So basiclly i have a routine i follow. But when i work out with my body he is always doing splits. He also get injured alot. And i actually got elbow issues from doing a high volume bro split. Redpill me on splits guys. Do they work better or what would you recommend instead?
Red pill me on brosplit
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I've done ppl with success,
right now i'm doing ABxABx.....
DESU i think that theres a little too much volume and not enough frequency on most bro splits, but what works for you might be different from what works for me.
if you're a noob, everything works, but it's better to learn good habits.
if you're elite and on roids, it's the only way to fly.
otherwise, full body.
It was THE way to train since 80s till today
It isn't bad, it's just obsolete
Full body 4x a week instead
Op here. The routine i normally do i full body 4x a week actually lol. I just rotate rep ranges. 5 for 3 weeks then 8 for 3 weeks then 12 for 3 weeks. Everthing back to 5 again. Repeat. Also i do boxing for cardio. I do change u slightly like add high rep squat days but thats about it. I dont care for splits i dont roid or anything and it seems like the injury rate is higher from what ive seen
Bro splits work fine if you adjust the volume to what you can handle while making progress. 90% of people doing bro splits get no resulsts because they use some juice monkeys split with 70 sets a workout and then wonder why they get injured and can't recover between workouts
Op again. I like what this guys saying and his approch you earned him a sub lmao heres a cookie
Mfw this is what fucked my elbow up following my friend routine when we lifted toghether.
When doing full body what would you recommend? Like bench OHP squat/deadlift switched every workout? And curls?
How are PPLs that different from bro splits?
PPL: back+bis(pull) / chest+tris+shoulders(push) / legs
3 day Split: back+bis / chest+tris / legs+shoulders
PPL is 6 days a week.
that other split you gave would be fine if done 6 days a week
do 1-2 exercises from each row
I've seen 3 day ppls too
how about a 4 days one, where you do very little legs because you are naturally a disproportionate t-rex
Good point. For that reason I've actually been looking for a push/pull (where I just squat on push and no leg day) that can be done 3 days a week like ABA/BAB
Wont load on my phone ffs...
that'll be pretty hard. i'm now trying to do a
PPxPPxx, or switching them up based on how much time i have. either way i think it's the best split
Same does it not work on mobile or somthing?
etc etc if you can fit it in your daily routine you can do whatever you wanna do.
Thought's on PHUL for an intermediate natty?
Why is that harder than pushing and pulling twice a week each?
I know how you feel, bro splits just need slight adjustments. When you cut on a bro split you pretty much have to cut it in half and work on maintaining strength or you will get injured quick (in my experience)
You're rotating body parts more frequently. So squatting 2x a week instead of once.
If you're new, you should do an LP. There are PPL LP's out there that have you doing one main lift and then 3-4 related accessories that aren't bad, especially if you're new and trying to gain weight. You won't gain strength as fast tho. And getting strong = getting bigger for the most part.
I'm not new, linear progression doesn't work for me
It's better than SS.
My girlfriends brother has been doing a 4 day bro split for just over a year. He was a complete beginner. He now weighs 168lbs and looks jacked as fuck (hes a manlet though, 5'8 or so). Can squat 3 plate and bench 1.5 plate for 10 reps