>tfw the DNP is here
excited as fuck.
Other urls found in this thread:
>loading is a meme
enjoy ur nightsweats fatto
i get cold when it's less than 80F outside/inside
i'm very ready
Don't forget to load up your DNP for maximum fat burning. 1gram + is best
thanks this saved me time from searching "painful suicide methods" on google!
Enjoy dying.
u r dumb as shit my man
Is that Gosling? He looks so young there wtf?
I think so, dunno where its from
? Death awaits you bro... DNP death pills.
What is dnp
How he is dumb? People say its dangerous for a reason, not like this shit is made in a lab, you're not taking what you think you're taking and it's easy to get contaminated.
Jeez some of you people are pathetic. You'd rather eat rat poison than properly diet for awhile.
u r retard
i'm not gonna eat a gram a day fuckface
500mg is safe
>You'd rather eat rat poison than properly diet for awhile.
i have been eating at 500kcal deficit for over a month and lost 3 (three) pounds
i have metabolic syndrome from another medication
this will help fix it
sure it's dangerous but only if you take it like a retard.
fucking christ, you're actually taking this shit?
you're a fucking dead man
IFBB pros aren't even stupid enough to take this shit (at any dosage)
have you at least tried an ECA stack first? it's supposed to be much safer
You lost almost a pound a week and want to cry and eat rat posion. You honestly are just lazy and want excuses to use drugs, because you don't want to cut anymore calories or actually do cardio.
>metabolic syndrome
If you had an issue with your thyroid you would have medication. DNP wont fix an issue with metabolism/thryroid. If you do have an actual issue, you will balloon back up once you stop DNP. You're a retard for thinking otherwise.
What is DNPs true purpose? Like what are these pills actually intended for?
I know it's a yellow dye. Is all they're doing putting the dye inside a pill capsule?
Goosebumps I think, the one with he camera. A picture is worth a thousand screams!
They're intended for explosives and fertilizer. Totally ok to put into your body though...
>A picture is worth a thousand screams!
Yeah youre right haha
Commercial DNP is used as an antiseptic and as a pesticide. It is a chemical intermediate in the production of sulfur dyes, wood preservatives, and some herbicides including dinoseb and dinoterb. DNP has also been used to make photographic developers and explosives.
you are absolutely retarded m8. there used to be a general here going on all the time with people posting (and staying alive!) at insane dosages like 750mg/day. it's summer and hot now so people don't usually take it because most people like to go outside but i almost never do that so it's no concern to me. wait until it gets cold again and you'll see the general pop back up.
it's not dangerous if you take low(er) dosages.
>You lost almost a pound a week and want to cry and eat rat posion.
i have like 20-30lbs to lose. not gonna wait 10 months for this when i can do it in 3-4 weeks.
we'll see i guess. i don't take the medication anymore so it could be gone and i could just be stuck. seeing a dietician/nutritionist soon either way, but i'd like to at least be thin again for a little bit before i suicide or something.
>What is DNPs true purpose?
explosives and dye since the 30s
used to be used as the most potent fat loss agent available but was discontinued because 100 men out of 100,000+ patients got cataracts.
this is a dumb comment. there is tons of shit you use/ingest daily that can be described this way.
is it dangerous? sure. so are opiates and every other commonly used medication. will you die if you don't take it like a retard and stick to tried and true schedules (250 4 days 500 3 weeks)? probably not.
this is like saying taking heroin once will stop your heart dead.
Be sure to get an antihistamine and NAC to prevent hives and rashes OP. I learned my mistakes... after 2 times...
He's hella retarded, he's diagnosing himself for one and then trying to "fix it".
You've been cutting for one month you lazy fuck.
>dying for abs
>the post
You'd be better off starving yourself.
>>You'd be better off starving yourself.
i did that too. didn't really do anything.
i'm just impatient.
gonna ignore you if you continue to be a retard and post le epic u die if u take dnp maymay.
Ur gonna die if u take dnp
>we'll see i guess
If you knew how DNP worked, you would know that it won't fix your problems. As I said, you need to fix the root of the problem (whether its diet or metabolism related).
It's not like you're going to take DNP every 3 months. Unless you want blurry vision and cataracts from extended use.
Really just proves your lack of willpower or knowledge about cutting. 20-30lbs is nothing. It's not a race, you're an average joe, not anyone special. There's really no reason to kill yourself for abs.
If you actually have metabolic syndrome, you shouldn't use DNP. DNP actually does cause metabolic slowdown/damage - for weeks after use it's suggested you continue cutting to avoid regaining the weight.
If your metabolism is already damaged, that slowdown could be disastrous.
Stay safe, buddy.
You guys have no rights to tell someone what to do with her body.
>If you knew how DNP worked, you would know that it won't fix your problems
i do know how it works which is why saying it will kill you is retarded. uncoupling phosphorylation and stealing protons isn't going to make you die. it will make you hot which could kill you if you get hot enough.
>As I said, you need to fix the root of the problem
the root of the problem was a leptin deficiency caused by medication. that deficiency is no longer there and i am losing weight as you would expect a normal person to lose weight by restricting calories and exercising. i do not think the issue is still there, or if it is it is less severe than when i was taking the medicaiton.
this is why i said "we'll see." if i take it and lose the weight and it all comes back well that sucks and i'll have to fix the metabolic issues but luckily i ordered enough to do 2 cycles if needed.
>0-30lbs is nothing.
for you i guess. trivializing body image issues is stupid especially on a board as concerned with "aesthetics" as this one is, don't you think?
It's dnp you retart
Oh okay thanks
Demon n***er penis
i do not appreciate your use of the N word.
Okay im sorry
If the deficiency is no longer there then why are you saying you have a metabolic issue. Obviously the problem is with diet and exercise if you say the deficiency is gone. I said you don't know how DNP works because >it would help fix it
DNP won't fix the fact that you have no idea how to diet and exercise to lose weight, which is why you will gain everything back from DNP.
The reason why people say to continue cutting is because people eat as many calories as they did before taking DNP. They forget that they weigh 20 pounds less than before and need less calories to maintain their new weight.
The lethal dose of DNP for the average person is ~1200mg, and it has a half life of 36 hours in the body. Taking 500mg a day as a normal skinnyfat/chubby person is literally playing Russian roullette you fucking retard. All it takes for you to reach the lethal dose is for one of your pills to be overdosed by the shitty underground lab that you're buying it from.
There is a reason why even IFBB coaches will tell you to stay away from that shit. You're trying to act smart but I can tell from the doses alone that you are describing here that you have no fucking idea what you are doing. Stop this shit right now or AT LEAST reduce the dose to 200mg a day.
/r/ing the Reddit post of the fatass who went on DNP and only lost 4 pounds because he still ate like a fatass
Just let him do it user. I for one love the threads of people saying "Just took DNP and sitting in an ice bath, should I call 911 before or after my organs are cooked medium-rare?"
stream suicide please
Dagger oNes Potbelly
>lethal dose of DNP is 1200mg
kek. says your own retarded mind?
>Little information is available regarding death in
humans after acute oral exposure to 2,4-DNP. A case report details the death of an 80-kg man who took ≈ 46 mg 2,4-DNP/kg as the sodium salt, followed by another 46 mg/kg dose 1 week later (Tainter and Wood 1934).
>46*80=3.68g DNP
>There were no deaths, however, in a number
of clinical and experimental studies in which
obese or normal subjects were given 2,4-DNP or its sodium salt at oral dosages of 1.2-4.3mg/kg/day 2,4-DNP for ≤14 days (Castor and Beierwaltes 1956; Cutting et al. 1934; Cutting and Tainter 1933; MacBryde and Taussig 1935; Stockton and Cutting 1934; Tainter et al. 1935b).
I am 180lbs. Let's call that 82kg. 4.3mg*82=352.6mg
>Several clinical studies regarding the effects of 2,4-DNP or its sodium salt in obese and non-obese humans taking the drug for an intermediate duration at doses of 3.5-5.27mg/kg/day 2,4-DNP have reported no deaths
Also anecdotal evidence all over the internet says 500mg is safe, but yeah maybe I should cut it to 350 or 400.
It's crystal DNP though so 2 pills is already near 400.
from this treatment
>IFBB pros aren't even stupid enough to take this shit (at any dosage)
>i have metabolic syndrome from another medication
>mixing sketchy medications w/o consulting a physician
don't do this
Why are you trying so hard to justify your cause? You're like the fatties who post about how beautiful they are, endlessly searching for validation in whoever they can. Just go take your dnp and die. Or live. No one cares.
Serious question. Been on 9 days at 250mg and taking this last day at 500mg. The dnp accumulated in my blood at this point is 665 according to this chart: i.imgur.com
Once I take the 500mg am I on day 1 of the 500mg scale?
Doesn't cover this anywhere and most people who use DNP start at a small dosage.
>If the deficiency is no longer there then why are you saying you have a metabolic issue.
because it took me over a year after ceasing the medication to recover to this point. i imagine my metabolism is still fucked in some way from it.
>I said you don't know how DNP works because >it would help fix it
there is some evidence that it can help fix broken metabolisms but nothing concrete nor worth discussing. just something i choose to believe.
>DNP won't fix the fact that you have no idea how to diet and exercise to lose weight, which is why you will gain everything back from DNP.
but i'm already losing weight, dieting, and exercising with results; i just want them faster.
not taking it anymore,
>get completely and utterly BTFO on your retarded claim
>j-just kill yourself f-fatass! no one c-cares!
are you incapable of doing math or something
the formula is right there on the image to tell you how much would be in your blood.
>trivializing body image issues is stupid especially on a board as concerned with "aesthetics" as this one is, don't you think?
stfu snowflake
Ok I now realize being on day 1 of the 500 mg scale would make no sense, but how would I calculate how much DNP is actually in my body lol
>There is a reason why even IFBB coaches will tell you to stay away from that shit.
Ha, no. Plenty of pros use DNP.
He did sensor it..
Ya apparently I am incapable and retarded. The number I came up with was less than 9 days on 250mg straight :(
>I imagine
There's your problem.
the orlando shooter abused steroids
steroids are degenerate
>Taking 500mg a day as a normal skinnyfat/chubby person is literally playing Russian roullette you fucking retard
nah. I went trough several 500mg cycles and did 750mg few times being a skinnyfat. Just don't do it in the middle of summer and stay hydrated.
There was a guy in DNP threads who used to do 1000mg daily while being a fattass and sitting under AC all day long.
Take very little starting off, increase dosage as you see fit to be safe
don't waste your breath on a retard like him.
>They're intended for explosives and fertilizer. Totally ok to put into your body though...
It's intended for CIA waterboarding and ISIS uses it to drown captives. Totally ok to put into your body though...
Roll for how many dnp pills to take at one go!
>6 get!
genuinely curious where the fuck you found dnp I've been looking for it for ages
>2 get!
plenty out there. check the pastebin and darknet.
>he puts poison into his body because stopping eating donuts and pizza is just too hard
>genuinely curious where the fuck you found dnp I've been looking for it for ages
sourcing is not allowed on 4chins, but I'll give you a clue: BABA stock
>sourcing is not allowed on 4chins
don't buy from alibaba that's fucking retarded and how you can actually die.
go to reddit for this substance and you will see who is good and who is shit.
dinitro is the best though.
Because it fucking is bro.
Vodka and saunas enhance it a lot desu
>don't buy from alibaba that's fucking retarded and how you can actually die.
Why would you say that? Where do you think guys like Maserati get it from? They get it from Alibaba. Lots of guys buy in bulk and cap their own. No reason not to so long as you do your research.
Pesticide that just so happens to have great cutting effects (albeit very dangerous if not taken properly)
>Why would you say that?
Because it's cheap, low-purity chinese powder with adulterants in it.
I don't know where they get it from, but if it's from alibaba then I wouldn't take it. It probably won't hurt you but if you're going to be ingesting poison you might as well ingest the least harmful kind of poison.
Dinitro and Scorpion get theirs from some US based lab connect they have; not chinese powder.
Afraid of a little competish, Mas? ;)
No one needs a middle man
Reminder that DNP is rarely used by bodybuilders, but is often used by DYELs on the internet that are too fucking lazy to diet so they take a literal poison.
>dinitro is the best
Found the shill. He charges double the price to gouge customers and to pay shills like you. Only retail suckers use dinitro.
Yeah because that's what they tell you as the reason theirs costs more. Let me guess, you "tested the purity in your home made lab"?
>Let me guess, you "tested the purity in your home made lab"?
Exactly. It's just shills in this thread.
tri nitro toluene
the D and P are silent
Enjoy slow and painful death.
anyone got the screen cap of the story where the op was on dnp and came in some chicks mouth and it turned her teeth yellow
Enjoy your shit product I guess. If dinitro wasn't the best he wouldn't have been around for 15yrs while everyone else dropped or died.
Why the fuck use this one you can just workout?
Are you just so fucking lazy you can't do some cardio and strength training?
Once you get down to a nice shape and have good muscle and do cardio you can eat fucking pizzas and shit.
Seriously you are just looking for this easy out that wont help.
After you take this dnp overheat shit you will still be a lazy fat ass and will get fat again.
Hell you could take steroids and it would be safer than this shit.
Kek at people still taking DNP. GL losing all your gains and simply losing numbers off the scale while retaining your fat.
Tfw people are too dumb to realize a clen+var cycle will make gains while becoming even more shredded than DNP + much more safe.
Actually I just got back from the gym. The weight loss just isn't fast enough nor am I gaining muscle fast enough. Failed 3 times in a row to increase OHP by 5lbs even though I'm eating enough protein.
Would rather be dyel with low bf than dyel and fat.
eat all of the donuts and pizza the world has there to offer then m8
it's almost like people start off as babies and get older with time
Nigga you need carbs for strenght
>Falling for the 4shit/reddit DNP meme and believing half the commets i this thread that come from trolls with the aim of killing you for keks
>Using it when the bible of ababolic usage (pic attached) only lists it as a "DANGEROUS DRUG" to be avoided
>Buying DNP from underground labs without any stadards and practices
>Not buying other fatloss drugs that can be sourced easily and cheaply and are made by genuine, and well regulated, pharmaceutical companies (clen and anavar)
Enjoy being cooked from the inside out.
>literally "i don't understand biology or chemistry: the post"
you too lmao
so many retards regarding this chemical.
Just finished my cycle with dnp went from 86kg to 78kg in two weeks running 250mg the first week and 500mg the second week.
250mg ed didn't feel shit and it wasn't untill I bumped it up to 500mg that I really started sweating.
No real other sides other then some dnp rash that I got a week after my cycle ended and that lasted about 3 days.
Just finished a cycle over two weeks.
Worked up from 250-500-1g-1.25g over 14 days. Was on 1.25g for 6 of those.
Felt sluggish, but I dropped 45lbs. Started doing hot baths on day ten too and think that really helped.
I'm sold on it.
>Worked up from 250-500-1g-1.25g
>Started doing hot baths on day ten
double lol
Awww boo hoo, you don't like other people's choices. Who gives a shit what you think. People will do what they want regardless of your suspension of your approval.
You're an idiot, so here's the - most respected - book on roids.
Use it as a guideline for your drug usage before doing your own medical research, OR take some DNP and burn!
Either way I don't care. You're social darwinism in theory and practice. Being burnt to death painfully is the fate you deserve.