eye or look up it hits me that I'm not use to it.
Odd feeling
>you have no idea what its like being 6'+ and having guys move out of your way and have girls scared they're going to get raped when you're walking toward them. i dont remember the last time i had to say 'excuse me'
Guys move out of my way and sometimes I move out of the way. It's not an achievement dipshit. Scaring away girls is great if you're gay, nothing wrong with your sexuallity.
You don't say "excuse me", OK you're proud that you're not a polite person, congratulations.
you dont have to be polite when you dont have to ask, dipshit. its not like im shoving tiny elves like you out of the way, they get the hint and make the first move to avoid getting trampled by my long shadow. you should rent some stilts and see what its like being a normal person, its pretty fucking great. i bet youll be the first person helped when you go to a store and youll also get loans from the bank at a better interest rate. i bet ive stopped terrorist attacks and hostage takings simply by being present, and the terris see me and do a triple take and decide to go bomb somewhere else in case i hero the shit out of them
no the NBA does this because it's valid, because you wear shoes on the court. It's for sports related reasons you absolute mongrel
>I've been a dancer for 6 years
Kek, confirmed faggot.
kek, confirmed virgin
>Can I just lie and say I'm 6ft at this point
every-time you lie about your height, the gains goblin steals a pound of your gains
>Hi everyone, I'm insecure!
I have a genuine love for dance and regret nothing.
I blow my nose with your opinions.
U mad little fella?
>2" from shoes
if you're 5'11 barefoot you're 6'0 in shoes unless you have lifts
It isn't really worth spending thoughts on things you can't change.
5'11 3/4" here, I still say I'm 5'11 3/4".
Im 6'4. It works great with girls, but I feel insecure when Im with shorter guys, I stick out so much.
I'm 5'8.5", but I just say 5'8". Half inch doesn't mean much, and I bet after walking around/squatting/whatever I am 5'8" flat.
You may be justified in rounding up. I don't know that I could tell the difference between .25" unless you were shoulder to shoulder with a 6' fella.
6'3 barefoot, dont feel different at all compared to swedish men, immigrants tend to be tiny though
well... generally if you're in a situation to compare heights then you're gonna be wearing shoes.
buddy i work with claims hes six feet but im at least two inches taller than him, and im 6' at least i think i am
>tfw 5'5 manlet
At least I'm a homo
>say I'm 6'5"
Fuckin jelly
Went to the gym, did lat pull downs (wide grip)
Tks for your constructive criticism, brah
Same but 5'7", height has never been a issue with guys.
Almost exactly the same situation. I always thought i was 6 foot and when i got measured by a doctor i was 5'11.5"
Seriously though who can tell the difference between 5'11.5" and 6'?
>your doctor can
Measure in shoes. Congrats. You're now 6'1".
I also just got measured today and im 5'11.5 is there any stretches or diets i can do to grow big
Improve your posture. Try back extensions and supermans as a start. Then do other exercises
Just when you think the manlet meme is just that, a meme. You see shit like pic related.
Seriously, just gonna go get leg lengthening surgery it'll will pay itself of in the long run.
strange considering asians make the most in the US and blacks make the least
And with Jews so prominent, basically means if you're a White gentile you have no shot at ceo if under 6 feet.
I'm legit 5'11.5.
My mate is 5'8.08.
I said I'm around 6 foot and he tried calling me out saying I'm probably 5'10 and not much taller than him.
holy shit that is autistic m8
Measuring widths of hairs now are we?
>when will they learn?
Shorter guys will make sure you know about every digit they are over the inch.
Probably sounded cool in his head.
>"Hurrdurrr im 5'8... .08. 5'8".08."