Hey guys...

Hey guys, ive been posting here on deadlift form for a while now and just hit 160lbs and I feel like my form is breaking down. I just want to use the deadlift as a tool to strenghten my posture and have better structural inregrity. The deadlift is one of the only things I can do because of a knee injury and a shoulder injury I am kind of stuck on progressing much in other lifts until I can get enough strength for things to heal.

Here is a video of today's deadlifts. Just hit 160lbs which is pretty heavy for me.


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lift the slack out of the bar before you start lifting it up (you can hear the clank every time you start - you shouldn't). That way you can also keep your back fucking rock solid, now it's soft as fuck. You gotta pull your lats down to feel that tight back before you even start

holy shit kys

What he said. Don't rip/yank it off the ground, that how you get out of position. Get tight, take up all the slack, and pull.

Also don't breathe out at the top. Air is support. Hold it in all the way to the top and only let it out when it's back down on the ground.

I don't pause at the top, I don't see the need, as soon as your knees and hips are straight, just let it come down quickly but it a controlled manner.

The most efficient bar path is to start with the bar over the mid foot and the bar never to leave contact with your legs as it goes up.


Watch this. That's all you need.

Looks fine

for what reason?

>The most efficient bar path is to start with the bar over the mid foot and the bar never to leave contact with your legs as it goes up.

What about on the way down? A mirror of that? I had people yell at me because the bar was on my thighs on the way down
> take up all the slack, and pull.

I never really understood this. The bars I have at this gym are really curbed and bent from missuse and people leaving heavy weight on the bar, if i try to pull it close to me it rolls back into my wrist and almost breaks it

which one of you faggots downvoted this shit?

me bitch. fuck you op


lower with your back first, then bend your knees, otherwise the bar will hit your knees/thighs

also, if you can't roll the bar, just walk up to it until it's above your midfoot

i cannot imagine what it feels like to be this weak.

>caring about deadlift form before you even reach 405 lbs

>lower with your back first, then bend your knees, otherwise the bar will hit your knees/thighs
>also, if you can't roll the bar, just walk up to it until it's above your midfoot
Also careful when lowering. Make sure you're not bending your back and only your back all the way down. I see a lot of idiots forgetting about bending the knees once it goes low enough.

It really sucks man

me, fuccboi. tired of having to hide your threads every goddamn day about you lifting your bitchweights.


Quit your crying faggot, dont you have feel threads to post in?

put on a trip so i can filter your threads

Im not even OP and I still think youre a crybaby bitch

Looks fine man, you can add weight.

Youre a fucking liar