>get invited over by grill's house
>get drunk
>have sex
>have anal sex for the first time
>wake up exhausted
>missed my workout
>killed gains
What do you sacrifice gains for Veeky Forums? Where do you draw the line? Am I ever going to make it?
>get invited over by grill's house
>get drunk
>have sex
>have anal sex for the first time
>wake up exhausted
>missed my workout
>killed gains
What do you sacrifice gains for Veeky Forums? Where do you draw the line? Am I ever going to make it?
Other urls found in this thread:
>get invited over by grill's house
how the fuck does a house dial a phone?
>not being able to deal with missing a workout once in a while
You are not a pro athlete. Just do it later in the day or the next day. NBD.
How was it receiving anal?
It's not worth it on the long run.
Long story short I managed to pull a qt fuck buddy who I fucked like twice a night, four times a week. Only ate and drank garbage there, little to no sleep and missed workouts.
I dismissed her and proceeded lifting breh.
Maybe I'll do it tonight. I feel better and less tired than I did. At least just do a couple compounds and call it a day
>got invited over by grill's house
>she's a few years older than me
>on dating sites because teacher lol
>lists off drinks she has at her place
>something, something, chocolate milk *giggle*, some...
>"that sounds good, I'll have that"
>drank chocolate milk, made gains, calories to counter banging cardio
Why did you bother getting drunk?
I have autism and can't talk to people sober
but who was phone?
What's there to talk about? It's a booty call.
> invited out for weekend of hotel sex
> decline as I had gym Sunday
True story, told her book it Friday next time as no gym Saturday. My rest day, ain't losing my gains lads.
too real
but then how will he get to brag about having sex to a bunch of strangers online?
Would Veeky Forums fuck taylor swift if her tits actually look like pic related?
is this my future? :----
Am i the only one who thinks anal is disgusting, seriously how is putting your dick in some girls asshole and getting it covered in shit even remotely attractive, especially when they have a nice vagina full of folds to massage your dick like half an inch below it???
I tried anal sex once and just the smell alone was enough to put me off it forever
But it does, and yes
>the smell alone was enough to put me off
That's not what most girls smell like user
Your saying most girls assholes smell like roses when your drilling into their shit?
It smells the same as pussy. They're like a 1/2 inch away from each other.
>by grill's house
Did you ever get in the house?
I'm 27 years old and have never seen a vagina and I never will
i hated this, finally decided to bring my own chicken breasts everywhere.
When the journey becomes the destination
> left ex gf 3 weeks ago
> see her again at a small festival
> holy shit shes beautiful
> think about her all evening
> see each other 3-4 times
> texts me and asks if i wanna talk
> meet her at picnic table
> we make out
> end up having sex with her 3 times in my car
> she sleeps in my arms from 3 to 5
>she already had another man in her life and didnt tell me
>i dont give a fuck, was the best sex we both had in our entire lives
>get breakfast at some restaurant
>we both make clear that whats between us is only physical
We ended up renting a motel room 1 hour away from the village we live in. We fucked a 4th time and passed the whole day together. I dont even know what to do with her anymore desu brehs
you're not missing much. they're stinky, taste bad, a lot of maintenance to have access to, and if you're not careful 18 years of responsibilty comes out of them. i honestly wish i was asexual. girls are such a distraction and waste of time but i'm a horny monkey so my brain requires it.
Same here man
Sex is cardio
Not gonna make it brah
This is what I try to tell myself but it doesn't work
>he fell for the chasing pussy meme
never going to make it
Currently deployed. No damn IDF is gonna stop me from going to the gym. Fuck the Taliban.
i went to the movies with two friends, it was worth it, saw hot chicks, made my friends and a loli laugh during all the movie and i was happy like never in a long time
I've done anal with three girls. 1 was meticulous, perfect, clean, never came out with a speck of brown on my dick, no smell, it was great but a bit weird.
Another was my most serious girlfriend, we lived together. In general her ass was always clean, no real smell, occasionally a little brown fluid or specks on my dick after, especially when it was impromptu. We always just showered after.
Third girl was a virgin before me, not just anally, but vaginally as well. Her ass was a bit swampy, my dick wasn't covered or anything after, but it needed a thorough washing, and the smell was a bit rank. Anal takes preparation and good (and specific) hygiene habits, basically, is what I learned.
another one
the crazy thing is, you and her are more honest with each other now than when you were 'together'
Y-y-you don't want to talk to me user?
fuck my life... how into fix that?
maybe she was just a filthy whore who didn't wash before?
nigga you gay...
Why didn't you just tell her you wanted to fuck a little less, you autismo?
The first time I had sex she wanted to do it doggy and her asshole smelled so fucking bad I had to keep myself from gagging, some girls are just nasty whores user.
I'm not autistic son, if I want some beer I'll have some beer, I'll make up for it later
But she's not even fucking British....
Just praising her overlords, Calvin harris is though
Maybe some of us don't place women on a pedastal and instead have other goals.
Inb4 fedora
>losing will to nofap