Anime BBC is real
/PLG/ Powerlifting General
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First for I prefer Sean over Panzer
>last day of Summer Session 1 Tomorrow
Everyone does
SEAN > literally anyone else
Just as it should be
Familiarity and comradery breeds contempt
>tripfaggotry general
What happens next
Sean and seanposters are the most valuable out of anyone in this general. He balances out everyone who's kind and friendly and corrupts the trips to lose their sense of morality.
Without Sean, this general would be friendly just like irl powerlifting, and that just won't do.
Mornin bois
day 2 of the deload. deloads kinda suck
two more even lighter deloads after this workout, then a rest, then 1rm tests.
going to drop my working weights by 20% and do a novice program after that, but I have some things coming up that will hamper my training for a while
Sounds comfy. What's the target on those 1RM's?
Also note that Sean has Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
Not his projection through his bullying of trappy, who is also mentally ill due to his Gender Identity Disorder.
These kind of disorders are serious, so be sure not to bully him too hard.
if this song doesn't make you rock side to side there is something wrong with you
Nah, Panzer actually posts legitimate advice every now and then.
I'm hungry, what should I eat /plg/?
pretty much
if I'm comfy and someone I like or atleast dont dislike is asking for advice I will chip in and halt the shitposting
or if Im doing something that amuses me I will offtopic post about that like making bread or some obscure shit
elsewise I have to assert control over my thread
>someone I like or atleast dont dislike is asking for advice
And what qualifies you to give advice? You are a weak child.
You can't go wrong with some 'go 'za
I actually gave fatretard good advice on his sumo form
>assert control over my thread
Sean, your characters are embarrassing.
See the following checklist and consult your mental health specialist.
form check
your characters
Im literally seperate from Sean and anyone who thinks else wise is retarded
You are troubled.
See your campus clinic.
My target is to beat my current 804lb total
that's based off a touch and go bench, so hoping it won't actually go down now i'll be doing a paused 1rm on the bench. bare minimum i think 815lb total with the drop in bench, but that's the minimum, my deadlifts have exploded and my squat has gone up significantly.
>men in nothing but compression shorts
why isn't this a thing? it's sexy, practical, and even this skinny fuck has given me a semi from it
might hamper my workouts though desu, very distracting
You're fucking up your neck, keep looking forward. You'll end up with migraines otherwise.
I've see black chicks pussies a day after shaving look smoother than that motion.
Are you visibly upset that i power snatch more than you ?
Are you visibly upset that I understand the complexities of a clockwork orange, such complexities that are in over your head and that you are unable the fathom such
Lurk more jesus, that gif is posted at least twice a day
>are you visibly upset that I understand the complexities of a clockwork orange
congratulations, your fedora should arrive in the next week
Shut the fuck up summerfag
no u
Anyone have any tips for me not to overdo depth?
He actually did lel
Thanks again btw
Pizza and chocolate milk
Put 4 scoops in the milk
no problem friend
>my peanut butter tastes funny
>800lb snatch
considering the world record is 214kg, i really, really doubt it
are you by any chance a very fat woman who can run a mile in 4 minutes?
Sean did you ever get that spoder?
Widen your stance
It's the zyklon b
your superiors have poisoned you like the jew you are
Making webums now
On an unrelated note
why did Candito commit suicide cause hes a manlet
why no trip sean?
let me filter you pls
Trips are for narcissistic faggots
If Sean tripped, he would be banned.
Also, he would be filtered.
Ergo, he chooses not to trip, despite letting everyone know who he is at all times through his words.
Yeah exactly, where's your trip?
Got a bunch of clips and a handful of reaction images (Bob has the best faces), and I'm only about half an hour in. I have to go to bed, so I'll leave this and come back to it later.
It hasn't crawled into your mouth at night? Maybe you swallowed it
big fat pussy poppin
Let's see that arch boi
reminder that form is a meme and trying harder is not
George Leeman is banging a 14yo Thai girl believing she's 26 just because she said so.
She looks old as fuck no way she's a teenager
whats wrong with that
What's his name?
Robert Paulson
chad owens
It looks like the arch of your foot is collapsing in the bottom of the hole. Or the soles of your shoes are absolute shit for squatting.
>She looks old as fuck
no she's just ugly
It's the shoes. He recorded a shoeless set and his heels stay planted.
Now try watching any fucking video of her instead of this blurry pixelated piece of shit
Is this any better?
I need to wear a belt so you can actually see my back correctly, as my shirt hangs too much, but I think you can see the arch if you look towards my ass/lower back.
It has to be better than the last one I did, at least.
Compared to this
I tried rippegrip today and lost balance at the bottom, fucked my shoulder pretty bad lads.
7/10 pain when moving my arm laterally, backwards or forwards above parallel to the floor, the pain starts sooner laterally.
>falling for the ripgrip meme
Just grab the handles.
r8 postworkout friends
>qdoba naked burrito
>steak and chicken (full portions of each)
>brown rice
>black beans
>chocolate milk
good post
>he mirin
That's what you get for bullying a (literal) retard.
1. Should I get a trip?
2. Should I change shoes for deadlifting and squatting? Thin soles for deadlifts, little bit of heel for squats?
3. Best ankle mobility stretches?
just roll them out
listen here you little shit
1. No.
2. No.
3. Mobility is a weakness that should be eradicated.
third world squats
Yes but how?
By not stretching, actively working to avoid moving whenever possible, and generally scrunching yourself up uncomfortably.
nn plg
Is that a brony..? He has hooves.
It's a centaur
>when you're slick as fuck with all the ladies but you're incredibly taken
What the fuck lumberpants, where is everyone? Did you finally decide to ascend to the 308s and eat them?
Dunno man did you eat them?
How's training been lately?
Nah, I'm getting all svelte and sexy so I'm merely eating a lot instead of entire third world families.
Training's good. I've started consistently doing overhead work for the first time in ages along with actually pulling off the floor.
>SSB is cutting
You okay bro? You're talking crazy
What kind of overhead stuff? Strict press?
Cutting is for bodybuilders, I'm just getting somewhat less fat. Tbh I'm not tracking my weight or anything, I'm just winging it, going by how my clothes fit and the weight on the bar to make sure I'm moving in the right direction.
>What kind of overhead stuff?
Ridiculous over the top meme-tier overhead stuff, naturally. Close grip Z presses with a multigrip bar.
Gym I'm switching to has a multigrip bar. I'm excited to try it out
It's comfy for your elbows and shoulders. Rather awkward initially, though.
Real IPF hours now kkkk
why would you deload longer than 1 day?
Block pulls below the knee seem harder and make my lower back round more than off the floor. What gives? Conventional btw.
Isley, you gonna pick up this bad boy this fall?
A rugby anime?
I guess I can watch the first episode
Tbh ive found anime so dull for a long time now. Haven't given up just I've seen every trope now. Played straight, subverted, it doesn't matter.