He made a mayor mistake
Is England or Sweden leading the fall of western society?
Why is this bad? Jews use bitches as a way to sell their crappy shit
if you wanna see a girl in bikini so bad just google it or go to the beach, you fat brain
Advertising is the fall of society
Holy shit nick wright has changed
If he's british why is his last name Khan?
... Oh.
>Sadiq Khan
>most popular name in Britain is Muhammad
i feel bad tho, I like the brits and earl grey and this shit is spreading to the rest of the west
Why is this good?
It's just a weird thing to ban
Do you eat all your calories in the evening during ramadan?
lol leave it to a fucking muslim cockroach to force his archaic religious views on the population after weaselling his way into a government position. how does it feel to have your country handed over on a silver platter to sandniggers by your spineless politicians, britbongs?
>why is this bad?
Because bending over to protect the feelings of some people is stupid. Fuck their feelings and post hot chicks on subway walls.
>All bodies are beautiful. Except those that are, you know, *actually* beautiful of course.
Ugh, I fucking hate liberals so much.
>Fuck their feelings and post hot chicks on subway walls.
Only a person whos been a weak loser and suddenly decided to start lifing later in life and become a wannabe-jock would say that you just said,
You will always be a loser
lmao fuck off fag
You should go and deal with your high school bullies instead of shitposting on Veeky Forums
You should hand out some popcorn next time you wanna project ya big queer
Im a girl and I have a BF, Trying to insult and call me gay wont help
woah dude you're actually a pretty cool gal
lol fuck off ya insecure prick
Go back to plebbit
>im a girl
Prove it nigha, timestamp and tummy
Fat bitches disregarded
You should deal with your anger issues, just saying
pls be in london
yeah and you should lose some weight you big tubby mummy
>>most popular name in Britain is Muhammad
I think it was 3rd most popular name for male newborns. There might be some relationship with the fact that it's an islamic Custom to give their firstborn male this name.
I was in London for half a year last year, it was horrible. Won't go there again.
>No one's confidence or body image should be undermined by ads on our transport system.
So no ads for perfume, clothes, gym memberships, cars, travels or dating services, then.
tits or gtfo
he is right, no ones confidence should be undermined by ads, if they do fuck your confidence you're a pussy and a retarded for making an fucking ad depress you... motherfuckers are just so fucking sensitive nowadays, grow a pair
having a bf doesn't exempt you from being a fat bitch. The ad is there to support people to lose weight. Hating fat people is such a chore
It's nice to see some fellow Muslim instilling some reasonable values
First Orlando, now this
We're doing what the white "Deus Vult" faggots aren't able to do
They should do an ad with two women fully clothed. One is fit, the other is overweight. No mention of which lifestyle is better or exercise. Just a simple photo.
I agree, that whore should be covered up insha'Allah.
I agree, every mosque should be demolished, every qur'an burned, and daily prayers watched for and reported to authorities.
Diets must include pork in some form or another (vegans incarserated, put into labor on pig farms), as well as pig blood used yo make useable plasma for hospital use.
Hell make all parts of the pig integrated into nearly every consumer product and include labels that proudly state it.
But no one will, the west is cucked.
uhh ok then
What are you getting at?
Agree, when did this shit skin decide he was British? Mudslimes should have no power in this country, most of the mudslimes voted him anyway as London is a no go zone.
/pol/ is both hilarious and worrying
i am dangerously close to typing "R____EE"
I'd support the mayor if he was banning advertising instead of banning sexy advertising.
Marketing is cancer, but putting a half naked chick on the marketing is what keeps it from being unbearable.
sweden isn't leading in anything
today i learned body acceptance, HAES and radical islam are essentially the same thing
That's how we feel about you.
This has nothing to do with body shaming
This is sharia in disguise