>19 years old
>workout 5 times a week
>cant stay hard enough to bang gf.
19 years old
Other urls found in this thread:
fix yourself because nobody else will and start pinning test
Realize that ur ghey m89 :o)
Take zinc and jerk off only once before you sleep at night if you have to
Gain some weight and exercise less, you skinny fuck. It's affecting your dick.
5"11 at 190lbs 11% bodyfat fyi
how often do you jerk off?
do you watch porn?
Search "Death Grip Syndrome" and probably have a look into anything that talks about over-stimulation of porn or some shit.
Never looked into it myself beyond the odd curious skim.
Stop training 5 times a week, reduce it to 3 and also increase the amount of calories you get from dietary fat.
Just turned 20 and I'm the same I've been changing so many things to nofap to changing my diet and I feel like I have little to no sex drive and I have to force myself to get hard. Had this girl give me a bj and and it lasted 5 minutes didn't cum and got soft. I feel like this should the age where I'm horny all the time and not like this.
Do you do any cardio?
>tfw virgin and afraid of this happening
i got scared last time i was groping this girl up because my dick didn't react at all
i had been drinking all day that day though, and the night before
am I right to be anxious af?
>Estatting without pics
Pick 3
No porn
Stop porn and fap less. Also, use lube or a lotion when you fap and stroke it slowly. Take zinc.
>lift 5 times a week
>rarely get laid
>when I do, last literally 2 minutes 1st round, 7 minutes 2nd round.
What's the most painful suicide method, brahs?
The majority of the time the issue is a mental one. Whether it's anxiety or a lack of interest you guys are just not getting turned on.
The drive will come back eventually, don't worry.
Those threads are always hilarious. Amerifats with horribly mutilated and dysfunctional dicks who can't even get off inside a woman's vagina end up blaming porn and diet and basically every single thing for the atrocity their parents subjected them to.
Just keep masturbating with industrial amounts of lube and hope this trend of genital mutilation ends in a couple of generations so they don't have to feel your pain.
>projecting this hard
I'm convinced literally only an autistic kid would be capable of typing this.
user, bb, I can be your GF for the night.
Just know I have a dick.
Sorry bro you're just low t. I jack off 2-3 times a day and had no problem Nutting in my gf on those days. High test ftw.
Get a girlfriend who doesn't whine and treat you like shit.
Your mind may be all mixed up in this relationship, but your dick does not fuck around. It knows. It wants out.
Your dick knows you better than you will ever know yourself, if it's not happy. You're not happy.
happened to me the first time m8. She just kept yanking on my dick and it never got hard. I basically went into full panic mode which kept my penis from getting an erection. Only way to over come that is to not jerk off for like a week ahead of time. You'll be getting an erection every time the wind blows but at least you'll be able to perform with a grill.
drinking makes you less aroused. You can still be horny and all, but boners and cumming won't come as easy. Don't worry about it.
>take 10 years to get erect
>cum in 10 seconds
I only date asexual women now.
>getting laid
Well there's your problem
>elephant dick projecting:the post
I promise you this will fix your dick.
And all these other faggots.
You can drink booze and watch porn at 8% and have a rock hard dick all day.
More fucking sat fats.
More fucking fats in general.
More fucking carbs.
Any more than .78g/lb protein is superfluous, Nd inhibitory to proper carb and fat intake.
Your problem is one of nutrition. And common among bodybuilders.
Literally why jason blaha thinks your dick breaks whenever you go sub 10%
3x a week fullbody is best as a natty.
More fats more crabs
form a strong emotional connection with your sexual partners so that desire comes from within and not from a simple expectation of a mechanical act.
WTF, I have this EXACT same problem. 18, think I might have delayed ejaculation but Idk. Is it a problem with my emotional bond with her? Attraction? I used to be hooked on some pretty nasty porn so is cutting porn and masturbation off completely a good method? I had it when I didn't have an intensive workout schedule, so I don't think it's that. help plox, I can't come or stay hard to blowies
To add, I'm already trying to cut off all porn, probably gonna stop masturbation as well. On a cut, 5 days a week workout, but had same problem when bulk, high fat in diet, and 2-3 days a week
>tfw I whack it to porn everyday
>tfw I jerk off several times a day
>tfw I still get rock solid if my gf even looks at my dick
>tfw I have no problems lasting either
Feels good being an actual man with an intact normal penis and not some numale with a mutilated dick
just get a blood test for testosterone
this goes for everyone in this thread with erection/libido issues
You're probably some cutfag trolling.
don't take this bait op
Seriously, do some mild cardio. 2-3 miles worth every other day, alternating with sprinting intervals. Keeps me monstrously horny 24/7 motherfucker.
Didn't know fucking kinobody goes on Veeky Forums
Really arguing against the golden 40/40/20? Maybe take some fish oil and vary your fats more(avacado, nuts etc), then if that doesn't work up the fats 10%
I can bang her for you, just say a word brah.
Yeah good luck with having no gains, steady state cardio is the enemy. Do sprints/HIIT cardio if anything.
stop looking at porn
Do cardio and don't eat like a fat piece of shit. I know when I started i just ate a bunch of proteins and fats 'cause I took the advice of "you don't need cardio." I switched to a more balanced diet and started doing mild cardio and now I'm a lot better.
You're an idiot. As long as you eat enough it makes no significant difference for non-athletes. In fact, as a non-athlete it's probably better to diversify since it's usually for health reasons.
I can't cum when she blows me either, when she is on top though, I cum in under 5 minutes
>8/10 grill from tinder takes me
>hottest grill ive ever had, previous ones were average lookin at best
>amazing tight body
>i love high test but she had such a nic ebody
>amazing perky really nice butt amazing legs just great proprtions and she was only 160cm
>cant get hard
Holy fuck I want to kill myself
Shell never want to see me again
I dif eatnout het pussy and ass and it was the best pussy and ass Ive ever had I dwear on my fucking life I enjoyed eating her out so much
I told her i have a 7.5" dick which is the truth but at no point did it get hard
As i was eating her out to make het cum again she tried grbabing my dick but I kind of went to the right because Iwasnt hard but she could feel that there wasn't mich there
Im a fucking grower I wish I were a shower
It was really late and it ruined the moment and we went to bed
She will never call or text me again
Fucked my shit up
> takes me back to her place
Do some fucking cardio you fuck.
You aren't fit if you dont do cardio every other day.
Are you trying to be "fit" aka some skinnyfat jackass who talks about running 5ks or aesthetic? Know your goals, focus on diet and you wont have to run miles everday like your hunting gazelle in 30000 BC
It might have happened before. Women usually understand if it happened once, they're just worried it'll happen again. Don't sweat it.
>mfw deathgripping my dick since I was 13
>porn 3times daily until losing virginity at 20
>27 now. Multiple gfs but never changed my degenerate ways
>still regularly watch porn 2times a day. Even when I know gf will want sex later.
>I'm 27 now and can still jack it twice and then cum in 1,5 minutes or 45 purely depending on how long gf would like sex to last
Who are all you limp dicked teenagers and what went wrong with you?
Also ive got small hands and mild gyno so it's not as if my test is through the roof
was the same way as you until i hit 29. suddenly nothing except cucking fetishes were turning me on. checked out test levels and they were perfect. porn has fucked up my brain.
staying off it now with no libido whatsoever for 2 weeks now. hopefully i'll get out of this flatline.
Hard to imagine that two extra years will ruin it. Especially since I'm not as degenerate as I used to be.
I would almost welcome a decrease in libido. I still literally sneak out of bed sometimes to jack off if gf goes to sleep too early. Times were when I wouldnt even get out of bed and just jack off right next to her..
As sad as that made me feel afterwards, still beats having ED though
>No bro it's the zinc! It can't be my hacked up penis! I just need more zinc to enjoy the feeling of my dick rubbing inside a vagina!
So much denial it's just sad
Want to know how i know you lok like shit and have never been under 10% bf in your life?
People shit on kino, but 100% of the claims i have heard he makes are legit.
Bro i am uncut, and i had a broke dick at sub 10% bf.
Also i posted
The problem is autistically eating chicken breast and lettuce, depriving the body of essential macronutrients (carbs and fats) it needs to properly function, and it doesnt have enough endogenous reserves to compensate
Wrong user, I have a full dick like nature intended
Thats not what I said fuckwit, just do a bit of cardio every other day.
Its really good for your body and no it won't make your "gainz" disappeare.
>went on an extreme cut
>1200kcal a day for two months with cardio everyday, ec and yoh.
>Stop getting errections even with 17.5 mg of yoh a day.
>Get to goal weight a look like shit and feel like shit.
>Eat at maintenance for 2 weeks and now on a bulk.
>Start to feel the urge to jerk off every now and then.
>Got my first no reason boner in like 3 months.
Everything is coming up milhouse.
if its not a mental thing then you need more fat in your diet so that you can facilitate normal hormonal levels. but see a doctor
I was on a super strict cut for 2 week and my libido just vanished.
yesterday was the last day of my cut so I hope it will go uo again soon.
getting the dick up is your GF's job
Tell her she sucks
>Asking autistic image board instead of asking a doctor
easy words :
stop porn
Download grindr and pursue being the faggot that you are