What exercises does Veeky Forums do to hit every/most of their abdominal muscles?
Always lacked in this area and want to improve not just for appearance but for strength gainz too.
What exercises does Veeky Forums do to hit every/most of their abdominal muscles?
Always lacked in this area and want to improve not just for appearance but for strength gainz too.
Other urls found in this thread:
ab wheel
anyone have a clearer and zoomed in version of this and does it represent good/decent exercises?
Stir the pot.
All you need are squats and deadlifts. Anything else is just a waste of time.
Just admit you simply want aesthetics.
Squats and deadlifts
here you go friend
Brodin crunches
Russian twists
Med ball toe touches
Stomach vacuum
Dragon flag
Reverse crunches
Do pick 3 of these and do them every other day, that's what I do at least (but don't take me word for it because my abs suck)
I dont do any of these and im shredded af
this.you can just do pullups or pushups and still have shredded abs as long as you aren't a fatass.
Don't bother summerfriends. Abs are made in the kitchen.
If he had a chest hed look good
>shredded af
you're replying to the wrong guy.he's not the guy that said he's shredded af.
>when u flex so hard ur chest disappears and your face turns red
>when you flex but you're a fatty so nothing changes
>tfw endomorph
>tfw megabulk
Did that last night
1. Anti-Extension
Ball/Ab Dolly Rollouts
Ab Wheel Rollouts
Blast Strap/TRX Fallouts
Blast Strap/TRX Miyagis
2. Anti-Lateral Flexion
Dumbbell/Kettlebell Windmills
Offset Waiters Walks (walking with a dumbbell by the side in one hand ONLY)
Suitcase Deadlifts
Offset Farmer's Carries (walking with a dumbbell pressed overhead in one hand ONLY)
3. Anti-Rotation
Pallof Press Variations (tall kneeling, half-kneeling, standing, etc.)
Tornado Ball Exercises
4. Hip Flexion with Neutral Spine
Prone Jackknifes on a Physioball
Band Resisted Jackknifes
Alternating Band Resisted Jackknifes
Day 1:Anti-Extension
Day 2:Anti-Rotation
Day 3:Hip Flexion with Neutral Spine
Day 4:Anti-Lateral Flexion
Can still look like pic related though. Looks better than that flexing manlet above me
That's an ectomorph summerfriend. Check out the sticky, there's a lot of good resources there. Basically lurk more and do everything Mark Rippetoe and trappychan says.
you're the hero we don't deserve
I used to do a ton of flutter kicks and bicycles.
youre a good friend.