Do I need to stretch before I start lifting?

Do I need to stretch before I start lifting?

I haven't lifted yet and I hink I'll fix my posture before doing it. Is it necessary or will proper form while lifting fix my posture?

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Stretch after exercise

warming up is better than static stretching.

Do the same exercise you're warming up for, just with lower weight.

Warm up and stretch

Warm up by doing a few sets at low weight. Gradually increase weight up to where you want to lift. Stretch after your workout to cool down

I do mobility drills (specifically shoulders, ankles and hips) about an hour before lifting, then just do warm up sets right before lifting.

Is this a good program if I can't do a split?

Stop making excuses and lift.

Poor posture is caused by muscle weaknesses, so just lift and it'll get fixed.

Man all of these vaguely island-themed Veeky Forums posts are making me want to give up my ambitions and move to a small pacific island where I can eat massive amounts of fruit and wild chicken and pig and lift in a small air conditioned barbell gym with a bunch of giant natty islanders and take one of the women as my wife and live a generally jolly and Veeky Forums life fixing people's houses or some shit.

Why can't I have been born three hundred years ago to a small but prosperous fishing village in the pacific fit?

stretch after you strength work or on a different day after a warm up. you can have rest days be your stretch days and just do mobility work

No, I never stretch, I find it's not necessary.

Just warm-up with progressively heavier weights. Lets say you're going to lift 80% of your 1 rep max 3x6, then I would do something like this before my first working set: The bar x 10, 50% x 6 (%1RM), 60% x 5, 70% x 4.

> move to tropical island
> flying stinging biting insects everywhere
> large numbers of sex tourists who visit means everyone has HIV
> earth quake kills half the population

that's why I said "three hundred years ago,"

but I see your point, I'm romanticizing it. It's probably got lots of cons just like any other situation. Still, it captures the imagination you know? A simple life spent where most people would love to vacation for a week

Okay, thanks. Will lift first.

It sounds really nice!

all of these posts are incorrect

>Static stretching before lifting
- Does nothing to prevent injury
- REDUCES your strength for that lifting session
- Has been shown to have zero effect on injury rates for things like running

>Static stetching after lifting
- Has an increased chance of just tearing the muscle, which is now spongy and full of blood
- Will do nothing for the tendons themselves, since the muscle is more elastic

Static stretching is for causing tendon creep, to increase your flexibility. It's good and you should do it -- BUT NOT AROUND EXERCISE. Stretching and exercise shouldn't be associated in your mind. Do it on a completely different day.

Before exercise, perform DYNAMIC stretches and mobility drills. Legs swings, fire hydrants, cossack squats, arm circles.

So I should do dynamic stretching before lifting. But can static stretching improve my Dympnamic stretching or is dynamic stretching alone enough?

Not so much like this, which strikes me as a lifestyle lived for social media likes, and more like this

some thirty something guy got his bud, a boat, and a kneeboard and spent a day on the water. What a lifestyle.

bike around your entire island in an afternoon?

you need flexibility for things like getting to the bottom of a squat without your back rounding (hamstring flexibility). Basically, increasing your range of motion, which is critical for many lifts.

dynamic warmups are to get the blood pumping, loosen up the joint, and get your mind connected to all the stabilizer muscles around the joint to protect it (like preventing you from rolling your ankle). and they just make you feel good.

That looks really comfy. Hakuna Matata

Pic related is THE film for this feel

whether or not you NEED static or dynamic stretches depends totally on your day-to-day life and what you're doing when you're not lifting.

if you work a deskjob or are a student, i would say you absolutely should do both. Once you get your flexibility to a certain point, though, you might not need to static stretch as much, since you'll be going to that squat depth (etc.) from then on every time you lift

I'm a student and I spend most of my day sitting, so I think I'll need it.

Thank you for the imformative replies.

Damn I'm gonna watch this
